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October 06, 2024, 04:41:51 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Bite of the Dragon

Started by Nograx, November 12, 2013, 10:56:32 PM

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Hello fellow Orcs. Just wanted to try this.

Bite of the Dragon

He stepped onto the platform of the watchtower. The night air was chilly and the hair on his neck was sent upwards by its touch, as he gazed into the sky of Nagrand. He looked around and spotted a floating island above Garadar and saw a skeleton of a drake in it. He sighed shortly and grimaced.

„Even the dirt is able to fly with a Dragon.“

He clenched his fists and spat from the platform. A Dragonmaw without a dragon. I am a joke and an embarrassment to my people. He searched one of his beltbags and pulled out a badge, placing it in his palm. He snorted with anger. The badge, made out of finest steel, was fashioned to resemble the symbol of the Dragonmaw. I was once a captain for fels sake. He closed his fist, pressing the badge.

„Why can't I tame them anymore?“

His body trembled with anger. Because I am to stubborn. The Thur`ruk said it to me after the hunt as if it is a good thing. He thought back at the day in the Highlands. After the business with the Twilight Hammer he set out with some of the Dragonmaw for a celebration hunt. A dragonhunt. His people offered him this chance, the kind of coming home present he had never expected. He didn't expected anything at all and it was his chance to prove himself, to be worthy of those markings on his forearms again. And he was hell bent on doing it right. He would return to the fortress, mounted on a drake, bending it to his will. With force if he had too. They rode out on wolfs, searching the land for signs of a Dragon and they found them. Footprints, fresh blood on the grass in a nearby forest at the foot of the mountain. The branches of the trees around them lay scattered to the south. They tracked the beast down to its den. But as they entered there was no mighty dragon there. Barely big enough to ride, the black drake slept peacefully, sending clouds of dirt in to the air, when it exhaled.

„I am to tame that? It is barely big enough to take a rider.“ He remembered asking his fellow hunters.

„It doesn't matter how big he is. In fact a young drake is by far better. So you have time to show it, who is its master, before it comes of age to carry you.“

One of his fellow hunters handed him an iron club.

„We will make sure it stays in place, while you show him who is boss. Tell us when you are ready.“

The hunters readied heavy chains with weight on them and assembled themselves around the sleeping drake with care. They looked towards him, with eyes full of doubt. Searching him. Judging him. They are testing me. Testing my worth. Nograx gazed down at the heavy club in his hand, tightening his grip around it. He nodded and stepped towards the drake.

The drake roared as soon as the chains fell on him and the orcs sticked them to the ground. It tried to brake free, but his effort was futile. His looked around, as if didn't knew what was going on until it found the eyes of Nograx and starred directly at him. Nograx eyes widened at what he saw. No anger. Just... Fear. He is afraid. 

„Are you going to stare him into submission or what?“

The hunters laughed. He pitied the drake before him. It certainly had no clue of what was happening. But the laughter stirred something inside him. He could feel it. They are laughing at me. Focus. Do it! Prove yourself!

„Obey me!“ He roared with his guttural voice at the drake and raised the club, ready to strike. The drake winced and tried to brake free. He hold in. Remorse and his will to prove himself battled inside him. He was frozen.

„Just raising the club wont do any good either. What is it old orc? Have you forgotten how this works? Beat him!“

The laughter around him was filled with spite. Anger filled him. Beat him! You want this! His expression darkened and the club descended onto the drake. Upon the sound of the hit the roar of the drake followed, filled with fear. Pleading at him. But Nogax ears where shut. He heard only the laughter in his head and it fueled every blow he dealt. He was deaf for everything around him. Starring into the eyes of the drake which closed with every blow of the club. Until they opened no more. A fluid sprayed on his face and he blinked. Suddenly the laughter was gone and the den went silent. Blood? He... He is dead? Blood flowed down the drake head. His eyes widened and his grip opened. The club hit the ground and broke the silence.

„Well. Great. You where supposed to subdue it, not kill it. You really forgot how to do this old one, eh?“

He opened his fist and looked at the badge again, sighting and putting it bag into its bag.

„Stay stubborn.“ He spat out the words. He heard a wolf barking below and turned his gaze towards it. There was Fen, looking at him, swinging with his tale. He smiled. Tomorrow old friend. Then we will head to the valley.
Blood in the soil, makes for more toil! Tell the bloody earth, a new Horde to give birth! -General Nazgrim

I am Dragonmaw, I am the blood of the Dragon and the fist of the Horde! - Lieutenant Krugruk


The journey to the valley was a quite and a quick one. Despite his age, Fen could run as fast as the wind. The loyal wolf was always eager to travel or to hunt. He served Nograx well and was the only companion, which always stayed at his side. Fighting with him, carrying him to battle.

The place was a mess. Nograx remembered the valley in its prime. It was such a peaceful place, much like Nagrand except for the fact that the sun never rose above this land. That was something that didn't change during the corruption. It was still dark and the only source of light was the sick green sky and the green magma, which was everywhere, pouring down from the big mountain in the center. The hand of Gul`dan.

But he was not here for sightseeing. He already got the dense stones and just hunted down one of the poisonous chimeras of the valley. Luckily the beast slept and never saw the swing for his head coming. He gathered the horns of the beast and mounted Fen, who looked with a hungry expression at the carcass.

„No old friend. Every beast in this damned place is corrupted by fel magic. It could kill you. We wont stay much longer and when we return to Nagrand we hunt us a big tabulk. Sounds good, doesn`t it?“

The wolf howled with joy, as if he understood his rider and ran off with him.

Time passed as they ran through the desolate landscape until they reached the ruins of the fortress, where Nograx fought so many years ago, against the corrupted branch of his clan. Good orcs died here and even if they were crazed with demon blood, they where still orcs and they had fought with the little bit of honor, which was left inside of them. He dismounted and took a stroll through the deserted fortress, Fen at his side.

He passed by the compound where the young netherdrake whelps where held, all those years ago. He stopped by a deserted cage and knelt before it, the same way he did so before. Only this time there was no whelp inside of it. A smile ran across his face. I wonder where you are now. He took out a piece of salted meat and placed it before the cage.

„Obey me!“ A guttural voice shouted.

Nograx looked up searching for the source and heard a with pain filled roar. It came from the top of the fortress and he looked at Fen, who growled.

„Lets take a look.“

He mounted fen and rode to the top. They reached the yard and there it lay on the ground fighting, roaring with pain. An oddly familiar one eyed onyx colored netherdrake, pinned down by chains, surrounded by four fel orcs and tormented by a warlock.

The cage! Could it be? His thoughts raced across his mind. The highlands! No. This wont happen! He was outnumbered, but he didn't seem to care. Rage filled him and Fen growled as he ran towards the first orc. In complete unity they charged.

„Lok`tar Ogar!“ He roared and took the head of the first orc with his axe by surprise. The next one tried to get his axe from his belt, but he was to slow. Fen was upon him and ripped out his throat. The screams of the orc pitched high for a brief moment before he fell silent as his vocal chords where ripped out by the hungry wolf.

„Get him you worthless peons!“ The warlock commanded and the two remaining orcs charged Nograx, completely ignoring the wolf, which took the opportunity. One pinned down and two more to go. Nograx followed the example of his companion and charged the remaining Orc, throwing him to ground. He punched the roaring fel orc in the throat, silencing him and pierced his heart with his hunting knife.

Then came the pain. His guts felt like they where being twisted inside of him. He wanted to roar but all that came out was blood. He fell on his knees. The warlock! Always take out the caster you idiot! Anger filled him and he looked up into the twisted red orcs face.

„You stand no chance against the Dragonmaw, you old fool.“

Nograx wanted to respond but all he could do, was to cough up more blood.

„This beast belongs to me! I will break his will just as I will break every bone inside of you.“

The warlock laughed at him but was soon cut off as Fen leaped onto him. Good boy. Nograx ginned and yet again the screams died with ripped out vocal chords. The paws of Fen stepped into Nograx field of view and he could feel the wolf was sniffing at his head, whimpering at him.

„Yes, yes... Good boy. We will get you a big clefhood instead of a tabu...“

The words stuck in his throat as the wolf collapsed in front of him. Nograx looked up and his eyes widened in terror at the lifeless body of his companion before him. He looked around and saw a blood dripped dagger in the hands of the warlock.

„No.... Noooooo!“

He crawled towards the wolf, picked him up and pressed him against his armored chest. Stroking his pelt.

„Don't you give up on me now. We survived Northrend, Pandaria and the Cataclysm.“

But it was no use. Nograx looked at the black fur. It was soaked in blood and numerous dagger wounds pierced Fens skin. He searched the red eyes of the wolf for a sign of life. He could feel tears running down his face. A long sorrow filled roar filled the night sky of the valley.

He suddenly heard the cracking of chains and behind him.
Blood in the soil, makes for more toil! Tell the bloody earth, a new Horde to give birth! -General Nazgrim

I am Dragonmaw, I am the blood of the Dragon and the fist of the Horde! - Lieutenant Krugruk