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September 21, 2024, 08:18:02 PM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Application: Zargad

Started by Zargad, April 15, 2015, 06:46:25 PM

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Name: Zargad
Class: Death Knight
Level: 100

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

Hello, there! I'm a PvPer with 5 years behind me. I wanted to start roleplaying. I have a month or two of rping in Argent Dawn. I main warrior, but decided to bring my DK back to life. I've learned the basics (or a bit more) of the orcish lore. I think and I hope that I'll learn fast both the lore and the terms of roleplaying at a decent level.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

Zargad. We don't know much about him. He don't want to speak much about his past and ancestry. But that's all we know about him:
Zargad is born short after the First war in a family of noble warrior father and shaman mother. His father trained him as a warrior. He had potential and he was learning quite fast. The Second war wasn't far from it's end, when he lost both of his parrents. He had problems with controling his anger and emotions. Between the Second and the Third war he started to fight for the Horde. Despite his noble blood he started as a normal warrior, but he climbed fast in the hierarchy. He became a commander of a small detachment during the Third war.
One day he and his people were about to ambush the Icecrown Citadel, but they were cought. Everybody were killed, but Arthas saw potential in Zargad. The Lich King turned him in to a mind controlled slave. But Zargad was known for his iron will. He broke the chains and took part again of the war against the Lich King and the scourge.
After the end of The Third war he was still serving very loyal to the Horde, but when Hellscream became a warchief he replaced some of the generals. Zargad had no choise. He became a mercenary. Nowdays he still has that "dirty" job, but he is also still loyal to the Horde and ready to die for it!


Hey there, Zargad! Thanks for applying, and don't worry about a lack of experience! We're very accommodating for people at all levels of their RP career, so I'm sure all will be fine! I've given your application a read-through, and there are both good things and a couple of issues, which I'll address below.

The timeline for WoW can be a bit all over the place, but for the most part, most of the playable Acherus Death Knights (Third Generation DKs, as they're called) were raised after the Third War -- between Vanilla WoW and the very end of Wrath of the Lich King. Given that Arthas hadn't yet taken up residence at Icecrown Citadel during the Third War, it's therefore impossible that he could have risen Zargad at that point -- he could have risen him later however, particularly during the Wrath period, since that was the first time the Horde contemplated any kind of assault on Icecrown Citadel.

If you have any further queries about timelines, I'd check our own thread on the subject: http://orcsoftheredblade.com/forum/index.php/topic,2438.0.html

Secondly, I'd steer away from Zargad holding any kind of high-command positions such as General, given some might construe that as power-play. It seems that the particular rank isn't that important for the Zargad story, so it may well be he had a lower rank of command during whatever military service he performed. That should also help the transition to New Blood of the Red Blades feel a bit more natural, of course!

With that said, these aren't major issues with the application, so if you could bear them in mind when you begin RPing your character, I'd be happy enough to accept the app. So in that case, simply seek out an officer in-game for your in-character interview, so we can give Zargad an opportunity to seek out the Red Blade tribe and officially join them!

Officers are Kozgugore, Therak, Rhonya, Gridish and myself. Best of luck and... for the Blood of the Tribe~!


Nice to hear! Today I'll try to correct myself. I'll try to contact a officer, but is there any time of the day when I should look for them ingame?


Hello! Usually the most time we'd have during the evenings, but it can happen you run into one of us able to do the interview during the day as well! Should we happen to have an event that evening it can also be we invite you to come to that if you want, so the interview can be done before, or after the event. There should be plenty of opportunities at least!

"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Hello, fellow orcs! I can't still contact with you ingame. Is there any specific place where I can find an officer?

Greetings, Zargad!

P.S. Can you give me some more info about the ingame interview? Do I need any special preparation?  :)


Doing a /who on the officer names should tell you if there's one online at the moment.
As for the interview, there shouldn't be any preparation needed. We'll just be asking your character questions and generally RPing with you to get a feel for you and the character as well as giving you an introduction to the tribe. So we don't bite (some restrictins may apply)
Think, assess, act.


If you're on one of the linked realms, try do a /who Red Blade instead, cause sometimes it bugs on names from a different realm. :)
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Interviewed and accepted by myself! For the Blood of the Tribe~!