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Warcraft Movie Discussion- SPOILERS!

Started by Rhonya, May 31, 2016, 11:10:20 PM

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Quote from: Gashuk on June 01, 2016, 02:02:03 PM
The next film, if there is one, will skim over the second war and 100% focus on Thrall growing up in captivity.

Rumour flying around they have 6 more lined up but until that happens do not hold your breath.

And what happened to all the merchandise that was promised from the Odeon group of cinemas.

Went back to see it for second time (Does that make me sad old girl).
And like Rhonya watched more of what was going on in back ground etc.
Loved the little murlock runing acroos camera shot.
True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.


The Murloc was EPIC! Also loved the musical hommages here and there.

But yeah, the orcs in the background and all... Te attention to detail, you could even discern clans just from looking at them.

I really hope they'll give us a second war movie as well. Just too much info required for the Lord of the Clans movie. Like Where did Lothar go, why is Orgrim warchief, who the fel is Grom, etc etc etc.

"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl


Seen it twice now too, watched it the second time by myself like a big mad eejit. As regards to the changes I didn't mind them too much it's a pretty dense movie with lots of characters. The unmentioned bits were for the fans Grommash and Kargath, high elves, the dwarves, the murloc, the 1 min polymorph etc.

I am looking forward to a sequel. Hope fully Duncan will direct he seems to have put a lot of love into it


Just saw it, I loved it! There were a few things I noticed that made me confused or go "that's wrong" but it wasn't really worth picking on too much, it vas a great movie!

I loved seeing Grommash for the 2-3 scens you saw him, I recognized him instantly, and was like "YAY IT'S HELLSCREAM!" to my friends (I did that a lot during the movie). Also saw Kargath near the end for a few seconds, sad that none of them talked or were mentioned by name though.. and I wish Drek'thar and Ner'zul would have made some kind of appearance.. but oh well. :P

One thing that bothered me the most though, was why the fuck was dalaran flying?? It's not supposed to be flying until wotlk times? o_O That will make a mess for them if they do the Warcraft 3 story sometime.. seeing as the scourge invaded Dalaran then.

Also like others pointed out, I was confused about the Garona stabbing I thought she was supposed to have assassinated him in cold blood because it was her job, not like that. But really it worked out just fine with this movie so it's not a complaint, it just confused me. :P

Quote from: Khrugh on June 03, 2016, 02:49:29 AM

Orgrim's arc was muddy and confusing as hell. Would've perhaps made more sense if they made him Blackrock


Yeah they should've made it clear that Ogrim is Blackrock tbh. As for Sacking of stormwind, I thought that was supposed to happen too, so when I got home I dug around and it turns out that:

"The initial invasion of the Horde was crushed completely by the Humans, but after a change in power the Orcish Horde came back for a second attempt. " So it was correctly done in the movie after all. :)

I'm sad that I didn't notice the wanted poster reference in Stormwind. D: But I did see a Summoning stone in the background in the forest in one scene, and that made me giggle. xD Oh and the murloc ofc. And not to mention Khadgar's polymorph and he goes "it only lasts for one minute"  ;D

Also I think I was the only one of my friends that guessed the woman in the black cube was probably Medivh's mother. (I might be wrong ofc, but I'm thinking that was her?) Also I loved Medivh's Sargeras form. :P

ANYWAY yeah, I loved it. I recommend it to everyone who likes WoW/Warcraft.
Vezara Wolfheart - Shaman of the Frostwolf Clan.


The woman in the cube was Alodi, the first guardian. Medivh's mother is Aegwynn (who I think makes an appearance in Legion). Altough I think Alodi is supposed to be male :S


Oh, alright. I've just never heard the name Alodi untill this movie. xD So I just assumed it might be Medivh's mother. :P
Vezara Wolfheart - Shaman of the Frostwolf Clan.


Yeah i wasnt 100% sure if it was Alodi, but she/he is the bearer of the first mage artifact weapon, soo fancy and badass look her/him up.
Originally Garrona killed llane against her will, she considered him a friend as well khagdar and Anduin Gul'dan mind controled her like a sleeper agent? and she killed him in front of lil Varian, who looked adorable in the movie btw.  Also aparently if the internet rumour mill is to be believed 40 mins of content was cut perhaps that will help things like how quickly they trust Garona and Orgim's story arc


They apparently merged Alodi and Aegwynn.

"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl


I CAN FINALLY READ THIS!  *scurries off to read*
We're going to have a Grown up Party! It's just like a kids party, but with more crying....