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September 21, 2024, 10:44:23 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Started by cybuch, February 12, 2014, 03:37:45 PM

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Name: Cybuch ?

Class: Warrior  lvl: 8 atm

Roleplay expirience: not that great in WoW to be honest, was playing some RP character in Vanillia WoW but thats it. Having expirience with other´s mmo games in RP aspect anyway :)

Cybuch´s story:not that great becouse of my English knowledge "learned most from gaming & internet :)"

So , Cybuch story is that he do not remember nothing before Human imprision Camp after second war. Its can be possible becouse of his wounds in second war, guessing from the scars he´s got .He is allready older grey heired orck althrought his skin is brown so he cannot have imancipated in demon blood drinking in Dreanor.

After His liberated from Camp he join Thrall goal to defeting Burning Legion in Azeroth with other alliance and Horde races.
After Legion´s defeat Cybuch finds group of orcks called Orcs of the red blade. He try joining this group of orcs that how he think can help him to  find his roots , his past and maybe his destiny.


Hallo Cybuch, and welcome to the roleplaying world of WoW!

It's nice to see you showing an interest in RP, and our guild in the process in particular. Though your English might not be perfect, I'm sure it doesn't have to be an obstacle if you're willing to keep on trying.
That said, your application is, admittedly, a little short. You have the base details of your character down, but it feels a bit lacking as far as his history goes. Having a few more things figured out could really help you get used to your character when you play him in-game. Also, there aren't any known brown orcs that fought along in the First or Second War, since they all turned green as soon as they supported the Horde in its activities. So you'll have to choose either to be a Mag'har (brown orc) and have only joined the orc after the Dark Portal opened in TBC, or be a veteran of the wars and be a green orc.

If you have any further questions, feel free to let us know! Good luck!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


So , for many years Cybuch and his 2 sons was offered to drink the demon blood, Cybuch as allready older , life expirienced orc didnt trust gul´dans storytelling about power they gain but both his sons drinked it. Cybuch was expeled from his old Blackrock clan he belong. His Sons went principated in slaughtering Drenai and went witch most of they Blackrock clan as leading clan on 1st War to Azeraoth. Cybuch himself joined  Mag'har like many other exiled orcs from various clans.After some time and second war cybuch was worried avbout his both sons that they never comes back from 1st & 2nd war.After reopenig dark portals his sons didnt came back either  but informations or better no informations about his bouth Sons and about New Horde on other side he decided to travel to Azeroth to find his sons possible free from demon curse or whatever has happend to them.
After reaching Azeroth Cybuch knowing that on he cant get in this new world allone but unlucky his old clan was still corupted he decided to join Orcs Of The Red Blade becouse of they nomadic life style and posibylity of meeting his sons thru it :)


Looks to be quite in order, all in all! I'm willing to give you a chance to see how you'll fare in-game, so feel free to prod any Red Blade (preferably any of the officers) in-game and ask if they're available for an IC interview! Good luck!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade