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Topics - Gashuk

Event Planning / Kosh'harg.
January 21, 2012, 05:50:02 PM
So as far as I am told, Kosh'harg is usually held in Feburary so it's about time it was planned, no? That is, if we're going to get our green butts off of Northrend to make the traditional pilgrimage, which I hope we do!

Firstly, I would like to offer the idea of having a weeks worth of events to honour it, making Garodar and Nagrand our point of interest for the week. These events would consist of many different aspects of a traditional Kosh'harg, as depicted in Rise of the Horde, including but not limited to; feasting, sparring tournaments, hunts, story telling and everything else you could plug into Campfire RP for which I know OotRB is famous for.

Furthermore, as a Shaman, I would like to perhaps plan something a tad special for the Shaman of the Tribe. Oargoth, being as old as he is, remembers old Kosh'hargs, in which all the Shaman of all the Clans entered Oshu'gun and undertook rituals in attempt to contact and commune with the Ancestors bringing back prophetic messages to their respective clans. I am under the impression that this was simply done by our wonderful High Blade Thur'ruk, Mazguul, in the past and frankly that is a shame.

I propose that all Shaman of the Tribe, perhaps even other Spiritual Orcs such as Sadok who isn't a Shaman but still reveres the Ancestors, enter the Mountainside and within we conduct a ritual including inhaling of certain smokes, devouring certain blood and meat and with any luck, contact the Ancestors. This should be a serious, proper event, not just one or two Orcs wondering into the Mountain and going afk.

But I see what you might think, this would limit the amount of Orcs in the Tribe that can take everything out of Kosh'harg, and to that I answer this. Firstly, whilst the Shaman shimmy off to do these tasks, I propose an event is run alongside it for the outsiders. Perhaps the tournament that I mentioned prior. Secondly, as I have been told has been done in the past, I propose that a thread be opened where all Orcs can mention something, if they wish, that may be revealed in prophecy. This way it has the potential to affect every Orc's life within the Tribe, which it should.

To conclude however, rambling aside, I've made this thread to discuss this year's Kosh'harg should we be having one and see what will or will not be happening. Whether it be a week long event, or a day, I hope for this to be a great Festival!
The Campfire / -Oargoth's Scrapbook-
January 11, 2012, 03:08:16 PM
*Scrawled in red ink on dirty, even sodden parchment, reads.*

-In the founding of Orgimmar, what makes an Orc a Hero or a Peon? Oargoth, alone and confused, notes that perhaps the true Heroes of the Horde aren't the mighty Warriors, but the humble Peon as the New Horde struggles to pull itself together in the light of the new World.-

Blood pumps, thumps, me 'eart wholly asunder,
Our Pup o' a City, Our noble race
Anew, reborn, once imbued with thunder,
Seems suddenly chaste, hunted, out o' pace.
A Pack split, howlin' out o' te rhythm,
Who am I te bring Us back tegether?
Te make te Blood pump free wit'out schism.
Yet riddles utter, “Birds o' a Feather”,
But where, for dreams pass me by unexplored
As I lose me'self in visions o' pain,
I'm suddenly one Orc, lone in te Horde.
Who will be there te pull me, us, back sane?
As Heroes surround tales o' bloody glory,
Te Spirits tell o' te peon's story.

-As poverty sinks in and Durotar proves itself a harsh mistress, who is to say that Orcish pride didn't diminish and Thrall's pedestal loosen? The new Elements of Azeroth surpass traditional methods of Orcish Shamanism and Oargoth writes about his, and his Race's struggle, to survive. Perhaps it's impossible-

Growls keep me awake at night, in a fright,
Tho' I fight an' I fight lookin' alone
Fer te reason te live on through this plight.
Yet te whisperin' chills me te tha' bone,
An' te Earth ignores my pleas te swallow,
Fire detests my hunger fer burning.
Water, spirit o'  Life, leaves me hollow,
An' even Wind ignores me strong yearnin'.
Alien, this new Land, full o' poverty,
Wild an' free from Orcish dominance.
Spared Draenor's curse spawnin' from ye an' me,
Seems te Spirits exude confidence.
Our medicine tastes bitter doesn't et?
“Lok'tar ogar”, just false hope, I admit.

((Inspired by Morgeth's necroed thread, I decided to post the in progress poetry scrapbook of Oargoth's time during the founding of Orgrimmar. I'll add to the list of sonnets once I write more. Enjoy! ))