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Neo-Orcish: A Small Request

Started by Maggrak, August 15, 2016, 11:52:43 AM

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Hello. Not really the typical "light reading" first ever forum post. No time to waste!

Having dabbled in linguistics and etymology, among other things, I would like to spend my time devising a form of Neo-Orcish and a handful of related dialects, functioning to such a degree that they can be used for speech and writing.

Currently - because of previous experience with learning (Neo-)Khuzdul (Tolkien's Dwarvish) and Black Speech - I am using a system identical to the semitic languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic), which are entirely nonconcatenative, which means that they are constructed from radicals (three consonants in a certain order) linked to a concept (for example, war). It are the location and shape of the vowels in between the consonants that give further properties to the word, such as turning it into a tool (weapon) or a person (warrior). The reason that Tolkien used this for Dwarvish and Black Speech is the same reason why it would be suitable for Warcraft Orcish: the emphasis on consonants makes these languages phonetically harsh. Also, I have been told that Black Speech has inspired various ranks in the guild, and it would allow me to incorporate these to a certain degree, probably as a Red Blade dialect.

I am currently dissecting the little Orcish we know the translations of and breaking them down into usable radicals while trying to retain as much of the phonetics as possible. To that end, I have a little request: I would like to ask each of you if your character names (not the om'riggor names, I can translate those literally) had a certain intended meaning. If the name does not have one, I would still like to know what sort of translation of the name would fit your character's personality. Lastly, I would like to know what clan your character originated in. It will be of tremendous help to me to try and make the dialects as realistic and identifiable as possible.

A lot of thanks. And I am looking forward to the names! :)


EDIT: If someone is more comfortable with sharing the intended meaning of their names or their clan background privately through either an e-mail or a PM that is of course also possible. Contact details should be below my profile name on the left <----. It will remain confidential and Maggrak will of course remain oblivious IC. Still, if you rather keep it to yourself, it is no problem at all! Thanks.
Maggrak of the Bleeding Hollow
New Blood

Wornag (Kronnor)

Well, my rogue's name, Wor'nag is supposed to translate in Wind Wolf. I took "Wor" from Wor'gol (Wolf's Heart) and "Nag" from Nagrand (Land of Winds).


Thank you! And he is a Frostwolf, yes?
Maggrak of the Bleeding Hollow
New Blood


To be honest, when I made Nosh'marak his name didn't really mean anything, but something that would fit his personality at the time he got his name would be "Maddened Wolf" (Thanks Siyah ;))! Good luck with this project!
"Dogs obey and whimper, wolves carve their own path with a roar! Let the Alliance hear your cries for battle! Rrosh'ka Valokh! For the Blood!"


I'll just direct you to this thread ;)


It has a list of words we sometimes use IC, either by our 'own' dialect or what is known in wow. Though IC most would be aware of these words, OOC a lot of people, especially outside of the guild or not aware of orc lore, know nothing of this. Hence we're usually only using the most simple words ingame as an hello, goodbye, and some typical things Blizzard uses too.
Otherwise we might scare away people, as they'd have no idea what we're talking about at times, nor can't we really assume everyone wants to learn all the words by heart. xD So we're taking it rather lightly.
That said, my orcs names have no real meaning, I just liked the sound of them. xD Nor do I really want my name to be a specific meaning, I suppose. So I'll skip on that. That's what my chars Om'riggor names are for!
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Can't say Nexini has a real meaning. I just liked the way it sounds, and it sounded orc/goblin type name to me when I first wrote it.

Wornag (Kronnor)

Quote from: Maggrak on August 15, 2016, 03:36:00 PM
Thank you! And he is a Frostwolf, yes?

Well, he is dressed like one and claims to be. I guess you'll have to wait and see ;)


Therak was intended by the person who named him to have a meaning along the lines of 'Watcher' or 'Observer' although as he wasn't an orc it might very well be misunderstood, or just sounded like it but wasn't quite that. As for Clan, Therak knows his mother was Dragonmaw, but he doesn't really identify as one himself, nor has he spent much time among them at all.
Think, assess, act.


Quote from: Nosh'marak on August 15, 2016, 04:44:12 PM
To be honest, when I made Nosh'marak his name didn't really mean anything, but something that would fit his personality at the time he got his name would be "Maddened Wolf" (Thanks Siyah ;))! Good luck with this project!

Great, thanks! Cannot promise an entirely clean conversion into Neo-Orcish but I will give it a shot :) Any clan influences in the name by the way? If you rather keep that knowledge hidden for IC purposes I understand, I'll just wing it!

EDIT: I just learned of the signature clan emblems ;D

Quote from: Rhonya on August 15, 2016, 05:38:37 PM
I'll just direct you to this thread ;)


It has a list of words we sometimes use IC, either by our 'own' dialect or what is known in wow. Though IC most would be aware of these words, OOC a lot of people, especially outside of the guild or not aware of orc lore, know nothing of this. Hence we're usually only using the most simple words ingame as an hello, goodbye, and some typical things Blizzard uses too.
Otherwise we might scare away people, as they'd have no idea what we're talking about at times, nor can't we really assume everyone wants to learn all the words by heart. xD So we're taking it rather lightly.
That said, my orcs names have no real meaning, I just liked the sound of them. xD Nor do I really want my name to be a specific meaning, I suppose. So I'll skip on that. That's what my chars Om'riggor names are for!

Cheers Rhonya :) Had a look at that thread and especially the list of Red Blade words is really useful.
Concering the actual use of Orcish or indeed Neo-Orcish or any of its dialects when its finished is entirely at the discretion of the players of course. I don't mean to pretend that I expect anyone seriously studying it. If anything, it is as much to keep myself busy and entertained as it is to give people a functional language. When it -is- used in-game, especially towards anyone who has no idea we use a constructed language, it is often best to accompany the lines with an immediate translation, for example (Neo Khuzdul) [Character name] says: "Ashmakhi astû. ((I greet you.))"

Also, on the topic of translating the names, they will be less-than-literal interpretations of older Orcish words, just like our RL names are either mutations of older words or sound the same but have lost the older meaning in the naming process. As such, the deeper meaning of the om'riggor name will be respected.

Quote from: Nexini on August 15, 2016, 06:17:22 PM
Can't say Nexini has a real meaning. I just liked the way it sounds, and it sounded orc/goblin type name to me when I first wrote it.

Thanks Dreamwalker! Did you have Warsong blood, like Drak? If you are at liberty to tell that of course, for IC reasons.

Quote from: Kronnor on August 15, 2016, 06:35:54 PM
Quote from: Maggrak on August 15, 2016, 03:36:00 PM
Thank you! And he is a Frostwolf, yes?

Well, he is dressed like one and claims to be. I guess you'll have to wait and see ;)

Understood! I'll just wing it (and of course Magg knows nothing :) ).

Quote from: Therak on August 15, 2016, 06:50:47 PM
Therak was intended by the person who named him to have a meaning along the lines of 'Watcher' or 'Observer' although as he wasn't an orc it might very well be misunderstood, or just sounded like it but wasn't quite that. As for Clan, Therak knows his mother was Dragonmaw, but he doesn't really identify as one himself, nor has he spent much time among them at all.

Thanks Therak. The clan thing is mainly just so I know whether or not it might have had any influence on the name linguistically, and in your case is of little importance :) .


EDIT (Putting this up on the opening post as well): If someone is more comfortable with sharing the intended meaning of their names or their clan background privately through either an e-mail or a PM that is of course also possible. Contact details should be below my profile name on the left <----. It will remain confidential and Maggrak will of course remain oblivious IC. Still, if you rather keep it to yourself, it is no problem at all! Thanks.
Maggrak of the Bleeding Hollow
New Blood


Interesting initiative, that. Although I feel it may prove a bit too much work to make it worth in the end, I'll gladly applaud it!

Having said that, it may be worth pointing out that Black Speech wasn't used for any of the rank names (save for Gul'thauk, if I'm not mistaken). For a lot of them, we simply used a mismash of existing orc words and words that are used in the randomly generated orcish language in-game (a list of which can be found on the WoWpedia/wiki page of the orcish language).

As for names, Kozgugore (Warsong Clan) never did mean anything, so not a whole lot of input there. Good luck with the project though!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Nexini doesn't know ICly what is her birth clan, and for that reason I will not post it here.
If you want to know OOCly, whisper me in game. Mind you, that is liable to change if I decide to ever bring it to light ICly.


Arkail was born in the camps.To what was originally a laughing skull father and a bleeding hollow mother. Had a story set up to which his real name is Ar'kill. but due to being orphaned and wet nursed/raised by others in the camp. His name would be changed though miscommunication as 'Arkail'

'Kill' being a laughing skull thing 'Ar' being maybe a bleeding hollow thing. I never enacted ic'ly as it just never really came up


Quote from: Kozgugore on August 16, 2016, 03:56:00 PM
Interesting initiative, that. Although I feel it may prove a bit too much work to make it worth in the end, I'll gladly applaud it!

Having said that, it may be worth pointing out that Black Speech wasn't used for any of the rank names (save for Gul'thauk, if I'm not mistaken). For a lot of them, we simply used a mismash of existing orc words and words that are used in the randomly generated orcish language in-game (a list of which can be found on the WoWpedia/wiki page of the orcish language).

As for names, Kozgugore (Warsong Clan) never did mean anything, so not a whole lot of input there. Good luck with the project though!

Haha that is probably true! But as most of my projects, as long it keeps me entertained it's worth the effort :) If it is at all used, it'll be a nice bonus. Affirmative on the Black Speech thing! What I heard might've been just a rumour :)

Cheers for the encouragement!

Quote from: Nexini on August 16, 2016, 04:06:21 PM
Nexini doesn't know ICly what is her birth clan, and for that reason I will not post it here.
If you want to know OOCly, whisper me in game. Mind you, that is liable to change if I decide to ever bring it to light ICly.

Thanks! I will throw you a /w in game.

Quote from: Arkail on August 16, 2016, 04:27:32 PM
Arkail was born in the camps.To what was originally a laughing skull father and a bleeding hollow mother. Had a story set up to which his real name is Ar'kill. but due to being orphaned and wet nursed/raised by others in the camp. His name would be changed though miscommunication as 'Arkail'

'Kill' being a laughing skull thing 'Ar' being maybe a bleeding hollow thing. I never enacted ic'ly as it just never really came up

Thank you Arkail, that is some info I can work with!
Maggrak of the Bleeding Hollow
New Blood


Well, Regorn never meant anything really.

First he was named Regor, then I saw it was taken when I realm-transfered so I added an N.

Quote from: Maggrak on August 15, 2016, 11:52:43 AM
If the name does not have one, I would still like to know what sort of translation of the name would fit your character's personality. Lastly, I would like to know what clan your character originated in. It will be of tremendous help to me to try and make the dialects as realistic and identifiable as possible.

Well, Regorn was Shadowmoon clan, but he abandoned it and refused to refer himself as one.
Regorn was a lot of Guilt, Shame and Death-wish.
But also honor, duty and respect (Toward Higher-ranked, Elders, the Elements and the Spirits).
Also a massive hatred of Fel and Demons.
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Whilst my Orc's names don't mean anything. Some Orcish words in game can be translated from context.

For example Orgrimmar, Thrallmar, Vol'mar. all three are settlements, all three have ''mar'' at the end. So for example it's pretty likely that Mar means Town/City.

Anyhow I wish you good luck! I made something similar for Zandali once and it was a quite a chore :p