Orcs of the Red Blade

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Turna'munt'z uf dem Red blade'z.

Started by Gruulg, January 19, 2009, 03:34:16 PM

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Rrosh'tul Steelbrow orda'z all dem ork'z to dem ring uf trial'z in Nagrand.
Dem turnament are when muun are full round.

Ork'z train in dem Garadar fo' this'm turnamunt.Youse betta' be gud when this'm are!

OOC: I invite you all for the tournement that will be held at sunday 25th of january at 20:00, In the ring of trials in Nagrand.
       At 19:00 the gathering in garadar will start and 19:30 we will pull out.Hope to see you soon red blades!


I probably wont be able to be there cause of my job and its brilliant scedule... yay
however i'll see what i can do
This box of lettering was reserved for a witty comment.. sadly none was made.


(( oh noes! remembered i have homeswitch around 20.00 :< ))
Because orcs are green..Doesn't mean they can do photosynthesis..Or can they?


(( Shame for the low attendance, but the title's been rightfully earned nonetheless! Le grats to Grundar for being the tribe's next Blademaster! ))
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


 Oi ork'z uf dem tribe cheer fo' dem Blademasta' Grundar! *cheer*

OOC: there might not have been many of us there, but the tournement was still ubernais.