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Will you be accepting Mag'har?

Started by Korekh, August 11, 2018, 10:18:50 AM

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Hi, I'm considering writing up an application. I've always been an orc fan and ever since we encountered the Mag'har in The Burning Legion expansion, I've wanted to play one. Will you be accepting them into the guild as well, or only "standard" orcs?


Hey hello!

An orc is an orc! We're accepting main universe Mag'har, alternate universe Mag'har (we have quite a few of both actually! ) and even accepting half humans, half ogres and half draenei, as long as they function on the Horde side of things of course and use the orc model ingame.
So you're free to choose, as long as your background story follows the lore accurately. :) (There is a timeline here on this forum which might be able to help you out if you need some help with what happened when: http://orcsoftheredblade.com/forum/index.php/topic,2438.0.html )
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Great, thank you for the reply! I aim to play a standard orc shaman, to begin with until I unlock the Mag'har, then I'll make a switch to a Mag'har hunter sometime during the expansion.

I'll write up an application and I hope to see you in-game!


You're very welcome. :) A lot of us are doing the same thing, many of us have been playing Mag'har for several years already and will be racechanging to the allied race whenever they come out. So you certainly won't be alone in that. ^^
Something one of the officers will tell you too in response to your application most likely though is that with the coming of BFA we'll go on a two week event break (Our last event for now is tomorrow) due to people leveling. But after that rp and events and a new storyline should be in full swing again. ;)
Hope to see you ingame too!
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."