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Last Post Wins: Revengeance

Started by Kozgugore, November 30, 2017, 09:06:35 PM

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Wornag (Kronnor)

Not sure, I feel like Devilstep is and always was overrated.
All Blademasters are badass (apart from bad RPers that have no clue what they're doing RPing a Blademaster), so Devilstep is not a special snowflake among them.


"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Even with an already existing awesome concept, it still takes effort and challenge to actually make that concept come to life in a believable, tangible form in everyday RP. And Krogon always managed to make that concept very believable and tangible in my eyes, whereas most other attempts Blademaster RP that I found rarely came close to the real experience (as yesterday's attempt at a Dirty Stereotype Blademaster® showed).
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Not to inflate his ego, i prefer annoying him with puns, krogon rage sustains me. But Krogon was a 10/12 year old character?  I think? God knows he can probably tell you himself, he may well have started as a generic old honurablu blademasturu naruto runner. But he had a lot of lil nuances that obviously came from the amount of time he played him. That always makes everyone remember something he said or did in an event or even have his own in jokes on the forums etc. Like Koz said krogon felt like a tangible real person, a very impressive and memorable character

Wornag (Kronnor)

You people clearly didn't understand my point... I wasn't talking about the person that roleplayed Krogon, I was talking about Krogon as an IC figure.
Lore-wise, Blademasters are OP and badass, he did OP and badass things.

From a lore-wise point of view he ain't special, he just did what Blademasters do.


You clearly didn't understand our point either then. I, for one, -was- in fact talking about the IC figure. ;)
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


I was talking about Krogon the ic character too? He never really did anything op really I dont really know Krogon irl only that his pun fueled rage sustains me

Wornag (Kronnor)

Koz, you were talking about how Krogon managed to RP properly a Blademaster.

What I meant was something like an orc or anybody would say IC:
"I don't get why everyone is praising Devilstep. He's just an average Blademaster".

But let's not talk about him anymore, since we might accidentally summon him.


Yeeees, but -through- him being capable of RPing a Blademaster very well, he managed to make -the actual character-, that is ICly, more than just a 'regular Blademaster' as well. He was an actual character, in every meaning of the word. Not just the concept that defines a Blademaster. In my eyes, it takes more than just the concept to make an orc. Krogon earned the reputation he did because of the way he RPed a Blademaster (as in, his own execution of it) as well as the actual RP he did beyond that mere concept alone. He actually initiated RP, created hooks for people to jump on, etc. Those aren't necessarily things any regular Blademaster would do per se.

And even if it wasn't for that, I don't really see why one wouldn't (ICly or OOCly) be able to praise a character just because their 'class' is considered OP by default. Demon hunters, death knights, dark rangers or even Warchiefs are considered hero classes or OP positions of power comparable to, for example, a Blademaster (at least going by what they represented in Warcraft III). But certainly not every character that RPs such a role can be considered neither OP or particularly impressive.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Even more so in my eyes, if someone does play a concept that is 'in general' considered to be OP.. Even more praise if they manage to do it in such a way so it doesn't come across as if they picked that class just to be stronger than everyone else.
I've seen enough people picking a class or even subrace (Half ogre or even certain troll races for example) only because then they'd be 'allowed' to be stronger than everyone else and misuse that.

Praise to those who play something more powerful in such a way that it is coming across as if it's not only played merely because it's powerful. But because they manage to make it work and keep it interesting and fair -dispite- their class/concept being stronger.
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


The trick... infact, is to not make a Hero-class powerful at all.

Give them weaknesses, give them faults, short-fallings. Make them Mortal. That way, when push comes to shove, and everyone's back is against the wall... you, the player, can use your wit, your cunning and inate Storytelling gifts to raise yourself and others up beyond those perceived and expected shortcomings to exceed the imagination.

Then you're a Hero.

Not just a hero-class.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."

Wornag (Kronnor)

... And all of these walls of text started from a joke.


Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Kronnor this one is for you. You are an inspiration


Actually it feels more to me like this all started with a guild member bashing another one of his fellow guild members for the character concept he's been using. That's why I saw fit to butt in here, because I can't say I was very appreciative of the tone that was being set there. ;)
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade