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October 18, 2024, 01:22:12 PM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
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Swedish Pagans?
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Barlgura's Story

Started by Bamm, June 25, 2016, 01:07:03 AM

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((This is a story i re-purposed from a character that  didnt really work for me, its a long one sorry and isnt finished set partly in the past still but will be updated, so I can join up for legion. Also warning may contain errors dyslexia is a cruel sassy bitch ))


“You’re so slow Barlgura! Ha, ha, ha!”

“Behave yourself little cubs.” Tyragh was the elder of the internment camp. He was a gruff old Orc, though tended to be soft with Barlgura and his twin sister Juta. They had taken a calling the old orc “Uncle.” His many years showed through his gray-streaked black beard, and under a certain light, his beard seemed to glow. “Now come along you troublemakers,” he said, “Dinner.”

“Yes Tyragh,” they replied. The aged orc led them to their camp hut to prepare for the evening meal.

As Barlgura opened the door, he was met with flames. Confused, he turned to uncle only to find him dead with his throat slit. The fire grew hotter. Down the hall, he could hear his sister call out, “Barlgura, Barlgura!” His sister must be in danger. As he ran towards his sister’s cries the camp hut continued to burn around him.

“Barlgura! Barlgura,” his sister screamed.

The fire burned. Everything burned. Blood covered the floor, the lifeless bodies of male and female orcs lay scattered. His sister’s cries grew more panicked, but no matter how fast he ran, his sister seemed to move further away from him. A hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder. “Got one,” the voice yelled. Barlgura turned and found a shadow-like monster with human features. It emanated pure evil, and his eyes were as red as the flames that surrounded him his laugh bellowing.

His sister’s cries continued in the flames. “Barlgura! Barlgura!”


Chapter One

“Barlgura!” His eyes opened. “Wake up, they're here.” Another dream. Barlgura looked out down the Magic Quarter; he had been waiting for his partner and mentor, Huruk. They overlooked a crowded darkened street. A couple of Forsaken came out of the dim light.  The Goblin they had been assigned to protect during this… business transaction went down alone to greet them like it was arranged.

“Nightmare ?” Huruk asked him looking at the forsaken and the goblin, “what about?”

Barlgura, reflected on his dream, of a life that felt more than a lifetime ago. All of that was in the past now, best to leave it there. “Nothing, Keep an eye out. Our buyer wanted a pure product delivered. That means he’s dangerous.”

The Forsaken were obviously of importance. One dressed in fine clothing, the other, though clearly an assistant was dressed better than most. The Goblin brought forward a cart holding a single chest. He opened the chest to reveal bags of a glowing product.
“I trust you have kept your end of the deal bub” the goblin said to the forsaken.
“But of course dear fellow!” the Forsaken replied, “It would be rather rude don’t you say, to have you travel all this way only to leave with nothing what, what.” He gave the slightest of sly grins and signaled his assistant to produce a chest. “Payment. I do hope you brought others, it would quite heavy for you old boy.”

The Goblin paused, not wanting to give this Forsaken any info he didn’t need to know. This man had his product, and he had his gold. “Thanks, bub, for your concern, but I assure you I can manage. We appreciate the business.” The Goblin began to turn around back towards Barlgura and Huruk, but was  interrupted.

“I must say, how have you seen much of Undercity? I imagine it must be quite different than what you are used to” the Forsaken chirped.

Barlgura's eyes widened his brow furrowed. Why is this forsaken asking stupid questions? He should know it’s important to remain discreet. He readied his fists, his knuckles gleaming in the dark from his metal knuckle dusters. He looked at Huruk, who was also frowning. “I don’t like this,” he said.

The Goblin snapped at the Forsaken, “Listen Bub. I haven’t had much time to prance amongst the flowers. I don’t wanna be rude, but I gotta scram.”

“My Dearest fellow!” the Forsaken chuckled “You will stay and enjoy the beauty of undercity.” Suddenly,  a group of forsaken emerged from the shadows, blades glinting in the dark.  It was a double cross. “Although, how you will it from an apothecary cage I cannot fathom.” The Forsaken added as the others moved in to grab the Goblin. Barlgura charged appearing behind an unsuspecting ambusher  its neck violently snapped, gurgling in shock ichor spewing from its mouth. It fell dead.

“Get in the cart! and stay down” Barlgura yelled to the Goblin. Huruk appeared behind another ambusher and quickly produced two more dead bonebags. The Forsaken were better armoured than them but relied on surprise and own arrogance too much. Barlgura and Huruk easily outmatched these few forsaken. He saw the main forsaken trying to flee the chaos. Barlgura was not going to let this snake succeed. He grabbed the back of the forsaken's head and was about to snap it's neck When an intense burning shot of pain tore through his lower back. An arrow, these cowards came highly prepared the second wave of ambushers loomed from nowhere. Taking advantage of Barlgura’s shock, the main forsaken struck a dagger into Barlgura's side, and he fell to his knees. He scanned for Huruk, only to find that he had been riddled with arrows and lay dead. The Goblin they had been hired to protect dead by the cart his throat slit the coins from the chest had spilled and spread around it.

The main forsaken kicked Barlgura as he lay there.

“They said Orcs weren't supposed to be very clever.”

“I could say the same, Forsaken,” Barlgura roared. He quickly grabbed a blade from a forsaken corpse next to him and thrust it through his head. He staggered back, dead. The blade clinked upon the stone as he hit the floor. "Shut your mouth bone bag,”  Barlgura grinned, fading from consciousness.

Chapter Two

“You’re fine now cub.” Comforting words from his aunt “We'll have the mender clean them wounds. Perhaps next time you won’t fight more than one at a time hmm ?.” His Aunt's  one good eye and scarred face was full of love. “What foolishness made you do it?” she asked.

“They were teasing Juta” He said grimacing in pain holding back tears.

“Poor cub,” she said. Her voice still full of love, “You mustn’t draw attention.  One day, you will be free. And you will protect her, but you must live long enough to see it.”

“Aunt? ” he whimpered confused. “Aunt, what if I never become as strong  to protect her?"

She drew a sweet smile, “You will be strong one day my cub, but until then, I will protect you.” She was always comforting, he felt safe.

The sound of whips echoed through the camp. The walls crumbled around them into a strange landscape. The cub looked down to see himself covered in blood. He looked to his aunt, only to see she wasn’t there.
Went the whips again. He turned to see his aunt tied to a post, her back raw, her face blinded. Behind her stood a dark bulky figure, each lash he stuck ,he bellowed another laugh.  A shadow grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up forcing him to watch, he gasped and choked for air. “The whore certainly loves you, you beast. I think you should see how she dies no ?!”


Barlgura’s eyes opened. Was he still alive? He was moving. He looked around to find his hands bound and being dragged by the feet.  A foul smell quickly reached his nostrils, it was himself.  And no wonder being dragged through Undercity by his heels. “Where are you taking me?” He roared.
Smirking, one of the Forsaken replied. “Oh, looks like the Orc is awake. Did you have a good rest?" The forsaken laughed among them.

Barlgura's blood boiled, “I asked you a question, rot bag.”

“I like him,” The forsaken said, “Still got some blood and thunder glory left in him. You’re hired goon and a nobody. Where do think you're going? To the apothecary of course” The forsaken glanced up at the darkened streets then looked down at Barlgura. “You can walk now unless you enjoy skidding through the shit”

Barlgura, got to his feet. He didn’t take directions well but he would rather not be to dragged though fel only knows what. They continued on for what seemed hours turning this way and that. They never seemed to stop talking about their “great experiment.” Never mind that two Orcs were able to rend apart at least 10 of them. He began thinking of various ways to kill them forsaken were notoriously hard to kill, but should he escape he'd come up with some pretty good ideas.. “What is it Orc, ? what are you staring at?  do you just like this fellows bony arse?” the rest of them murmured something.

“Quiet,” another one said. ”Look” On the floor lay a single boot soaked in blood, with a blood trail leading down an alley. " we should investigate it”

“It’s probably nothing ,” another said. “I doubt it’s anything to worry abo-“

Suddenly, a bullet came flying from the alley and hit one of the Forsaken square between his eyes, immediately followed by a small group of goblins one of the forsaken roared something about the dark lady. The ambush ensued. Amidst this, one of the goblins went to attack him. Barlgura, he was an easy target but, he managed to quickly dodge the swing and punted the goblin square in its chest. Barlgura then hit with a duel-downward strike his fists still bound,  snapping the Goblin’s neck. It had a dagger on his belt, a shot at escape?  He slid the dagger out and used the dead goblin as leverage to cut his bindings only to quickly counter another attack from a furious Forsaken. Driving his hands in a clapping motion around its head through disorienting it long enough for him to grab its sword and use it against him severing its head. The battle was over. The remaining goblins fleeing leaving Barlgura alone, with only corpses of forsaken , but a single living goblin left crawling from under a corpse, his leg had been severed and he lay unable to do anything but bleed. As Barlgura kneeled down over the one legged goblin it spat blood and was pleading with him.

“Hey bub, ol buddy, ol pal Get me up! will ya you were hired as guard weren’t ya? We're on the same side right ?” the goblin spat in as charming a tone as one can have, having be recently divorced from one's limb. Barlgura grew close to the goblin’s face and smiled quietly whispering "Not today....bub not today"

Chapter Three

Barlgura strode into Orgrimmar. From the zeppelin arriving from undercity . It was a long journey, but the rest was welcomed he set upon a decrepit looking tavern. It smelled of strong ale, and its patrons were cloaked in its dark dank corners. He felt right at home. He clapped his hands together and approached the barkeep to inquire about to see if there were any jobs and perhaps wet his whistle with an ale. The barkeep scowled and turned away pretending not to hear him.

Barlgura having a mighty thirst and a now more of less empty wallet (zeppelins aren’t cheap ya know), slammed his fist down on the counter, shaking the glasses and bottles behind it sending the barkeep to nearly hit the roof in fright “What about at it then ?”

The barkeep quickly changed his tune. “Hurr, I think we might have a decent lil earner for you. I'll get right on it. What would like to drink?”

“Something strong and food..hot,” he smirked. Barlgura sat and ate, a stranger approached Barlgura. A goblin with an oversized top hat, not the most normal sight.

“What brings you to this dank little place of culture?” As the goblin spoke, Barlgura noticed his hand moving sneakily toward his belt. In response, Barlgura took his fork and slammed it into the goblin’s hand that was visible upon the table.

Barlgura grabbed the shocked goblins head, its face expressing a silentl scream. He whispered “Nice try, goblin.”

“What the fel bub ? I am Bamm Smogbomb. Could ya remove the fork from my hand, I thought ya wanted work?” Barlgura obliged the goblin.

“So what’s your Business,” Barlgura asked

After a short silence, the Goblin chuckled and began to speak, rubbing his fork stabbed hand:
“Well, bub  if you are interested, I run a good and profitable fighting pit that could use the help of a strong bodied blood and thunder types like yourself. It would be quite lucrative and ya know the honour and glory of battle and stuff."

Barlgura stared as he thought about the Goblin’s offer. … “How lucrative and what would be worth fighting?”

The goblin gave a wide, toothy grin, revealing several gold teeth.

Chapter Four

“AGAIN!!!” The two young Orcs swung their wooden logs/imaginary swords at each other. It was a sparring match among two very unskilled siblings. Onlookers would have had a good laugh watching these two would-be warriors.

“Juta,” their aunt called out from a distance. In the heat of the spar, Barlgura swung, striking his sisters’ hand by accident.

“Ow! Barlgura come oooooon, that wasn’t fair! That really really hurt!” In a fit of anger, Juta threw down the log, and  punched the unsuspecting Barlgura. This was the first real fight the two siblings had ever been in. A passing orc female heard the fighting and came out to see what was going on. In horror for fear of reprisal from the guards. The two cubs fighting, already bruised and bloodied.

"Come quick!” The orc yelled as he ran to find the cubs' aunt.  Barlgura staggered from a strong strike to the stomach. He reared back to return the favour......


Barlgura blinked his eyes  dazed and snapped back. As he did, he could hear the savage chanting of spectators, and the stench of blood. He struck the other orc in the face. The crowd’s cheering grew louder. Drunken patrons were yelling at each other. Some of them had obviously placed a large amount of coin, others seemed content to fight each other.
The strike to the jaw provided the opportunity he wanted. Barlgura quickly grabbed the other Orc into a choke move. This wasn’t a fight to the death, but the other orc still not was not ready to lose. After several strikes to his ribs, Barlgura’s grip released. Barlgura was knocked to the one knee, being forced to block wild haymakers from the desperate orc. Barlgura landed a swift succession of strikes to the orc's knees, and Barlgura threw the orc over his shoulder as he tried to regain his balance. Barlgura wearily lifted the  equally exhausted orc by this torn shirt, and at the crowd’s pleasure, ended it with an elbow to the orc's face. The orc fell back unconscious. Barlgura was victorious.

A dark figure hobbled and approached his table after the fight. His mere presence made the air almost buzz and crackle with static “Mok'ra Orc! You’ve made me a good amount of coin today!  and you fought with honour, what’s your name again my memory ain't what it used to be?”

“Barlgura,” he answered.

“Hmm.what clan are you ? Bleeding hollow ?

“Yes… I believe so......”

The morning sun peeked through the loose wooden panels in the tavern’s walls it was still a dank dark pit. But, it would happen to shine directly is Barlgura's eyes. "Irritating" he muttered. It was no surprise for him though to find the dark figure there slumping beside him as he shielded the sun with his hand.  Over the last few months, they had talked at length about this and that. Barlgura had learned the old orc was a Shaman in Orgrimmar after the recent upheaval with Garrosh. And was looking to see what was left of the city. And as the elderly often are, he was incredibly talkative and brazenly curious as to what the youth was up to and interested in.

"So Barlgura" the old Orc said as he sipped his drink "what you want out of life: wealth, honour, glorious battle, family.... Clan?

Barlgura placated the old orc as he had done before, " all of the above, but wealth ain't that important, a family would be nice one day though"

A small grin grew upon the old orcs lips "Family, huh ?" slowly he took a sip of his drink again. His eyes never leaving Barlgura's face." You have no Family then?"

Barlgura gruffly answered "No" He had given away too much and felt foolish. The old orc waved his hands in an apologetic manner "Now now, cub don't get your britches in a tangle just a question. Just wondering why an orc like you is alone, clanless at very least not serving the Horde somewhere. I saw you fight you're good enough I guess, could do with a bit of discipline your mind seemed to wander a bit"

"I tried soldiering" Barlgura answered back as he couldn't help but smile as the old orcs tone of phrase. " It didn’t work out too well, I don’t take direction well, too strict and formal standing in front of crates, marching back in forth pointless drills"

The old chuckled and raised his mug spilling a good amount over the patron behind him, much to its annoyance " I believe you are a bleeding hollow my boy!"

The two talked long into the day and then longer into the evening. Round after round of ale was consumed. As Barlgura told him of his foray into bodyguarding in undercity and the old orc told him tales of the second and first wars. Barlgura had heard them as a child. Tygar and his aunt had told them many times. But enjoyed the old orcs grander tales of exaggeration.

The next morning hazy eyed and sore of head the two met for a meal in the tavern. This time, the old orc had a serious tone. as their meal was thrown in front of them by the ever charming barkeep. The old orc began to talk" Now Barlgura my boy I think you'd find a better purpose in this life by seeking out some work i hear tales of  a new land called Pandaria, there’s a ship heading there tomorrow, looking for adventurous freelancers to supplement the rank and file soldiers. Should be plenty to fight there. Barlgura pondered that they probably will fight far better things than whatever he had to be thrown up against in the last few months as a pit fighter and he would probably work out better than his attempt at pit fighting.

He slammed his fist upon the table and said "Tell me more about this expedition old timer"

A wide grin grew on the old orcs previously serious face " My boy you’re in for an adventure now this may take awhile paperwork and all that and when I am done I’ll tell ya what time the ship"
The next morning, Barlgura gathered his things and bid farewell to the old orc shaman and left the tavern. Bumping briefly into a one legged goblin grumbling as it hopped in on crutches.

Chapter Five

Barlgura is it you little pest i’ll ring your lil beast throat the shadowy figure with burning eyes loomed over him its shadow engulfing the whole hut.. explosions rang out BOOM, BOOM
A scream of LOK’TAR rang out
The shadow stopped and snarled and vanished. The small Barlgura shook uncontrollably his whole now a hut door light peeking through the gaps around the frame, he opened it light filled his whole world for a second fighting, death cries and explosions could be seen. Orcs no longer huddled and slopped over now stood upright with purpose they streamed into the camp, freeing those in chains. In turn, those orcs strangled and beat guards with their own manacles.
A scream of LOK’TAR rang out again followed by others
Barlgura gripped his axe as he shook his head another memory he grumbled think straight damn it for once stop your daydreaming or whatever it is. Not right for an orc to dwell on nonsense. It was then he noticed a female Orc called Lojka smirking at him,
You thinking of someone special or trying to remember your name meathead, the next wave is coming any second and you're be daydreaming i see you, don't lie.
He chuckled back I was thinking of you and how pretty you’d be after we fight tonight.
Gonna have to survive this next attack, I'll make sure to keep you alive can't have no alliance scum collecting the lump of meat you call ahead.
He laughed as the commander yelled the Alliance dogs come, FOR THE HORDE!

A cheer went up and those gather went to meet the charge, a melee of metal, screams and death.


Chapter seven

Do it you little beast do it. Ha you dirty creature do you even understand.
The large shadowy figure gurgled and spat in defiance
The camp burned around them around them orc dispatched the dying and prone humans
You killed Juta you killed uncle, you killed aunt. Barlgura roared a primal scream the small near adolescent orc leapt upon the shadow, pummeling fists into those burning eyes screaming over and over the names of his dead till it became a chant. With each punch a piece of shadow fell away, Barlgura rose his fists and chest slick with blood. He wobbled back to his feet and looked upon the ground.
The large shadow with the burning eyes was gone, only a man remained a human man his face gone. Barlgura panted heavily and screamed again, till a hand placed upon his shoulder, Barlgura spun and went to strike his new foe only to have his fists caught and hoisted above his head. A large adult Orc stood above him he peered into Barlgura’s eyes then to the fallen human.  "You fight well and bravely little cub your first?  Barlgura only growled a growl only a cub on the cusp of adulthood could make." The Adult orc chuckled, "you have spirit the horde will have need of you. This camp is finished you come with us and i will teach you the ways of our people and teach you to fight. The name is Huruk , Huruk Stormeye What be yours?......"

Barlgura gasped for breath,  yet he couldn't draw a full mouthful the sounds of dying all around him, he couldn't move. All around him he heard wails of the dying with some effort he rolled over, blood gushed from a wound to his chest and felt breath shot from his lungs. He gasped, again and again, he couldn't breathe, his eyes darted both alliance and horde bodies around him everything began to fade echoes in the distance like voices underwater shouted something he no longer cared let death claim him.

"One alive here, just barely hmm collapsed lung sword wound went straight, though, stabilize him and get him prepped we cannot keep the sha back for long, damn these alliance and horde." Barlgura’s eyes fluttered briefly at the noise and something tugging at him. A bear creature one of the natives. Shouting and pointing at other shapes. Barlgura’s eyes closed

"No no no Barlgura, footwork footwork, move those lumps of meat " a  whoosh of a strike, hit Barlgura’s legs he yelped and cursed
"Yes i get i get it Huruk”
"This footwork will save your life someday Barlgura, move and strike, move and strike again!
Huruk added with a mocking laugh you’re without a doubt are the worse solider I’ve ever met. You  stubborn ogre-headed fool.
The sounds of laughter faded"

Barlgura shot up in attack he was in a bed, a reed bed a female Pandaren humming a tune was walking about the room putting fresh flowers into a vase, startled only by Barlgura’s protest as to where he was

"Were am i alliance scum I'll kill you, kill you all!"

"Oh goodness you’re awake and soo grumpy ooh so grumpy you are yes. You’re a big green grumpus. Stay here i’ll let the master know you’re awake. "

Barlgura had never been spoken to in this manner, these Pandaren were odd creatures, words failed to come to him in replied before she scurried away.
Barlgura growled and tried to leave the bed , he was stiff and exhaled a yelp as his feet hit the floor as he did a Large grey Pandaren male entered and stood in front of the sitting Barlgura.
Stay.. you’re quite safe and in no danger here. "My name is Master Sien-zi the spirited crane and who might you be hmm, my Orc friend?"

"Go boil your head is my name you alliance filth "

"Hmm you’re a spirited one, I am not of your alliance or horde and i care little for it, rile up nothing but trouble the sha is unleashed and your kind is to blame. Now don't be rude even among enemies is it polite for my kind to introduce yourself... or should i call you boil your head?"

"My name is Barlgura."

"There good that wasn't hard, you will need rest for a few weeks, then you're free to die in a manner of your choosing all over again my friend."

"Why did you save me?" Barlgura spat
The pandaren left the hut without a word
"Just are way, i’ll bring you something to eat"
The female pandaren smiled, wide eyes blinking as she left following the Master.

Chapter eight

Days passed without dreams, Barlgura was grateful for that, no dreams of his past, this place had been the first time since he can remember without a nightmare or dark memory. The food wasnt bad either, they hadnt really said much they brought him food three times a day, cleaned his wound and changed his dressing and bedding. He had given up asking them questions. The pandaren nurses just giggled and spoke in their own language. He felt stronger every day too, he was growing tired of his confinement too. He had heard sounds of what sounded like combat or training at least.

On the sixth day the large male Pandaren entered.
“Ah Barlgura i see you are on the mend walk with me perhaps i will show you what we do here”. Barlgura left the hut and was instantly blinded he let out a string of curses much to the pandarens delight. “A remarkable turn of phrase what exactly is an ogre and are the all motherless? No matter this is the temple of the red crane and you’re a guest. Welcome, you are free to roam the grounds and the first level of the temple and its courtyards.”
“What is fel damnation is this place and hospital or a barracks.” Barlguras eyes darted left and right, Pandaren sparred in one courtyard and seemingly aided wounded in the adjoining one.
Why not both, we’re here at the temple of the crane see no distinction. We fight and we heal it is our way. Now, what do you think of that Hmmm? “I think you damn pandaren are crazy were in a swamp there is no defensible locations and you spar looks more like a dance, and what is with this spooky stone bird building. You’re all mad”

“You fit in well then “ The Pandaren master chuckled “now i have matters to attend too. Rest well and explore.

Barlgura spent the coming days watching the Pandaren spar, they danced and weaved even at range the used some type of magic projectiles like lighting from shamans but not. The healers used drinks brewed from herbs and needles to heal. It was all odd. Barlgura wanted out of here as soon as his wounds were able, yet he hadn't had a flashback a bad dream or memory since arriving. He felt something odd an uneasy yet beautiful calm. He was at peace. The pandaren master and he talked at great lengths every now and then, always with questions to answer barlgura’s question the pandaren asked of his past and he had told it to him apart from a few gory or lewd details of course. 

Till the day came when he strong enough to leave, he would miss this place. He went to visit the Master before leaving to thank him personally, not only for saving his life but for giving him a chance to refresh his mind.

As he entered the temple he passed the sparing students and healing classes all with needles in hand examining diagrams.  A shout cried out followed by an alarm bell

"SHA! The SHA are attacking the SHA!"

Before he had time to turn around, swarms of student sprinted past him, from every level of the temple all with spears and swords in hand, in a uniformed action lining up ready for attack. Barlgura span about looking for a weapon anything a single sword lay on a weapon rack that will do he though and he sprinted to join the uniformed line of pandaren students and teachers. A female gave him a quizzical look it was his nurse now armoured and carrying a beautiful Jade coloured spear.
“Whatcha doing grumpy? “

"Helping though i don't know against what? "He snorted in reply.

"She tilted her head and smiled, Hmm the sha. They be bad you’re in danger you should go into the temple."
"I can fight i am healed, i will fight this sha let them come i will tear them apart."

"I am sure you can and i wouldn't tear them if i were you,  you’ll only have two to fight. They feast on emotions and yours are everywhere angry and grumpy frightened...and hungry and you hungry you should eat something."

He perked her head left and right as she talked.
"I am not afraid....yeah i am kinda hungry. But i will help you. I owe you mad bunch of bastards that much. What are their numbers these sha, how many do we fight?"

The female smiled even broader and then chuckled playfully.
" Could be one big one or lots of little ones. Empty your mind yes dont think just do, you might just live.. or you become a sha and we kill you that is, no time for purification in battle" she said without any care in the world.

Barlgura’s mind boggled what was she on about? If these fools had enemies he would fight them.
A roar erupted and the very ground ahead became inky black the swampland forest around faded of all colour. The master appeared riding a crane he joined the head of the battle lines. As one my students ! AND WE SHALL KNOW NO FEAR , the red crane is with us. A cheer went up from the pandaren and barlgura half-heartedly joined in with an LOK’TAR. Which only made the female Pandaren giggle with joy.
“You are a strange one Grumpy, i like you”

Beasts though not anything he had seen before burst forth from everywhere, Barlgura’s eyes widen as he felt a pang of fear in his chest. A line of pandaren cut down the first wave of the beasts in a single uninformed swing. Barlgura breathed heavily the sound of the world faded from him. His eyes went to the pandaren nurse at his side. She yelled at him though the sound of combat though Barlgura heard none of it. Time seemed to slow and he found himself staring at her lips. “NO.....FEAR”
she yelled at him. Barlgura felt the pang in his chest fade and sound and time returned. She yelled again
“NO... FEAR”
Barlgura nodded as another wave crashed into them, Barlgura swung and moved not in uniform with the others but he cut down a beast of black ink. He heard Huruks voice in the back of his head. "Move and strike, damn it Footwork! Footwork! " It filled Barlgura with strength, again and again, they were pounded by wave after wave. Exhaustion had began to set in his arm though, yet the pandaren remained to be unaffected. Their master at the front ordering the and shouting in calm monotone voice his crane deftly moving up and down the line. He yelled

Hours seemed to drag, Barlgura could barely lift his blade he couldnt do it, no anymore, he turned and saw now other pandaren had broke rank some sat down weeping others stared blankly ahead muttering to themselves. The master still ordering from the front though now even he showed strain , now at the rear cutting down those beasts that broke though. It was hopeless it was over Barlgura’s sword slipped from his finger and stood ready for a beast to claim. He turned and saw the Pandaren nurse yelling again, this time crying.
she leapt in front of Barlgura and began to strike wildly at any beast that came close. Repeating her mantra over and over, her spear moving too fast to see. Barlgura stood motionless, he wanted to fight to help, but he couldn't will his body to move, he needed to pick up his sword, he looked down at it then to the master, now unmounted both crane and pandaren working as a team striking and setting up each other for killing blows. He yelled
Though exhaustion. Less and fewer defenders remained with each wave. Barlgura’s eyes turned to the temple he stared silently, then to the pandaren nurse, now screaming and crying still slaying anything that came close, though one had slipped her notice and was barrelling towards her. Barlgura whole body shook his fingers flexed his recoiled in fear it consumed him, but he wouldn't let her die, in a single action, he bent down and grabbed the sword, time and sound were no concepts he was no a part of as far as he was aware. The beast barreled towards her closer and closer inches from striking Barlgura lunged forwards and buried his blade into the blade yelling only
Much to the pandaren nurse’s surprise. Barlgura fell to his knees and wept. The pandaren, however, seemed renewed and jumped in front of Barlgura striking cleanly.
she yelled "the red crane is with us". Is was then the temple erupted and blinding flashes struck out across the temple courtyard everywhere at once and everywhere it did the beasts recoiled and vanished. Before disappearing into the temple again. A yell of a cheer went up from the remaining defenders, those that were sitting got up wiping their faces and joined in the cheer. The master leapt atop his crane and rallied a cheer again. The red crane is with us. Barlgura observed as he scanned the pandaren cheering. He stayed knelt, the fear and hopelessness had gone, but he still couldnt move his mind wouldn’t let him.

Chapter Nine

A smiling figure knelt down beside him meeting his eye line.
“Say grumpy you in there? Heeelllooo? Come on, grumpy she clicked and tapped on his forehead, come on, come on out we won hooooray!”
She placed her hands on her hips and then nodded as if agreeing with herself. Right then she said clapping her hands together, she began to move them in circles this way then that a mist seemed to draw up half from her and half from the ground slowly snaking up to cover Barlgura’s head, she clapped her hands and at once Barlgura was free, he gasped a deep lungful of air and jumped up to his feet nearly falling over backwards at which point she caught Barlgura, planting a kiss on his cheek.
“Thanks for the save Grumpy!”
she then ran off tending to the others. Barlgura stood there awestruck he had seen conflict many times of all types. But that was a fight like no other. What was that? It was then he realized he might be talking out loud, he snapped back into focus to find the master stood before him, his crane pruning some feathers.

"That my friend is the sha, the feed on your fears, your anger, your...hungry say are you hungry? Hmm anyway, you did well to survive i did not think it possible for one to do as well as you did without training."

"I was watching your sparring, i guess i just winged it"

Barlgura replied still kinda awestruck. The master chuckled
"winged it! A lovely turn of phrase i shall have to use that winged it."
he nudged his crane with an elbow which seemed to ignore the nudging continuing it pruning."
Hmm would you be willing to learn more? You have fought for this place and us like we were your horde. We can teach you if you’re willing to learn? The mists are a powerful ally as is the red crane."

Barlgura’s mind flooded with feelings memories the childhood at the camps, huruk’s teachings, undercity, the pit fighting. Pandaria. Barlgura closed his eyes and nodded. I will learn your ways, but you're still all fel damned crazy. A shriek of happiness shrilled through barlgura’s ears and made him open his eyes just in time for the Pandaren nurse to tackle him to the ground with a hug. The name is Xiyao, pleaaaased to meet ya Grump...Barlgura!” The master chuckled loudly

“come we have much to do, this place is a mess and i am hungry”

Chapter Ten

“Barlgura! wakey wakey okay dawn is here and a new day and time to start your training”
Barlgura had been beyond exhausted after the fight, he dreamed a dreamless sleep.
“Ghmm I am up Xiyao fel damn it”
“Well somebody is a grumpy orc in the morning” Xiyao beamed “ Come on i have asked to show you the ropes as you say, you say that right... i mean there's no ropes... Anyways iam gonna teach you the basics. Chi  and breath exercises today okay?”

“Cheese? What “ Barlgura snorted” what are you talking about?”
“No, you grumpus Chi, you know chi? You know about chi right?” xiyao face dropped from a smile to confusion. Barlgura simply blinked confused for a moment and shook his head
Xiyao said something probably not very nice in her own language and then said: “ by the mists what do they teach you orcs?”
Barlgura went to reply but was cut off, but her pushing him own the door. “ come on come on day is wasting”
She sat barlgura down in a chair and handed him a small coloured book with pictures
Now she said “ open page one! And we can begin”
Barlgura opened the book only to find colourful pictures of pandaren and green mist like smoke
“this is a book for children, i am not a child. Xiayo”
No but you’re grumpy like one now shush and behave
Barlgura went to protest again he didnt take direction very well but before he could a bamboo cane stuck him atop his head
“Dont even think, listen!” she said with a smirk
Barlgura folded his arm and held tiny book, like an ogre would hold a dainty teacup as he watched her explain chi another strike hit him again
“Don't pout either” she chuckled
“You’re enjoying this too much,” Barlgura said rubbing his head
“Perhaps now chi is the life force that binds.....”

Chapter 11

Days past and turned to weeks, turned to months. Each day a new lesson. Slowly he began to understand, he started his journey, he learned to harness his chi into strikes and from himself. Medicinal herbs and how to brew them into tea, Acupuncture, healing the body through channel chi centers he enjoyed the most and began to wear needles on a vambrace on his wrist.
Months upon months had passed. News that Garrosh had escaped through a portal and that another timeline of Draenor had invaded and then been squashed. The world continued on but to Barlgura there was only training, endless training.

Chapter Twelve

"My students you have done well and a new class is ready to set out into the world to heal and learn." Xiyao prodded Barlgura in the back her face beaming with pride “go on step forward he’s talking about you big dolt”
The master smiled at Xiyao but continued his speech and then gestured for the novices to walk forward. Barlgura and several other young pandaren stepped forward.
“You have an interesting journey ahead of you, my students, my friends, my brothers, and sisters. You go out into an uncertain world but no this though you leave as apprentices you will return as Masters.
Go now, the red Crane is with you!”

Barlgura bowed and nodded a good luck to the others, he walked back to his sleeping quarters to prepare to leave but Was again tackled by Xiyao with a hug and kiss on the cheek. She took and step back and bowed to him. “Good luck Barlgura we shall meet again”
Barlgura bowed back and smiled “we shall my friend thank you” Xiyao smiled a broadly as she watched him leave. Before shouting and waving “Wait Wait no wait!” barlgura turned as she grabbed his arm. With that she took a jade pendant necklace off her neck and placed it on Barlgura “ For luck and to remember me by!”
“Xiyao my friend i don't think i’ll be forgetting you in a hurry” he bowed again and headed off.
Perhaps it was time to see what the world was like now, someplace perhaps could use an extra mender.


Now that's quite a piece of text! Will chop it up in bits and read it whenever I find a little bit of time for each. Looks and sounds very promising though! \o/
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade