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Messages - Raythar

Off Topic / Re: Funny stuff
July 16, 2014, 06:59:25 PM

Dunno who got the most painfull experience :)
Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
July 16, 2014, 06:55:49 PM
My old bank alt ^^


Edit: Damn, fail upload xD

Applications / Re: Application: Raythar
July 05, 2014, 10:48:46 PM
Awesome! Had a great first day! Gonna sleep well tonight!
Applications / Re: Application: Raythar
July 04, 2014, 09:48:48 PM
Thank you! I look forward to join you guys :) I tried to have my background story longer but was limited for some reasons >_<

Was gonna join you with Rekor in sholarzin basin but we did not dare to do anything due to the alliance gankers... I'll poke around in due time :D
Applications / Application: Raythar
July 04, 2014, 12:19:47 AM
Application: Raythar

Name: Raythar
Class: Warrior
Level: 85

Roleplaying Experience:

Been Roleplaying since tbc, in a full time rp guild on sporeggar called the Thunderfury clan until its disband early WotlK, was even its guildmaster for a period of time. after that I just made casual RP, recently returned to WoW again with Regorn and we plan to co-play on our warriors (Rekor). He speaks well of this guild and I hope to join you. as all my toons that I RP with I have built a personality and background story for him to use.

Now then, short introduction of Raythar, the lone warrior:

Raythar, an orphan orc have been wandering the world for years since the war against the lich king. He returns to Durotar time to time and share words with his only friend, Rekor. He sticks to his honor and serve the horde and perform whatever deeds of good will when he can. However, he feels alone and needs a bigger purpose. He hears good words of the orcs of the red blade soo he have decided to seek them up. Perhaps this clan can give him a home, or perhaps even a family he needs?..