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THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
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Burning Skull Clan

Started by Nazkhur, January 09, 2009, 01:41:21 PM

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During my time away I've been thinking of things to do when I finally get back to WoW. One of these ideas was to create a new guild of Orcs called the Burning Skull Clan. Now before you go off on a rant about Red Blade for life and the like, listen.

The idea of this clan is for members of the Red Blade to start a fresh Orc character and with other members from the tribe, level up and progress as a normal character should, without the boosting from high levels or the noobs that make the idea of doing the old instances seem not worth the trouble.

This won't be designed for a made dash to lvl 80 as many of us are doing with our mains in the Red Blade. This will be chance to go back to classic WoW and maybe even do some of the old end game instances before rushing off to Outland.

RP wise this also gives the Red Blade a minor Orcish rival instead of fighting among itself as happens most of the time at tribal meeting, (Wasn't anything to do with me...honest.... :-[ )

If there is enough interest I'm planning to make a healer and will even write up the lore for it.

*hides in a bunker with a megaphone* Well what do you think?
Better Red than Dead!


Idea sounds nice :D... sorta doubt i would actually make yet another orc though to be completely honest, not sure what i'd play n' such.. could consider it though (Got 4 alts im trying to keep active already though xD).

But i support the idea :3... also gives me someone to bash and feel good about it
This box of lettering was reserved for a witty comment.. sadly none was made.


I like the idea! It woud make for some interesting RP between the two clans/tribes, and most likely more than that. I'm just a very lazy sod, and I'm not sure how much time I'll  be able to put into an alt in the future.

I have been aching to level a shaman (Had some strange RP idea with that and Morgeth, even) which is currently.. <_< level 3.
I want to be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights.


Sounds excellent! I dunno what i'd play though... I have a 34ish orc warrior that i've been dying to level. Hunter could be interesting... who knows? But yeah! I love the idea! I'm in!


I'll start thinking on the lore, but don't get your hopes up that it will start anytime soon. still need to get back and get Naz to 80.
Better Red than Dead!


Aye, gotta get my Death Knight to 80 too! When are you back? I've always wanted to level with a bunch of people so I can make this guild alt my next serious alt.


When am I back? Good question, and I have no idea. My work is up and down at the moment so I can't say for sure when I'll have the monies I need.

I also have a terrible reputation of coming up with ideas and getting bored of them before I put them into action :P
Better Red than Dead!


I will push you to do it! A joint effort! I reckon no level 80 characters will come out of it but hey ho!


Given this a little thought, and I wouldn't know why not. I'll admit I won't be levelling any alts myself (tried to get myself to do so for two years), but to no avail as I'm simply too lazy to get myself to it. It's always nice to see orcs with the OotRB guild tag running around, but I suppose RPing orcs in general are always fine.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


I realised how bitchy my last comment sounded hehe. Em, I type on the rush, dunno why! I'd love to do it but what I ment to say is I don't know if I or anyone else will stick it. We'll wait and see eh? Maybe even not just orcs but a random merc guild or something? Spice up the roleplay a bit? I want to roll an undead you see! ;)


Here is a peice of my spammage. When I get back and if I do sort the Burning Skull :P, this will be my character and yes as Greg requested, Orc and male.

Krugax Blightfury

Age: 48
Place of Birth: Burning Skull Village, Draenor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Family: Maz’dal Coldeye, (Father, deceased) Zora’grel Grimfang (Mother, deceased), Naltosh Ironjaw (Second and Blood Brother, deceased), Nara Pathstrider, (Dark Ranger Commander, Undead)


Krugax is an Orc in his middle age. He stands slightly taller and is boarder than the average Orc. He has lost his right eye and there is only an empty socket where the ball once was. Around his neck hangs a small Elven style pendent in Truesilver.
From his belt hangs a string of Ogre Warbeads in a mix of coloured stones. On Krugax’s left forearm is a tattoo of numbers from the internment camps, it has all but faded now.


Early Life

Krugax was born on Draenor north of modern day Hellfire Peninsula and seven years before the start of the war against the Draenei. Brought up inside the Burning Skull Clan he was trained as a warrior from the age of five. In his youth he would watch the gladiator fights that were held as a mean to vent the bloodlust the many Orcs suffered with following the end of the war against the Draenei.

At the age of fifteen, Krugax took part in the traditional Clan ritual known as the Kaz’rutho. This was a Clan rite where the young Orc would take the Skull of the Gritluk and find out if they were worthy. The skull was all that remained of Overlord Gritluk Skystorm and still burned with white flames. When in the hands of an unworthy Orc the flames would die. This skull had been said to be where the spirits from the Clan rested until it was taken to Oshu’gun by the High Shaman each year, but since the forming of the Horde the flames of the Skull barely flickered.

When Krugax took up the skull the flames burned brighter and with more fury than they had for many years. This seemed to show that the young Orc would have a great destiny before him and that he would one day maybe even lead the Clan himself.

Call of the Horde

The war against the Humans of Azeroth had been going on for years and much to the annoyance of the Burning Skull’s Chieftain, Gorntin Ironeye they still lingered on Draenor. After the death of Blackhand and the fall of the Shadow Council, however things changed. The new Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer ordered more Orcs from Draenor. Among the major Clans that were sent a few minor Clans that included the Burning Skull also passed through the portal. Even though he hadn’t reached adulthood yet, Krugax travelled with the Clan to Azeroth. The Horde was preparing a fleet to take the islands off the coast the Eastern Kingdoms.

Serving as marines to the Horde the Burning Skull took part in the taking of Zul’dare, Tol’Barad and Crestfall. At Tol’Barad, Chief Gorntin would be killed and without an heir Krugax’s father, Maz’dal took up the mantle of Clan Warlord. Krugax wasn’t happy within his Clan and felt that it was holding him back as he lingered in his father’s shadow. This lust for power was picked up on by an agent of Gul’dan. The betrayer of the Orcs had lost much power, but was still keen to get all he could. After the lands on Lordaeron, Krugax would be sent for by Gul’dan.

Blood and Capture

The meeting didn’t go as Gul’dan had planed. The young Orc did lust for power but was seen as more brawn than brains. Krugax however was no fool, even if he would speak Low Common more than Orcish. This might have made him sound like an Ogre but it was a trick he had learned. No one worried about what they said around the stupid because it would be too complex for them to understand.

After the meeting Krugax returned to the Clan encampment in the Hillsbrad Foothills and he knew all too well that Gul’dan would take his revenge for the waste of his time. That night it came, as a band of assassins broke into their encampment. The night of blood would cost the lives of many of the Burning Skull, including that of Maz’dal and his mate Zora’grel. As the sun came up the Clan look towards Krugax for guidance. In a move that surprised many in the Clan at first, Krugax named himself as Chieftain of the Clan. Krugax however was still young and to add him in his task as Chieftain he would name Naltosh Ironjaw as his Second.

Before Krugax could turn his anger against Gul’dan and the Stormreaver Clan, they would be ordered to the front by the Warchief. The Burning Skull would move into Silverpine Forest as the Horde advanced on the City of Lordaeron. During this bitter fighting the Clan would suffer many deaths. Naltosh would lose his left arm and Krugax his right eye, before they would both end up prisoners of the Alliance.

Prison and Punishment

As the tide turned against the Horde the remains of the Burning Skull Clan would die in battle as their Chieftain remained locked in a cell on the Fenris Isle. As the Alliance claimed victory over the Horde at the battle for the Dark Portal, the first of the internment camps would be built.

Krugax and Naltosh would be sent to Durnholde at first, but would soon be moved against to a new camp near Lordamere Lake. The Lordamere Internment Camp was not the most secure camp too be built and it wouldn’t be long before Krugax and Naltosh would try and escape.

Over the next months the pair would try and escape twelve times and each time they would be returned to the camp within a day or two. Punishment for escaping was done with either heavy labour or a flogging. This only served to hard the resolve of Krugax, but the test of time would pay a heavy price and he would become mentally weakened as the rage in this blood ate away at time. 

Freedom has a price

When Doomhammer called the Horde back from the Internment Camps the follow of the elements would put the fire and pride back into the broken Orcs. When Lordamere Interment Camp was liberated, Krugax quickly rejoined the Hordes ranks along side Naltosh. They had survived one of the darkest parts of the Hordes history and now stood shoulder to shoulder with other Orcs as the last two of the Burning Skull.

At the battle for Hammerfall, the great Warchief Doomhammer would fall and Thrall the son of Durotan would take up his mantle. The battle would cost Naltosh his life as he fought back to back with his Chieftain. Before he passed on, Krugax told him of his pride at being able to call him his blood brother.

With Naltosh gone, Krugax stood as the last of the Clan, but this didn’t mean that it was dead. The Burning Skull would die with him or he would find a mate and the blood of the Clan would follow on and maybe even other Orcs would stand with them.

Life in the Wilderness

Following the victory at Durnholde and the liberation of all the Orc, Krugax spent sometime in the wilds in northern Silverpine. He would hunt and lived in near peace, only a few local humans would bother trying to hunt him and he doubted they would know what to do if they did find him.

Change of Plans

Krugax felt unwilling to join the Horde as they travelled to Kalmindor. His Clan had died in the Eastern Kingdom and that was where he would meet the same fate as them if it was his fate to.

Over the months that followed he would witness the coming of the Scourge and the Burning Legion, followed by the civil war that would see the birth of the Forsaken under Sylvanas Windrunner.

One of Sylvanas’s Dark Rangers, Nara Pathstrider would be successful in tracking down Krugax and he would be watched for weeks on end as he started to embrace the elements.

The elements came to Krugax and warned him of the danger he was in, but he wasn’t afraid of what might happen. He started to feel the rage within him and a different element would answer him. The earth of Lordaeron was blighted by the Scourge and Forsaken; this blight would feel his rage and share its anger for the undead with him. Wielding the power of the blighted earth, Krugax was a dangerous foe to face. It was because of this that Sylvanas demanded him kept alive and possessed. 

Hand of Death

Nara Pathstrider sent in Banshees to Krugax’s camp, but he wasn’t going down within a fight. The Blight answered his calls and with this strength he slew each Banshee that was sent to possess him.

Angered by this, Nara came in to talk with the Orc. His Low Common fooled the Dark Ranger into thinking he was a simple minded brute so when she offered him an Elven Pendent with a charm spell cast on it as a sign of peace, she didn’t notice when he purged the spell from it.

The fall of Will

Wearing the Pendent didn’t change Krugax in the slightest. He maintained his free will, but in a cunning move he acted the obedient slave and would use this so he could see the Forsaken closer than he would be able to.

Agreeing with his action the elements remained in support of him and he would fight with the Forsaken against the Scourge and Humans as they started to secure Lordaeron more and more. Taking the name Blightfury he became a familiar sight next to Nara and acted as her bodyguard in a manner.

It angered him greatly when she would boast about her ‘Pet Orc’ and how simple he had been to capture in the end.

Whom do you serve?

Following the Forsaken joining the Horde, Krugax was kept more of a secret. Something like this wouldn’t do with Forsaken and Orcish relations still new. Over the years that followed he would be kept mainly for secret operations for the Royal Apothecary Society.

With the war against the Scourge moving to Northrend the serves of Krugax would be needed more to help prove that the Forsaken were still very much loyal to the Horde. He was more a show item, an Orc that served the Forsaken and believed in what they were fighting for. He would be shunned by other Orcs who believed he was too stupid to understand what was happening.

During a mission in the Howling Fjord, Krugax would get his chance to start his fight back against the Forsaken. Nara and he were sent to spy on a Human outpost. Well armed and with Nara distracted with the Humans activities, Krugax would stab his dagger through her heart, without a word she slumped forward. As he removed the dagger from her, she burst into life and pinned the shocked Orc to the ground.

In that tense moment, he would be forced to tell her the truth, the likely hood being that he would die; he wasn’t going to die and let her think she controlled him. To Krugax surprise, Nara didn’t kill him and made him and offer. She had heard that Varimathras was plotting something. If he was willing to play the loyal Orc she could use him to help find out which side each untrustworthy Forsaken was one.

Without much choice, Krugax agreed and they would return to Undercity and remove a few Forsaken before the plague attack at the Wrathgate.

After the Wrathgate, Nara went into hiding and Krugax took this moment to disappear from the Forsaken. He now moves in secret and at night as he brings death to anyone who would dare challenge the Burning Skull Clan.
Better Red than Dead!