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Last Post Wins (Forum Fatality Edition)

Started by Kogra Windwatcher, February 27, 2017, 05:27:10 PM

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Wornag (Kronnor)

I tried to do it on Kronnor, but I got screwed by the people I had to help me as officers and it just died before it started. I'm rather fearful to start again if I can't be sure at least one or two other people will help.


Sadly, I feel the fate of my character is a little too closely tied with the guild he's been in for so long in order to still consider any manner of jumping ship to any other clan/warband/tribe/whatever have you. While I'm still as much in for RPing him as I've ever been and while I'm still active in WoW on other characters however, there's simply not been enough interest in traditional orc RP (that is, interest that's been shown to me) in order to make a viable return. Mind you, take note of the traditional orc RP part of the argument, as there's more, far more, than enough orc RPers out there that are proponents of the usual "Wuuuh, I'm a racist/Iron Horde/brown skinned orc and I'm edgy as Garrosh' inspiring nipples"-RP, which has several guilds active out there. For traditional (the "proper" kind of orc RP, in my humble opinion), there's sadly far too little interest among AD's player base from what I've seen thus far, judging from observations from both in-game as well as the forums.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


I think you're right Kozzie. Having said that, this is kinda why I never felt at home in the guild in the last few years. OotRB had gone too far in the direction of orcs being lovely, cuddly, noble, spiritual types for my barbaric urges to cope with. It may be entirely in keeping with the lore, but it just wasn't what I think of when I think "Orc".

When OotRB started, we were warriors. We were violent killers who'd go out and kill elves for no other reason than killing elves was fun. I miss those days.

WoW has changed though (for the worst if you ask me). Too many stories about the Horde teaming up with the Alliance blah, blah etc. I may as well reroll Blood Elf because orcs have gone all wimpy.

Wornag (Kronnor)

Who do you call wimpy? I'm still up for beating up Alliance members for no reason. Especially now that Sylvanas is already starting a war between Horde and Alliance.


My Orc is now permanently inactive, he is now off playing librarian with the Kirin tor. I always played Arkail as an Azerothian Orc, An orc that grew up with a horde culture of many race's culture and practises, beliefs mixed together rather than a older generation Outland born orc culture of a thousand, thousand year old tribal tradition.  (though he personally never involved himself to much with the religious shamastic side of the tribe more as a study of tribal beliefs and practises) As my way of progressing how a modern orc not knowing Draenor would be. A product of the environment he grew up in.

So he'd be considered wimpy (wimpy and proud indeed :P) He saw himself as Horde first, Orc second.  In a style that many real world people in Europe consider themselves European rather than just only German, french english or Americans do with Texan, new yorker rather than just American etc..

I know its called 'War'craft but i grew to like the idea of factions coming together to fight the big bad. 
:-* make love not warcraft


Like the last time I remember speaking about it, that's where I feel there's simply some misconceptions. Just because there's a notion of spirituality, tradition and reason, doesn't mean that an orc can't be barbaric at the same time. The idea of a barbarian simpleton is the orcish archetype to the core, for sure, but the Warcraft orcs have (gradually) been made to feel much different from the usual D&D, Warhammer or general fantasy orc. It's the whole Warcraft 3-based notion of a "noble savage" that made the Warcraft orcs a thousand times more interesting for me and make them stand out from all the others. To me, that's been the main goal for OotRB to strive for.

Perhaps you've been given the wrong impression in the short time you were back with us in-game or perhaps the means through which that goal was envisaged didn't coincide with your own, but I like to think OotRB has tried to remain as true to the Thrall-based Horde that set the tone as of Warcraft 3. Granted, the continued confusion regarding the status quo between the factions in WoW's several expansions did not make it easy to juggle those noble values with a savage culture without turning into an all-out, raiding warband that's subject to pure arbitrariness like we were back in vanilla, but "times change," as a certain trailer orc once said. More importantly though, I actually believe that the more complex intrigues that orcs have been facing following their disgrace with Garrosh, the rebellion and the Iron Horde are challenges that are woefully overlooked by players despite offering a very interesting angle for RP. Bearing that in mind, there's no wimpiness in trying to cope with the rapidly changing world that WoW has been offering through the past few years as a traditionalist-minded orc.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


I never said "simpleton" Kozzie. I hope Akesha never came across as stupid.

Anyway, I don't want any of what I said to come across as criticism. You guys kept a guild going for many years after most guilds have folded. That's a hell of an achievement and nobody can honestly say you were doing it wrong.

Sorry if I spoke out of turn.


Oh, don't get me wrong! I didn't mean to sound demeaning or as if I felt attacked. I'm merely defending (or justifying, if defending sounds too aggressive) my point of view in regards to the path that OotRB has ended up taking. I certainly don't mean to imply you spoke out of turn. You're more than welcome to your own point of view, of course, even if I still believe that the time you eventually got around to spend with the guild may not have been enough to have gotten a proper impression of it way back when. I do freely admit I've developed a certain dislike for the aforementioned Iron Horde/racist/brown skinned orcs due to various reasons, but once again, each to their own. Though I do lament the fact that there appear to be far more orc RPers on AD (often new orc RPers, unsurprisingly) interested in that kind of orc roleplay than the more traditionalistic-minded kind that I'm a proponent of. Having said that, those are the kind of simpleton-minded orcs I referred to. I never did intend to keep Akesha in that equation. :)
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


I've never really got into rp on Argent Dawn. I always get the impression though, that unless you want to play a human who thinks they're in Game of Thrones or a Belf, then quality rp can be hard to find.

I'll be honest, the more I learn about WoW lore, the less I like it. These days I just quest and level a few characters that I usually get bored of quite quickly. I've pretty much given up on rp.


Y'all know what I miss? RP-Wpvp. I've definetly missed that side of Defias Brotherhood. Just rp'ing in events got a bit too dull for me. I like pvp. I like RP. Mixing those two together is amazing in my opinion. Like Akeesha said, whacking elves just for the sake of whacking elves. I like.
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


I am a bit busy for WoW

But don't worry, I continue to shitpost here.
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury

Wornag (Kronnor)

All this talk about orc rp feels like going towards a fight amongst eachother... I miss Devilstep facts :(


Quote from: Kronnor on May 13, 2017, 02:16:04 PM
All this talk about orc rp feels like going towards a fight amongst eachother... I miss Devilstep facts :(

Yes I hate you all.
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar

Wornag (Kronnor)

Quote from: Rashka on May 13, 2017, 03:58:12 PM
Quote from: Kronnor on May 13, 2017, 02:16:04 PM
All this talk about orc rp feels like going towards a fight amongst eachother... I miss Devilstep facts :(

Yes I hate you all.
Tell us something new :P


Hmm ok, one of my rats might be a daddy soon
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar