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Storm Peaks Plot - Environmental information

Started by Gridish, November 18, 2015, 12:18:41 AM

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The orcs have crashed at Grom’arsh Crash-site but there are a few things that need to be noted ICly! This post will be updated day by day as the campaign progresses, so please keep an eye on it for environmental changes!

General( Updated 30/11/2015):

- The NPCs at Ulduar camp are not there.
- There is a pile of lumber covered in snow.
- The tents are there ICly.
- Soft whispers are heard and increase in power as you get closer to Ulduar's door.
- The door to Ulduar is still locked.
- Two makeshift jetpacks. They are too small to carry Orcs.
- the remaining supplies are still at Bouldercrag Refuge.

Supplies( Updated 30/11/2015):

- Food supplies are running low. Trips to the mainland for hunting purposes is needed.
- Two bottles of lighter fluid are now added to the inventory. A quarter of a bottle can fuel the lantern for 2 hours.
- A few ropes remain.
- A map with Valkyrion at the center of the map. There is a pathway visible on the map to the south.
- A couple of bottles of ale remain.
- Four keys, possibly usable on the gates of Ulduar.

Tuesday (17/11/2015):

- A massive snowstorm is raging outside. Anyone that would try and leave the wreckage will be swept off their feet by the strong wind coming with the snowstorm.
- Supplies and pieces of wreckage are scattered around the crash site.
- Vision due to the snowstorm is nihil.
- It is very dark outside due to the thick clouds.
- Oxygen levels are lower than the orcs would be used to.
- Moving through the snow makes movement very tiring.

Wednesday (18/11/2015):

- The snowstorm is still raging, though less than the previous night. Lengthened exposure to the storm will still result in death. The constant power of the wind isn’t strong enough to sweep anyone off their feet, but sudden gusts of wind might.
- Supplies and pieces of wreckage are scattered around the crash site.
- Vision due to the snowstorm is –very- limited.
- It is very dark outside due to the thick clouds.
- The sky illuminates every so often by a lightnig .
- Oxygen levels are lower than the orcs would be used to.
- Moving through the snow makes movement very tiring.

Thursday (19/11/2015):

- The snowstorm dies down between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM. During this time, the sun is out. The snow reflects sunlight badly. The reflecting sunlight has a blinding effect on people. Anyone heading outside during this time with no eye-protection will be blinded for the duration of them being outside. Extended exposure can lead to fried eyes!
- After 4:00 PM the snowstorm would return as it did on Wednesday.  Lengthened exposure to the storm will still result in death. The constant power of the wind isn’t strong enough to sweep anyone off their feet, but sudden gusts of wind might.
- Supplies and pieces of wreckage are scattered around the crash site. Those supplies that haven't been grabbed will be under a thick layer of snow.
- Oxygen levels are lower than the orcs would be used to.
- Moving through the snow makes movement very tiring.
- The wreckage has been enchanted - meaning it stays dry and retains warmth much better.
- Some people might hear a whispering noise, though they will notice nobody is actually whispering. What's going on?!

Friday (20/11/2015):

- from 8:00 am until 11:00 am there is light snowfall combined with frequent random powerful gusts of wind. Vision sight is limited due to the snowfall. Anyone caught off guard by the gusts of wind will be knoched off their feet.
- from 11:00 AM onwards the snowfall will intensify to the state of Thursday's(20/11/2015) storm. It'a dark outside during this storm. Lightning strikes illuminate the sky with every flash for split seconds.- Supplies and pieces of wreckage are scattered around the crash site. Those supplies that haven't been grabbed will be under a thick layer of snow.
- Oxygen levels are lower than the orcs would be used to.
- Moving through the snow makes movement very tiring.
- The wreckage has been enchanted - meaning it stays dry and retains warmth much better.
- Some people might hear a whispering noise, though they will notice nobody is actually whispering. The orcs can't make out any words from the whispers.

Saturday (21/11/2015):

- Yesterday's storm will continue to rage on until 2:00PM.  It'a dark outside during this storm. Lightning strikes illuminate the sky with every flash for split seconds. This morning the strength of the wind will pick up, making it tough to get anywhere without wasting a massive amount of energy.
- from 2:00PM until 4:00PM the heavy snowfall will turn to light snowfall. Visibility is slightly better. The thunderstorm will dissapear. The strength of the raging wind will still be as strong as earlier today, making it tough to get anywhere without wasting a massive amount of energy.
- At 4:00PM the sun will start setting. The temperature will go down and visibility will worsen. The power of the wind will still not have changed. There is still light snowfall.
-  At 6:00PM the sun will be fully set. It's pitch dark outside, making visibility poor. The power of the wind will still not have changed. There is still light snowfall.
- At 6:30PM the snowstorm will pick up again to it's former (Friday's) strength. The power of the wind will still not change.
- Between 8:00PM and 9:00PM the storm and the windpower weakens. It's still dark out (As it's night!).
- Oxygen levels are lower than the orcs would be used to.
- Moving through the snow makes movement very tiring.
- What ever whispers anyone heard the previous day would suddenly dissapear. Are people going insane?

- at 7:00AM the storm weakens in power. There is light snow fall and clouded. The cloudy layer will cause the land to be darker. Vision  is limited due to the snowfall.
- at 1:00PM the storm will dissapear. The sky becomes clear of any clouds and the sun shines bright onto Storm Peaks. The snow reflects sunlight badly. The reflecting sunlight has a blinding effect on people. Anyone heading outside during this time with no eye-protection will be blinded for the duration of them being outside. Extended exposure can lead to fried eyes and burn wounds.
- At 4:00PM the sun will start setting. The temperature will go down and visibility will worsen.
- At 6:00PM the sun will be fully set. It's pitch dark outside, making visibility poor. The sky is still clear. The night sky is illuminated by stars.
- At 9:00PM clouds start to fill up the night sky. Snow starts to fall lightly. Wind starts to pick up gently, though not as strong as the previous nights. The wind can kick up some snow every few minutes.
- 11:00PM A massive snowstorm is raging outside. Anyone that would try and leave the wreckage will be swept off their feet by the strong wind coming with the snowstorm.
- Oxygen levels are lower than the orcs would be used to.
- Moving through the snow makes moving very tiring.

- The storm that started at 11:00PM continues to rage on through out most of Monday.
- At 5:00PM the storm decreases in power. The stormy winds dissapear and the snowfall is mediocre. The mediocre snowfall will hinder vision.
- At 11:00PM the storm will dissapear. The storm is replaced with a clear night sky that is filled with stars. What a gorgeous night!
- Oxygen levels are lower than the orcs would be used to.
- Moving through the snow makes moving very tiring.

- Clear skies will continue to stay through the morning.
- At 7:00AM the sun will rise. The snow reflects sunlight badly. The reflecting sunlight has a blinding effect on people. Anyone heading outside during this time with no eye-protection will be blinded for the duration of them being outside. Extended exposure can lead to fried eyes and burn wounds.
- At 1:00PM clouds will roll in, darkening the lands with light snowfall.
- at 3:00pm darker clouds arrive and the light snowfall will be replaced by a heavy snowstorm. Strength of the wind picks up too, kicking up snow left and right.
- At 6:00PM the snowstorm will return to its state at 1:00PM, light snowfall and soft winds. This will continue through the night
.- Oxygen levels are lower than the orcs would be used to.
- Moving through the snow makes moving very tiring

- At 4:00Am the light snow fall will turn to heavy snowfall. Thunderstrikes and lightning strikes will join the storm.
- at 3:00PM the thunderstorm will stop raging, though there will still be heavy snowfall, limiting the pack's vision.
- at 7:00PM the snowstorm will die out and clouds will roll out, leaving a clear night sky filled with stars. The wind will pick up in power.
-at midnight clouds will return with a thunderstorm that illuminates the sky with every lightning bolt.

Thursday (26/11/2015)
- The thunderstorm and snowstorm will continue to rage on until 3 PM, making the lands dark and will cause limited vision.
- after 3:00PM the thunderstorm will leave the area, but the snowstorm will keep its full power.
- at 4:00PM the snowstorm will be joined with strong winds. These winds can knock a grown orc off their feet.
- At 6:00PM the sun will be fully set, making the storm riddled lands even darker.
- at 7:00PM the storm will decrease in power and so will the winds. There will be mediocre snowfall and soft winds. These winds can kick up snow from the ground. This will persist through the night.

Friday (27/11/2015)
- At 4:00AM a massive storm hits the lands of Storm Peaks. The lands are dark. a massive snow storm making vision poor. Winds are raging across the lands. Lightning illuminates the sky every 30 seconds. Bad time to be outside.
-  at 10:00PM the massive storm becomes a little less massive... but still pretty massive!
- Moving through the snow makes moving very tiring.

Saturday (28/11/2015):
- At 4:00AM the massive snowstorm decreases in power. Snow will fall at a mediocre pace and the power of the wind will decrease to mediocre gusts as well.
- At 8:00AM the storm picks up in power again, returning to yesterday's power.
- At 1:00PM the massive snowstorm decreases in power. Snow will fall at a mediocre pace and the power of the wind will decrease to mediocre gusts as well.
- At 3:00PM the storm dies out. The tribe is then in the so called "Eye of the storm". If anyone would look up into the sky, they'd see a circular gap in the clouds that hovers above them. The rest of the sky is filled with dark clouds. The winds persist.
- At 5:00PM the "eye of the storm" passed. The storm will return to it's former state.
- At 10:00PM the storm decreases in power.
- At midnight the storm will die out. The clouds dissapear and it's replaced with a clear beautiful night sky.

Sunday (29/11/2015):
- At 11:00AM clouds return and the wind picks up. It doesn't start snowing, but it's rather windy out!
- At 3:00PM the wind dies out though the clouds still stick around.
- At 4:00PM the sun will start setting. The temperature will go down and visibility will worsen.
- At 6:00PM the sun will be fully set. It's pitch dark outside, making visibility poor.
- At 10:00PM the winds will pick up, making it hard to get anywhere.
- At midnight there will be light snowfall. THe wind continues to rage on.

Monday (30/11/2015):
- At 1:00PM the overal power of the wind will decrease. The airflow in the chasm however will pick up, making it nearly impossible to cross the rope bridge between Ulduar and the main land. Snow will continue to fall lightly.
- At 4:00PM snowfall will increase, effecting visibility. If tents are left unattended for too long, they will give in due to the weight of the snow.
- At 4:00PM the sun will start setting. The temperature will go down and visibility will worsen.
- At 6:00PM the sun will be fully set. It's pitch dark outside, making visibility poor.
- At 9:00PM the power of the wind in the chasm will decrease. The rope bridge will still be effected by the blowing wind, but people will be able to cross the rope bridge as long as they take it slow and steady. Snow continues to fall. This will persist through the night.

Tuesday (1/12/2015):
- at 4:00AM the snow clears up as well as the cloudy skies. Every now and then a powerful gust of wind will rage through the chasm.
- at 9:00AM dark clouds will fill the skies. Snow falls rapidly and lightningbolts illuminate the skies.
- at midday the dark clouds will clear up, leaving a clear blue sky. Gorgeous day is gorgeous!
- At 4:00PM the sun will start setting. The temperature will go down and visibility will worsen.
- At 6:00PM the sun will be fully set. It's pitch dark outside, making visibility poor. The sky is still clear. The night sky is illuminated by stars. The skies will stay clear through out the night.

Wednesday (2/12/2015):
- Thru out the day it will be a clear blue sky and sunny. Gorgeous day!
- At 4:00PM the sun will start setting. The temperature will go down and visibility will worsen.
- At 6:00PM the sun will be fully set. It's pitch dark outside, making visibility poor. The sky is still clear. The night sky is illuminated by stars. The skies will stay clear through out the night.

Thursday (3/12/2015):
- At 5:00AM clouds will fill the sky. Snow falls lightly from them.
- At 10:00AM the weather worsens. Snow fall increases, hindering the pack's sight.
- At 1:00PM snow fall decreases. Snow falls lightly from the sky.
- At 3:00PM the wind picks up. It's a slight constant breeze, making it feel colder than it already is.
- At 6:00PM the sun will be fully set. It's pitch dark outside, making visibility poor. Snow continues to fall lightly and the wind continues to blow.

Saturday (5/12/2015):
- At 7:00AM clouds dissapear, leaving a clear blue sky. Wind picks up in power. Wind picks up snow every now and then.
- At 11:00AM tthe wind decreases in power. It is simply a nice, cool breeze.
- At 4:00PM the sun will start setting. The temperature will go down and visibility will worsen.
- At 6:00PM the sun will be fully set. It's pitch dark outside, making visibility poor. The sky is still clear. The night sky is illuminated by stars. The skies will stay clear through out the night.
- At 7:00PM the wind picks up again to it's former power of earlier today.

Sunday (6/12/2015):
- At 1:00AM clouds pollute the skies. The winds remained empowered, kicking up snow.
- At 3:00AM snow starts to fall from the skies. It's mediocre snowfall. The snowfall hinders visibility.
- At 9:00AM the amount of snowfall increases. If anyone waits too long to pat the snow off the tents, they'll collapse.
- At 3:00PM wind picks up in power, making it hard for anyone to travel.
- At 7:00PM the wind decreases in power to it's state at 1:00AM.
Gridish Rimeweaver

Karak Stormsong

Note for the Wreckage: As of Wednesday, Siyah has attempted various low level enchants on the wreckage, keeping it warm and dry and sheltering those within.

This will persist as long as he is Alive. And as long as the DM wishes it, obviously.
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws


An update of things after the event tonight!

Wednesday  (18/11/15):

- Supplies have been found. Crackers. A whole crate of frozen meat. Lots of furs. Two rolls of tent cloth. Herbs and spices.
- Rhonya, Trakmar, Nosh'marak and Lokarn have been found again.
- Roxxai was claimed in the storm; blown away by a colossal gust of wind.
- A village has been spotted to the west; potentially for more supply hunting.
- Siyah'gosh successfully enchanted the wreckage - Meaning it stays dry and retains warmth much better
- A tent flap is at the back of the wreckage and the front - To help drafts stay out!

Kogra Windwatcher

As of Wednesday the nose of the ship has been sealed of with a large cloth, preventing the wind from entering through one of the sides. This should increase the general warmth and less wind within the wreckage itself.
"Never leave an enemy to die alone in the cold. Warriors should die with hot blood on their hands, not with ice in their veins"


OP has been updated for Thursday [19/11/2015]!
Gridish Rimeweaver

Kogra Windwatcher

Gul'thauk Ashveil and Gosh'kar Windwatcher went out today during the subsiding of the storm(19-11-2015 13:27-14:57). They scavenged some more places but did not find much. The change in the inventory is:

- A limited amount of herbs has been added to the general inventory. This is limited to Icethorn, Goldclover, and adder's tongue.
- The meat, and fur, of five critters has been added to the inventory as they found four hares and a skunk.
- A lantern has been added to the collective inventory, no oil though.

A very crude map has been pinned to the frame of the crash site, showing the path that these two walked. This includes a terrible drawing of the giant golem and the mountain around it, marking the spots that they have scavenged and searched.
"Never leave an enemy to die alone in the cold. Warriors should die with hot blood on their hands, not with ice in their veins"


Friday's(20/11/2015) weather forecast has been updated. Will this storm ever completely go away?!
Gridish Rimeweaver


Gridish Rimeweaver


As of Sunday (22/11/2015) during scouting and scavenging around the Storm Dwarves' buildings, the following were found and brought back to the camp.

- Two bottles of ale by Moz' Doomhowl.
- A batch of ingots, presumably Titansteel. The true nature of the Ingots is undefined as of yet. Found by Redskull and Deathwalker.
- A teddybear, first known as Snuggles, but now known by the name of Doug. Currently held by Makaroth Bloodaxe.
- A stockpile of fur, added to the current crates within the encampment by Gor.
- Thur'ruk Srelok Grimtide.

Notable mentions, but not brought back to the encampment(?)
- A crate containing a half-eaten piece of frozen, dried meat.


Gridish Rimeweaver


Today's weather forecast has been posted! I would also like to take this moment for those that haven't seen the in-game calendar yet: Thursday 3 December and Sunday 6 December will be IC ulduar runs. If you want to participate in hear events then do NOT clear Ulduar after the reset on December 2nd.
Gridish Rimeweaver


Weather forecast for today has been updated as well as general information and the supplies!
Gridish Rimeweaver


weather forecast for wednesday(2/12) and thursday(3/12) have been added to the thread.
Gridish Rimeweaver