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Application: Amanti the Wandering Mender

Started by Amanti, September 11, 2014, 01:14:36 AM

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Application for “Orcs of the Red Blade”

Name: Amanti

Class: Shaman

Level: 90

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

I am unable to put this in short words, granted I am to tell about my full roleplaying experience.
I started my roleplaying career in World of Warcraft, near the end of the “The Burning Crusade” expansion. My first roleplaying realm was Moonglade, and my first ever roleplaying character was a human Warlock by the name of Nick Darkcall. Hopelessly woeful surnames aside, I roleplayed on this character for the better part of 5 months, becoming involved in various corruption storylines (of which there were many on Moonglade at this time) and actively participating in the roleplaying community, though I was never really an instigator of events myself.

Come Wrath of the Lich King, I was still meandering about on the Moonglade realm, now mainly roleplaying a brazen human warrior by the name of Malien, and on the side for a more quiet time, I roleplayed a subtle priest by the name of Wynn.
I consider WotLK the expansion where I was most active, both in terms of playing, but also roleplaying. I went out of my comfort zone a few times and organized some events on Moonglade as part of being the Guild Master of a couple of roleplaying guilds (on Malien). This mostly involved military disputes and in-fighting between soldier regiments.

Eventually, after neither of the Guilds I ever led became a huge hit, I decided to relax on my participation in the community. Eventually this relaxation turned into laziness, and soon I only logged on to stare at the Stormwind walls every single day. Because of this, I took a break shortly before Deathwing hauled his rear to rain fire and brimstone on Azeroth.

Cataclysm hit, and I was convinced by friends to start playing again. Though Cataclysm very much became an expansion I would spend raiding instead of roleplaying and so my time on the realm Frostmane began. Admittedly, the lore surrounding Cataclysm never appealed to me, and so I raided for the entirety of the expansion, only ever logging onto my RP realm, Moonglade, once, to confirm that it had decreased in activity.
My friends quit (the bastards), and I had little to no motivation to keep on going, as they had gotten me into it in the first place. So I quit.

Mists of Pandaria rolls around, and I once again pick up my credit card to do battle against whatever Blizzard throws at me.
I am decided on wanting to continue roleplaying at this point, with raiding coming second. I never even got to raiding. Thing is, I returned to Moonglade and the entire realm is desolate of anything going on. I have never been one to enjoy a realm where I cannot feel the life, so I make the hard decision to abandon three level 80s on Moonglade and start fresh on the darned biggest RP realm I could find: Argent Dawn.

The legend of Malien continues, because I kept his legacy alive by, once again, rolling a human Warrior, funnily enough named Malien. I make it to level 50 until I am too enraptured by the roleplay I got myself caught in to continue leveling. A massive story of the trials and tribulations of a guild of Pandaren running a meager tavern, is what I got Malien caught up in, and I spend a good 3 maybe 4 months being involved in their journeys while raiding on my Malien on Frostmane (I am not good with thinking up names), on the side.

I quit again. This time for a good year. During this period of non-WoW, I spend about 2 months roleplaying on the MMORPG Wildstar as an Aurin on the Lightspire RP realm. Here, I guess you could say I played a moderately important role as an officer of the definitive biggest roleplaying Circle on the whole realm. Unfortunately, the leaders, including me, saw it necessary to pass on the mantle to new leaders, and I came to realize the game (At least the RP server) was slowly dwindling in population. I quit Wildstar. But I would argue that my time on Wildstar, though short, was one of the periods where I learnt the most about roleplaying, meeting some great people on the way who taught me a lot.

Now, World of Warcrafts calls me again, and with an expansion coming up I find it an adequate time to begin again. A certain someone convinced me to play, and thus I agreed. I must say I was surprised to come back and find that in the year I’ve been gone only one patch has gone by, from 5.3 to 5.4, but I am glad I did not miss much content in this case, as opposed to the Cataclysm lore which I almost missed entirely.
So I have returned, and here I am, applying for entry into the Orcs of the Red Blade.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

I’ll admit it. Writing Amanti’s story was a pain because I know zero about Orc lore, having been an Alliance person all of my life. Once I got going though, her story extended past three pages of a Word document, so I will try shortening it to the best of my ability.
Amanti was born in an internment camp in year 8, after the second War, (Thus she is aged 26-27 now), clanless because of these circumstances. She developed an affinity for caring for others, especially her friends within the camp, and it became clear to her what path she should take.

Thus, once released from the internment camp in year 18, at age 10, Amanti sought to study under any moderately experienced shaman she could find, desperate to gain knowledge and experience herself so that she might become the mender that she so wanted to. (Note that shamanism was only now being rediscovered at this point, due to Thrall revitalizing it within Orc culture, so progress for her was slow)

Because of this, Amanti made do with being a herbalistic healer from the start, only progressing towards a shamanistic healer once the Dark Portal opened. At this point, she sought to use her skills for the good of her allies, joining the front-lines. She never fought in the fray, but she was always sitting there back at whatever camp, ready to mend.
Then comes Arthas Menethil, the Lich King, rising along with his Scourge army, upon which Amanti joins up with the Argent Crusade, performing the same role as previous; the healer waiting back at camp, ready to tend to anyone. She would still not join the fray.

Once the forces of Azeroth had rid Azeroth of the Scourge menace, Amanti tried to settle down in the Southern Barrens, only for the Shattering to obliterate her hut. Once more, she picks up her self-appointed mantle of helping those in need, abandoning her hut to become a wandering shamanistic healer.

Her path took her from Southern Barrens to Northern Barrens, to the Stonetalon Mountains. From here, Alliance soldiers chased her to Desolace, a place in which she for the first time attempted to join in combat, only to be wounded in battle by the invading demons. Once recovered, she traveled through Feralas to Thousand Needles where she only managed to spend a short amount of time before news of Deathwing’s demise hit her. All through this journey, not one day went by where Amanti was not trying to mend the world or heal those of whom she deemed victims of the Shattering.
Amanti once more headed home to her small hut in the Barrens. Alas peaceful times never last long, and news of the war being waged between Horde and Alliance on Pandaria spread. Amanti knew it was not a dispute she wanted to partake in.

That is, until more rumors spread about the cruelty being shown towards the Pandaren people. This, once more, lit her fire, and she bartered her way to Pandaria via various transportation. Once there, she found herself using most of her time in one particular village that had been raided and left razed. Here, Amanti heard of a Rebellion against Garrosh’s regime going on in Northern Kalimdor. The so-called Northern Rebellion.

This was pleasant news to her, for she despised Garrosh for what he had done towards some of these Pandaren. Once the village was back on it’s feet, something that took a few months to accomplish, Amanti makes her way home again, only to find that the Northern Rebellion is over.
Intrigued by the fact that it was an Orc Chieftain of a certain tribe who led the Rebellion, Amanti decides to scope things out for herself.

"The Red Blade tribe, huh?"


Hello Amanti!

I've given your application a good read-through and even though you say you know nothing about orc lore, you've got a good solid background there! And more menders are always welcome, seeing not much people for some reason like to play them, but I hope you'll find as much joy in it as I do! (My character being one of the veeery few menders around. xD)
So, I accept your application and invite you for an IC interview with one of our officers. Currently ICly we reside in Nagrand, Garadar.
Just poke one of our officers ingame when you find one online to ask if they have some time!
Them being: Grogona, Rargnasha, Sadok, Therak and me, Rhonya.

Hope to see you soon ingame!
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."