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Feats of Faith

Started by Norv, April 24, 2009, 08:38:26 PM

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Norvis sprinkled some infinite dust over the bowl in front of him. A powerful smell of peacebloom and stranglekelp, combined with some incense as well, raises from the bowl and engulfs him.
He usually didn't need anymore to make a ritual for the big grey wolf to appear to him, he felt the connection so strongly that it was like the wolf was around the corner anytime. But this time he feared the wolf might be upset, or something, since the last meeting with him and the orcs. The orcs had a fight among themselves, around Nazkhur's attempt to kill him, but also it seemed that a few issues they may have had with each other had surfaced with that occasion. Whatever it was, Norvis didn't know for sure, as he was in some kind of trance most of the time. All he knew was that orcs stood up for him, but he also felt the wolf's sadness, it was overwhelming, more powerful than ever.

"But it is not my sadness you called me for, is it?" the wolf's words entered his mind, though no sound really came from the big, grey wolf that appeared on the other side of the bowl.
Norvis nodded slowly. It wasn't. He called him because of his own doubts, as he needed something. An idea. An advice.
"Well... I do not know how to explain. I mean, you know, it is the orcs."
The wolf's big, grey and ghostly body was simply staying and waiting, not moving, like the image of the patience itself. Not that it wasn't needed...
"Well, they keep coming to me for advice, I mean, to know what to do. That is, those that do not want the Path of the Warrior."
Norvis made a little pause.
"Please let me explain.
There were orcs, along the way... I mean, Torkahn offered his help on history of the tribe, and you, that is, he always has an advice from his experience, and I asked him when I needed one, with the trolls, he knows them well, and then with Tamaska. But other orcs should know they can ask him, you see. Otherwise, how can they? Then, Vlargrom, I mean, he wished to follow the Path of Spirit. And, yes, I know Vargukha considered necessary certain things. Things, to help him face his own fears, perhaps. Perhaps he needed that, indeed, and other things, but then again, he may have succeeded. Though I am not certain how I am supposed to know if he really did, so that he can be allowed to try helping the same way other orcs himself... Then, well, there are others..."

Norvis didn't say it, but he knew the wolf felt his thoughts, his not too clear thoughts about Mazguul. It was not her hands. But there was something about her, that didn't seem to be related only to her nightmares, other connections with spirits that he could feel, though somewhat it was all messy.
"Perhaps if her life would have been different, she would have been a spirit walker."
Or perhaps that was a little too much to say?
"So you think that these orcs, or others, need to prove to others their real worth in the tribe. To undergo a trial, for their role to be acknowledged. Even though this role of theirs has nothing to do with arms."
"Then why don't you let them do so?"
Norvis blinks confusedly at the wolf, but the big, grey eyes, with all their sadness, spread calm around. The wolf was speaking seriously.
"But you, you do not understand! How- HOW am I supposed to do that? I do not know how, that is exactly what I am asking..."
"By allowing them to take the Feat of Faith, of course, if, and when, they'd be ready for it."

The Feat of Faith. Norvis stared at the wolf, with incredulity. Perhaps he still didn't understand him correctly, what does one have to do with the other? The Feat of Faith was a ritual he read about in a few of the old tribe's writings. Though the descriptions were very incomplete, it seemed the ritual was meant to test the strenght of an orc faith, by asking him to undergo a trial that could kill him, unless he is strong enough in his faith in the spirits.

"Yes. The ritual was actually one of the rites of passage, in the old days. The orc was asked to prepare, then to do something, like walk barefoot on fire, or on burning coal. If an orc is born for the Path of Spirit, he can do so as a storyteller, as a healer, as a lorekeeper or spirit walker, or whatnot, whatever suits best the orc. But think of it. What do they really have in common? Their strong, indestructible faith, in the unseen face of the world. It is what distinguishes them from the warriors as well. As both can fight, if necessary, and both know the spirits are there. But to walk on fire or jump from a cliff, with your life solely in spirits' hands, rather then your muscles, is not something anyone can do."
"It is this trial that could open properly their Path..."
The wolf nodded in silence, while his ghostly body was wearing thin, his grey, sad eyes disappearing slowly as in a mist, that was clearing, until nothing was there anymore.

Norvis wanted to call him back, they had other things to talk about as well, that sadness, and all that happened lately... but he thought that it may be enough for the day, he had to work on this revelation anyway, of course the Feat of Faith was the way, for orcs following the Path of Spirit to be, if successful, acknowledged among their kin.
"If it ain't broke, I can fix it!
... Oh wait."