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September 19, 2024, 04:29:41 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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In the Beasts mind - Trakmar's stories

Started by Trakmar, July 22, 2013, 04:34:50 PM

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A stag stood grazing in Ashenvale, not too far from the Lumber Camp the Rebellion now called their base. In the nearby bushes hid the Mag'hari Orc, waiting for just the right moment  to take it down.

He started crawling out of the bushes, silently, and licking his lips like a hungry wolf. If it would just stay for a few more seconds...

A loud, but half-hearted howl could suddenly be heard in the distance! The stag raised its head, startled, and saw the Orc who was just moments away from killing it. He roared out in frustration, and slammed a fist on the ground. Seem the stag had luck on his side.

(( More of Trakmar's stories and throughts will be posted here. ))
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"


Prowling in the grass, Trakmar was ready to pounce his prey. A Nightsaber, drinking from the lake. All he needed was a few more seconds. The Nightsaber raised its head, being done drinking. No was the time. Trakmar pounced at the beast, and just as planned, managed to sink his teeth deep into the beasts throat. He cut open the animal, and started tearing out the meat, which now was his food. He looked over the lake, thinking. Much had happened in recent time. Most important, the death of his mate.

"Hunt well on the plains, Keishara. I will be coming soon to join you..."

Her death had left quite an impact on him. Hardly before an hour had passed, a Kor'kron assassin had taken her life. Had it not been for Trakmar, then Rokarna would have seen a similar fate. Since that, he have only had a blinded rage for anything wearing Kor'kron colours. Dispite killing the Kor'kron that killed her, he would still blame himself for her death. He wasn't there for her, and that caused her death. Nightmares pestered him after the events. He would get little sleep, and would not dare leave his daughters side unless Shargla or Grogona was nearby. Even Krogon had threatened taking her from her fathers arms, in which Trakmar responded he would gut Krogon, should he do that. After much thinking, he finally decided to leave Rokarna with a matron in Winterspring, but not without regret...

"M'sisters... I can't t'ank 'em enough."

After how much Shargla and Grogona helped him taking care of Rokarna, he slowly started to grow close to them, especially Shargla, who Trakmar would usually seek out for advice, and even eventually grow to be very fond of, even so recent after Keishara's death. Shargla had helped him make peace with Keishara's spirit, where Trakmar promised he would get over Keishara's death and find a new mother for Rokarna - But never forget his former mate. Trakmar eventually opened to Shargla, and explained his growing fondness of her, even saying he wanted her to mother his pup. He told of this to Revax as well, who was already aware of this, and told Trakmar he would take care of Rokarna, should anything happen to him. And should anything happen to Revax, Trakmar would take care of Shargla and her son.

"Bloody emotional mess all t'is be..."

Something strange had happened the other night. The New Blood, Mibuna who Trakmar tutors ended up growing feelings for him. Feeling he would find himself returning. She reminded him of Keishara, as if she was reincarnated. They spoke as if they had known one another for years, quickly growing very fond of one another. Trakmar would question himself at this, however. He was aware he could find himself torn between Mibuna's affection, and his feelings for Shargla. As well as he was not quite over Keishara's death. Still, his first instinct was finding a mother for his daughter, a promise he would have no intention of breaking. He was well aware he couldn't raise her on his own. He ended up making an oath to this she-orc, who would gladly accept.

"Be hard takin' all t'is in... It be happenin' fast. Uncomfortably so. Yet, seems like t'righ' t'ing ter do fer me..."

Earlier this night, Shargla had admit her feelings for Trakmar, stating she wanted him as a second mate. Trakmar responded he still has feelings for her as well, but has no intention of taking his brothers mate. Then later stated, that if Revax would allow it, Trakmar would be honored to have her as a mate. He was confused at all this. Think one thing, say the opposite. Say one thing, think the opposite. He ended up being unsure what to think of it all, and how he should handle it. He said he wanted to talk this over with Shargla to see if they could get to some solution to these problems. The last thing Trakmar want would be being a distraction to his Sister. A Sister who had gladly accepted Trakmar into her family. Now that he was aware that not only Mibuna and Shargla was fond of him, but the night before, Shargla had left one more unmentioned.


Trakmar was not sure what to think of all this. However, for now he had other things to focus on. The war, and the Orc he now considers a mate.
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"


The beasts of Ashenvale was howling and roaring. Wolves, sabers and birds of prey roaring, howling and screeching in harmony. The sounds alone was enough to make Trakmar want to just leave the tribe and the war and let out his feral instincts again. For a long time now, he had held the beast in him in check. Too long. At this point, it would break out, or simply grow tame and docile. Trakmar hated the thought. He wanted to run among beasts again. Hunt with a pack of beasts. The war had everyone going weary, and now that they had entered Orgrimmar it would not be long until either victory or loss. Anything could happen there.

The old and ragged orc lifted his head, letting out a growl. "No' lon' left now. I' be a pain, bu' ain' long 'till I can wander 'gain. Been too lon', i' 'ave."

The war was a cage, and the Tribe was the chain that held him in place. He already missed when the Tribe was on its own. No Horde it was chained to. It went where it went, like a proper pack. Like a pack, the orcs there only had eachother to turn to. The old Orc growled again and rose to his feet as he heard a loud roar in the distance. He joined the roar, letting out a loud and bellowing roar that travelled throughout Azshara and Ashenvale.  Trakmar bared his teeth, grinning. Louder than ever he heard the call. No rules. No code of honour. None to hold him back. Only instinct.

He snorted. "An' t'a be 'ow 'im will die. A' t'ands o' t' chained packs. By fang an' claw. An' t'en... Time 'ave come t'wander."

He looked back to Orgrimmar. The wolves barks and howls was loud and clear. He picked up his axe and grunted at Bamak, as the two started walking toward Orgrimmar. Wouldn't be long left now until it is all over.

"An' t' chained packs s'all run free 'gain. T'wilds an' spirits will roar as we kill t'Kor'kron. An' t' grea' wolf s'all back away like a scared pup in 'im den."
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"


(( Guessing it's time I add something new here. It's long due! ))

"Wear t'ose scars as a constant reminder o' y' betrayal. Y'be no mate o'mine."

The words rang through Trakmar's head. He had shouted them out at her, seeming to care little if others might have woken up. Though, as soon as he made the decision to strike her, he was already filled with regret. He had let the anger out on her, which he saw only as wrong. She might have left him for Sadok, but was still carrying his child. His own flesh and blood. Could he really just leave that behind like that? He was determined that he should, though the regret still tore at him.

He walked through the camp. The snoring of surrounding Orcs, humans, Dwarves and Tauren did little more than annoy him at this point. He snorted loudly, muttering his blood-brother's name.

"Sadok... T'a y'coul' betray m'trust lik' t'a. Bah. 'Im be not gettin' away from t'a on' wi'ou' som' sort o' way t'explain 'imself."

Not only did he feel his mate had betrayed him, but Sadok as well. He had ensured Trakmar that he had no intent of taking Kyrazha. That he had no intent of getting into a relationship with her. No, this could not pass without some sort of punishment. Sadok would have to face the beasts claws, as Kyrazha did.

He walked to his den, just at the other side of the river from the camp. He crawled inside, looking at the young Frostsaber, Savage who was sleeping by the wall, then to Rokarna, who was sleeping soundly, tucked safely into some furs. The old Orc sad down, letting out a weary grunt, thinking. Could he take care of Rokarna himself if he left? That was the reason he returned to the Tribe in the first place - He was well aware that he couldn't at the time. Ever since the death of Keishara.

For the first time in several months, Keishara struck his mind. His first love, killed just an hour after childbirth. He though on how troubled she had been before her death. Wondering if it might have actually been a good thing that she died. She was at peace now. Her past couldn't possibly trouble her anymore.

His mind then travelled to thr thought of Mibuna. They met, and two days later decided they were mates. Something that was destined to last short. He had not really ever loved her, dispite trying to convince himself that he did. At the point, he had only wanted a mother for Rokarna. A mistake, Trakmar liked to see it as now. Nothing else, though he had trouble actually believing himself on that part right now.

Then, Shargla. The one who offered Trakmar help after Keishara's death, when he needed it the most. She did not hesitate with taking on his daughter as if it was her own. This, made Trakmar love her dearly. They eventually became brother and sister by oath of blood. The one Trakmar had loved most. And dearly. The nights they had spent together alone in Ashenvale was among his most dear memories. He even almost ended up fight Revax for her, but in the end, was glad he did not. He was surprised when he was told that Revax still saw Trakmar as his brother. On one part, he hated Revax because he kept Shargla and Trakmar from being with each other. Whereas on another part he was glad it was so. They had a son together. Raigoz, who would always hide in one of his fathers empty barrels. Something that could never stop Trakmar from snickering. Children, and their strange ways. And their ability to make peace so quickly between two who was about to fight to the death.

Trakmar sighed. Then his mind wandered further back. Back when he was still on Draenor, 25 years ago. A Draenei, Valeni had strangely enough managed to catch the savage wildsorcs attention. One night and many drinks later, however, that was all over. But thinking back, he regret it. Had he only know that was something which would give him his first child. Instead of taking responsibility, he had left it. And left his first daughter to be raised in a village of outcasts with an overprotective mother. Somehow, he felt more ashamed of that now than he had before. Not because he had laid with a Draenei, as disgusting some might think it be. But rather, he had just abandoned her. Left her as if she was some whore in the drag. In hindsight, a bad decision.

The thought wandered back to the present. Back into the den Trakmar would dig different places and call home for as long as he'd stay. He sighed. Nothing was left to bind him to the Tribe. He had no reason to stay behind. He started rolling up the furs, which served as a bed. Then carefully picked up Rokarna and placed her outside the den. It was then a small Orc came by. Rhonya. As if Trakmar hadn't enough to deal with already.

(( Soon to be continued. Tired as a write this, so do feel free to point out typos. )

"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"