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Tournament of the Blade(PvP) 08/11/2015 rules

Started by Gridish, November 08, 2015, 07:40:01 PM

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Hello everyone! Here are the rules for tonight's tournament (PvP):

- Arena rules. If you can’t use it in the Arena (flasks, engineering items, Bloodlust/Time Warp, Army of the Dead, Lay on Hands, etc), you can’t use it here.
- Stay within the designated dueling field.
- stealth only allowed up to 30 seconds.
- No healing OR tank spec. (Glad stance is not a dps spec. Ask about it and you will be automatically DQ'd. -NO- tank specs.)
- One bandage per player.
- No health potions or any other items that heal the participant ( Exception: One bandage a player.)
- Toys are not to be used during the duels.
- No outsider buffs.
- [Super Sticky Glitter Bomb] and [Sinister Spore] are not allowed.
- The talent “Blood Presence” for Death Knights is not allowed.
- No legendary ring.

The brackets will be added to this post later on as well!
Gridish Rimeweaver


Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


Gridish Rimeweaver


A very enjoyable tournament of the Blades tonight!

Here are the final results:

Supreme Champion:    Kogra Windwatcher
Worthy Adversary:    Gor
Maybe Next Time:    Vanara Ashveil
Gridish Rimeweaver

Kogra Windwatcher

Don't forget the Ballcracker aswel! Sjees... Finally win something and not everything gets mentioned ;_;

Anyway! Thank you all for participating ^^ I had a blast at least (Not only because I won)
"Never leave an enemy to die alone in the cold. Warriors should die with hot blood on their hands, not with ice in their veins"