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Rising from the grave

Started by Nograx, January 08, 2014, 03:52:23 AM

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His eye opened. The lamp was burning over him sending out a dim light, through the room. Thunder rolled down on the earth, as if it where to break a mountain. He glared around. The tribe was sleeping all around him. Content snores could be heard from every corner of the room. Grulda had her arm wrapped around him. Peacefully at sleep. Peace. The bare fought made Nograx grind his teeth. Even though his body was damaged, his mind was awake, working, fuelled by a hatred, like some kind of engine. And it wont run out of fuel any time soon.

How can I beat him?

A thought, that ran through his mind time and time again. In all these years he took pride in the fact, that no enemy had bested him. He was always able to outsmart or simply overpower his foes. But he always had his weapon. His armour. It was gone now. Ripped from him, by a simple hand gesture from Northcliffe. And it made him furious. How was he to protect those, he cared for, when he could be so easily robbed of his power?

Doomshout was right. He had no tricks up his sleeves. Fel! He didn't even had sleeves anymore. Northcliff was a foe, he was powerless against. The only thing, that kept him alive in that crypt, was his rage, which made him brake the shadowy shackles of the forsakens binding.

A low growl escaped his throat as his anger rose. Not for Diederich, but anger that was directed at himself.

I have become weak.

He uttered the words lowly and clenched his fist. A chilly wind came through the building and the lamps went off, sending the room into darkness.

That WILL change. I`ll get my vengeance.

His torso rose. The pain, that was sent down his body was dulled, by the anger that burned in him.
Every muscle ached under his movement, refusing to set in motion. Grunting and growling he forced himself slowly on his feet, breathing heavily.

He stepped outside and rain began pouring over his beaten body. He looked down into a puddle. Lightning revealed his face for a brief second. He could see the „D“, that was carved in his forehead and roared, as thunder came down on the land.

I have work to do.
Blood in the soil, makes for more toil! Tell the bloody earth, a new Horde to give birth! -General Nazgrim

I am Dragonmaw, I am the blood of the Dragon and the fist of the Horde! - Lieutenant Krugruk