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Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
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This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
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Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
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THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
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Ten Years Strong: Memories

Started by Sadok, September 08, 2015, 04:31:02 PM

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I didn't.  Therak is still weir and cunning oriented
Think, assess, act.


I haven't been with the guild overly long, but long enough to have memories.

Firstly I'll start with how I got in.
I blame Vezara and Vraxxar. I know the two from GW2 and they convinced me to apply after having been looking for an orc themed guild on AD and coming out short. Sure there's guilds but not all of them to my flavor. So I crossrealmed from AD to Defias to see whats what before actually making an application. So I came to Defias and joined in!

What does Orcs of the Red Blade mean to me?
This might sound cruel but but Red Blade is just a guild to me. But then, guilds are a place for RP and socializing and possibly making friends. And I don't stay in a guild that doesn't provide good quality in these. And hey, I did transfer to Defias to join and then back to AD so...take it as you will.
A few shout-outs :
I don't tend to rate people, but there are few I'd like to mention due the stuff they do, or qualities of their personalities.

Rhonya: If there's a face to the newbloods for this guild, she's that. In the OOC chats especially she's like a bunny hooked up to a caffeine, spreading love <3

Sadok : Much like Rhonya, but in different way. Again a face to new people but even more IC. I am sometimes wondering if there's 3 of him, since he's everywhere. While at times I admit, I facepalm at his antics. He is still the spirit the pushes stuff forward, atleast visibly, with enthusiasm that shines like a sun.

Bunching together the wonderfull officer group : Rest of you manager lot work in a bit more conservative manner even if no less than the two I've mentioned. It just about how it shows out atleast to me.

Rest of the members I don't single out, like I said. I don't rank you. I either like you or I don't but in my eyes mostly everyone is equally lovely.

Some favourite moments from our many events over the years, provided without context:

There's no event I can(or remember) single out. I love the interaction, not the events. And while I don't agree or like all the events, I do like doing them with other people. So to me...its been one long continuous favorite moments, with the campfire stuff mixing into it.
And they call me insane? I am the most sane person around!


Well, this is a daunting task. How does one sum up the past ten years in but a single response? There's far too many memories for me to name that still linger around in my head, and still I find myself wanting to put them all to paper. I have no idea where to begin, so I'll just begin writing and see where this rollercoaster ends! Incidentally, a sentiment very similar to my initial thoughts when first joining ORB.

As Akesha mentioned, there was once a guild by the name of Sons of Draenor during Defias' earliest days. Though I decided to take a little break from the more serious RP once that one died out, I kept on finding myself returning to my orc hunter because both the Horde setting as well as the hunter playstyle both appealed to me the most. So when I decided to take a more serious interest in ORB (other than the occasional, little run-in), it already had "intimidating big shots" like Claws (rightfully so the first to be named ;)), Rehbande, Oznack, Vlog and so on. Still, after I overcame that first hurdle, I found myself being welcomed and integrated to the guild much faster than I ever thought I would. There were big, social events and political tensions (SGE being the prime culprit of that) and then there were small, private plots and personal progression within the guild itself that gave it that extra bit of flavour to remain interesting well above any other RP guild that I've been in.

What probably makes my memory about the tribe special, is that in a way, it feels like I've grown up along with it. Though I tried to keep it very hush-hush at the time, in fear that people might judge me for my age, I believe I was only 17 years old when I was handed the tribe leadership. I sometimes look back at that time and well and truly wonder how someone like me was able to keep it going from there and actually set up a believable character to boot, because there's plenty of things that I could nitpick about in hindsight (I always did have an almost unhealthy sense of self-criticism). Still, as I grew older, the tribe developed in its own way as well. And as a result, having all those responsibilities and experiences with other people developed me as a person as well. Be it for good or worse (it totally did not make me a bitter person when it comes to dealing with people online sometimes, nope).

While I sometimes can't help but feel that my "prime" is well past me and wonder just how relevant I am considering how much time has passed, I still like to try and think that I can be useful in my own way. Albeit (regrettably) less visible in-game, ICly, I suppose I've taken a bit more of a "back seat role" to give others the freedom that they like. While I do sometimes miss a few of the things from the past, it's probably exactly that which makes this guild so strong and enduring as well: The ability to get with the times and adapt to the possibilities WoW as a game (or lack thereof) offers and to keep on advancing as a guild.

Which brings me to my own, little reflection upon the guild. How has it changed over time, and what made it so successful, other than its flexibility over the course of time? First and foremost its people, of course. So long as there's a small group of core members that remain active, a guild can be very endurable. And over the past years, we've always had a particular group of people that stuck around over the course of time no matter what. Even very small ones, when the guild knew a bit of a downtime. And with those core members, having at least one or more officers who continued being active to create the events necessary to keep things rolling. What allows all of that to happen however, is a steady guild structure and concept as well. While her idea may have been quite spontaneous and random at the time, Akesha built a foundation with the guild's concept that was strong enough to last for several years. DB was always an RP realm that was particularly big on the race-exclusive concepts, and ORB always managed to fill that gap for orcs perfectly with its concept of an honest, Horde-loyal guild, setting no restrictions when it comes to player class, level, background story or RP experience. It provided a home for everyone that was open for the concept, with merely people's own will being an obstacle to join if they so wished.

As for what's changed, some things may be more obvious than others. Of course there's the members and the officer team behind it all, but to what degree? I personally like to think that way back, in the vanilla days of WoW, people's playstyles, RP including, were quite a bit different. Perhaps it's like what Claws herself said in a way, that people were a little more lenient in what could and couldn't happen. These days, you can get a lot of people who might go on the offensive at you just for having a particular character concept or idea. Back then however, people usually simply didn't know any better. Perhaps it's the nostalgia inside me talking, but everything was still fresh and unfamiliar. No one was truly a walking Warcraft-encyclopedia just yet, what with the lore being so limited and new, and a lot of people were only just starting to explore the in-game possibilities, as well as RP itself.
In a way, it felt the same with ORB as well. I feel there was more room for silliness and randomness back then, with banter about Oznack's smelly socks and plenty of other, completely wacky, little things to think of, like randomly attacking an Alliance settlement after a Tribe Meeting "just because we can", and having a majority of warriors that fit the bill of "buckethead" a little more than perfectly (I mean, come on, we had orcs screaming "WAAAGH!" for crying out loud).
At the same time, certain other things were more outlined as well. There were the Red Guard who had their very own, specific dresscode, and we had a rule where only they and the active officers were allowed to wear cloaks on their characters. Over time, I have to admit we gave a little more freedom to let orcs wear what they liked. While we still do -encourage- orcs to wear the guild's tabard, wear wolf masks and ride wolf mounts, it's not something we so strictly enforce as we did back then.

And then there's the ranks, of course. And boy, have we seen a lot of those. For those interested, you can always look the old ranks up in the Odds & Ends forum as well as the wiki, though it's suffice to say that we've had a few of them over the past years. Surprisingly enough, less than you might think, however. Another strength of the guild is that we seem to have been fairly consistent in maintaining our concept. Where we had raiders and assassins at one point, we moved on to Nag'Ogar, Varog'Gor and Thur'ruk and stuck with that since, albeit with several expansions of that system. I do, however, still remember attempts to flavour things up as well, like the faction system of Sythegore, Darkwolves and the Seers. A little experiment gone a little wrong in the end, but still a learning experience that I do, in fact, factor into account to this very day when it comes to considering new concepts.

I think I've rambled quite enough for the time being, but I suppose one could sum it all up in the following words: The core and concept has remained very much the same, but the execution thereof has changed several times over the course of the years. We have moved from a guild that did all sorts of wackiness all over Azeroth with a whole lot of freedom to travel from one place to another in little time for the purposes of fun, to a more intricate structure that has adapted to the requirements of an expanding and more demanding RP community that focuses more heavily on the suspension of disbelief. And in a way, that's what kept us going strong over the past several years as well.
And now I will wrap this little text up, because I'm quite sure you may have all fallen asleep by now. I'll be trying to write up a little more personal text involving characters and memorable events involved in the guild for me personally soon, just to add to the already incomprehensible rambling.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Well, that ended up looking more like an essay than anything else. Sorry about that. My next post involving experiences will (hopefully) be a little more condensed!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Rambled essays is gud, we leiks themz.

Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Quote from: Kozgugore on September 11, 2015, 02:29:34 PM
Well, that ended up looking more like an essay than anything else. Sorry about that. My next post involving experiences will (hopefully) be a little more condensed!

Seriously though, thanks for your thoughts, and indeed those of the other veterans turning up now. It's interesting to think about how much the atmosphere of the guild has changed over the years, since arguably, although you and Rargnasha each exerted different overall influences on the tribe and its plots, the overall flavour of the guild seems not too different between now and 2011, when I joined.

Admittedly, in those areas where I have been responsible, I'm driven by my usual sentimental conservatism to keep that spirit alive. Not just event style and in casual RP, but smaller things too -- deliberately making the new banners into an updated version of the old ones, rather than doing something different; or looking after the Gallery and the Annals sections.

I loved the guild I joined in 2011, and while things always have to change, I'm at least proud that they're being done in a manner consistent with where we've been. I have felt for a few years now that one of OotRB's strongest assets as a guild is that identity and continuity -- there's a billion generic orc or Horde guilds (indeed, it seems like there's a new one every week), but we have a decade of organic growth and change, which makes the concept more durable and alive than manufacturing a backstory from nothing.

I do agree that overall RP has perhaps become a little too serious and self-aware in recent years. I guess with maturity comes a loss of innocence, and while the current guild strives for immersion and continuity, there's something to be said for wacky orcs running around and causing havoc too. Playing Luk the peon for the month before he was revealed as an evil mastermind was a very pure, simple and enjoyable RP experience -- there was no complex backstory, no angst and drama, no multilayered interpersonal interaction. He asked people for work, they gave him tasks, and he did them! Work-work.


Keeping the RP serious and self-aware does not mean humor has to go missing. Or that everything has to be complex.

Usually stories are not that complicated, or have to be.
And they call me insane? I am the most sane person around!


I merely have the urge to......


    WAAAGHZ!!!    ;D


Anyways i have been meaning to post here all week but have been on my phone whenever i had the free time and i didn't want to post all my memories using my phone. My typing is bad enough as it is. anyways here are some of my favorite memories

I'll start with my fondest  memory. which is actually one of the first  was the night i did my oath during the rebellion campaign We where in Zoram Gar. Also the battle event we had the next day. Ii attended on my Giest called Munch we were defending the outpost against Kor'kron. and many shenanigans were had.

There was aerial ranged group attacking Pandaren on their flying serpents and Blood elf mages on their dragonhawks. Then there were several group groups all holding the various entry points.  That was the event that made Arkail my main RP character it looked epic, felt epic well to summarize it was epic and something i'll always remember.

Another fond memory is Revax and i learning to dig a snow cave for surival training and  being shouted at by Grogona for not really taking is serious. I dont think we ever did dig a snow cave we gave up and just got drunk and sat in the snow.

All the Kosh'hargs I have attended for all its peaceful good intentions i've never seen one pass without drama and conflict now some might say  'urgh drama'  But looking back it was always good drama for the most part. Rashka's Face breaking incident at one Kosh'harg still makes me giggle

Sadok and Luks storyline during the rebellion as well as Sadok's coming back from the dead an amazing piece of work Sadok the whole arc was brilliant. Your revival ceremony is to this day the strangest rp event i have ever attended and we have had some strange events.
P.S Luk is and always will be my favorite peon/warlock/sheep FoRbe is love FoRbe is life

Trakmar's  improvised dentistry on Sadok another good memory.

All the times we spent in Garadar just chilling around the fire
The time we spent is Gallywix's pleasure palace

Arkail generally being fascinated with Caruk and then thoroughly terrified by his actions. All of them you're a scary shuun of a biatch

Krogon's stories about the his past and describing the tribes past to me. I gobbled that shit up. History nerd for life

All of Rhonya's run ins with the forsaken all of them they where great fun, not for your character of course, but fun to participate in. Rhonya Queen of the damned!

The run up to WoD events. Holding out against the Iron horde in the Blasted lands. In which for the first time Arkail actually got injured. Many hugs and kisses to Kogra for pulling shrapnel out of me and re seting my broken jaw while severely injured herself.

Storming the portal that was also a fun event, getting split up and all meeting up in Frostfire listening to everyone's tales on how they got there and survived Theraks story sticks most in my mind

My training as a Gul'thauk. Therak might just be the single most patient Orc in redblade. I would have kicked my arse outta training for sheer laziness :P

They're the big ones i could ramble on and on about various events. But i'll stop.
Heres to ten more years of Red Blade!


I'm speaking from the heart so apologies in advance if at some point this post results into the ravings of a nostalgic sonovagun.

Understandably, the most applause here is being given to the orcs who organize events, and rightfully so. Still, I want to make a shout out to some of the more obscure orcs that really managed to add to the atmosphere during my glory days in ORB.

Orgash: Thickest and coolest blackrock on the block. An orc who measured everything by honor and dishonor, which caused quite a lot of tension because he was also stubborn as fuck.

Saurok/Nekrul: He was Saurok before Saurok became a thing in MoP, which probably makes him the first orc hipster. I still remember his oath of blood fondly, in which he carved up his own face, giving himself a Glasgow smile.

My favorite events include the Arathi war (no idea which one, since there have been so many) in which Gnash headed to the gates of Stromgarde alone and planted a banner there as a challenge. Three Arathorians rode up to him and accepted his challenge to combat -- imagine my surprise when I actually managed to kill all of them in PvP (I should say wound, shouldn't I?).

Another event I am proud of in retrospect (I hated doing it at the time) was the path of conquest storyline in Cataclysm, in which we basically turned the whole of Kalimdor in a PvP map. I felt gutted at the time, because it was so much work and I basically coordinated the thing on my own (and I was far to stubborn to let anybody help!) in our faction. It ended up being a bit too deep, with battle objectives and alternate scenarios depending on the outcome of battles. In the end, I'm glad I tried it. I wouldn't do it again, but I'm glad I tried!

I haven't been part of ORB for a while now, but I try to check what you're all up to from time to time. I'll always be grateful of ORB because you all tried to push your RP further, while also respecting those who are still learning the ropes. Because of people like Morgeth, Mazguul, Kozgugore, Sadok, and many more, I've always tried to improve myself in my RP, to try and reach their standards of RP. It rubs off on people, is what I'm trying to say. And, moreover, without the risk of the guild turning into an auto-fellating-elitist-clique -- the orcs are a grounded people, after all!


Quote from: Gnash on September 15, 2015, 02:49:50 PM
And, moreover, without the risk of the guild turning into an auto-fellating-elitist-clique -- the orcs are a grounded people, after all!
We're too busy doing each other for that ever to happen <3

And miss your angry forehead! (... even if I don't play myself anymore)
Muzjhath got Iced by Sadok, after Marogg got Stabbed.

-The orc formerly known as Muzjhath formerly known as Marogg


QuotePlaying Luk the peon for the month before he was revealed as an evil mastermind was a very pure, simple and enjoyable RP experience -- there was no complex backstory, no angst and drama, no multilayered interpersonal interaction. He asked people for work, they gave him tasks, and he did them! Work-work.

Sadoks death, Luks arrival, Luks reveal and the consequent resurrection arc was without a doubt some of the best writing/RPing i've ever in this game. It was a joy to be a part of.


I've just reread the whole of this thread.

Rehbande, those are some names that bring back memories. I think it's fair to say that in the early days of the guild, we really didn't know much about the lore and just made things up. The way that the guild's background and lore evolved as we learned more of the official lore probably worked to our advantage. I doubt I could have come up with Kraag the Wolf King and Akesh the Poisoner if I'd sat down to write it all from day 1. In fact I can remember the day when we discovered that there was a quest in TBC that gave out wolf masks and a few of us talking about how cool it would be if we all got wolf masks. The lore was written to justify it  ;D

Kozgugore, I never actually thought about how young you were when you took over, I just think I made a choice based on the talent I could see. It's funny how the person behind the orc can be very different from the character in game. I've always avoided talking about myself, except for a few little details. I'd rather not break the immersion and relate to the orc in front of me, rather than the person I know is behind it. For me this is the best part about MMO RP as opposed to pen and paper RP. When I'm talking to an orc, I feel like I'm talking to an orc far more if it's not just a friend, sitting across a table from me and pretending to talk like an orc. That's just me though, and probably my way of hinting that I'm nothing like Akesh irl  ;D

As one of the guild's newest recruits  ;) I have to say how impressed I am by what I've seen. I think I've got a lot to relearn and I'm looking forward to it.


Oh wow, it's going to be hard for me to remember all the stuff I've experienced and the people I've met during my stay in the tribe, but I will do my best to recall some good stuff.. apologies in advance if you feel left out. :P I must say I already agree with a lot of stuff people have already said in their posts, so instead of writing something near-identical to everyone else, I'll just tell about why I joined, what the tribe and such means to me I guess. xD

Ye Olde Story of how I joined:

Back in Wrath of the Lich King I had barely done any RP except from some very silly noob-y RP with me and my friend's guild (Violent Coffin Builders). At the time I was mostly playing my undead characters and were just doing PvE and BGs, but sometimes I'd get small glimpses into the "RP world" here and there. One of the most memorable moments were the 2-3 times I saw Morgeth and Kozgugore RPing in Dalaran, and I found myself standing there reading their conversations each time. I suddenly found myself interested in RP again, and started thinking about giving it another try. I ended up looking at this very forum for info about the guild, to see if it would be anything for me and I remember being very intimidated by the fact that the guild chat was IC. x)

After some consideration, I decided to race change my inactive level 62 troll male shaman into an orc female. At first, the idea was to go orc male, but having seen Morgeth RP I felt really inspired to try an orc female, since I thought she was the coolest female orc I had ever seen, and I had never really played a female character before. After changing however, I felt too intimated to apply to ORB right away, and decided to level while trying out random RP here and there first. At some point, an old friend of mine from TBC returned to the game on an orc character he had in the guild (Vargosh) and he encouraged me to come join one of the ORB events in Wetlands, which I ended up doing and had fun, despite being terrified of everyone. XD

Vargosh kept asking me to join, but I was very insecure about my RP so I kept making excuses to wait longer, even though I really really wanted to join. While leveling in Storm Peaks some time later I ran into another orc from the tribe, Orgash, who was also leveling in the area. He saw my FlagRSP (or whatever it was called?) and whispered me, asking if I wanted to RP with him while leveling, I figured it would be a nice way to gain further RP experience, and it turned out to be lots of fun! Like Vargosh, he kept asking me to apply, and eventually I decided to just go for it. I talked to Vargosh and was told to come to Hellfire Peninsula, where the guild was staying at the time, and I approached Rargnasha ICly to show my interest for the guild. This lead to probably one of the worst things I ever said as Vez ever in RP. (Something Rarg liked to remind me of. D: ) After the interview, I was directed at the forums and made the worst application in the history of applications and even had to edit it because Rarg thought it was too short. xD (I made up her entire past just as I was writing the application. >.>) Afterwards I was invited to join, and my adventure begain!

I've learned a lot during my stay in ORB and I'll always be grateful for the patience and guidance y'all had for a shitty RPer like me. Thanks to you, I became a better RPer, I had many fun moments and I got a lot of new friends. :D

Memorable Moments:

-Every single "Backwards Drunken Race" event I've been a part of. So much fun!
-The hilarious but failed attempts to burn Garashna's dead wolf in Howling Fjord.
-When Vargnor was killed by a level 8 boar outside Orgrimmar after a duel. (We probably made fun of him waaaay too much because of that)
-Trailer making! I've been part of... 3 so far? They've all been... interesting experiences. xD
-Gnash's funeral, when Morgeth mentioned how all the "gobbo whores" in Booty Bay would miss him.
-The times we had BG groups while skyping.
-Everything that happend in the "She-orc Hut".
-All of the amazing WPvP we had in the old days.
-Morgeth looking at Vez and Mazguul's chests, then looking down on her own, and letting out an annoyed sigh, during a lineup in an event.
-The tasks Mazguul gave Vez during her training after becoming Gosh'kar.
-Lots of other things, but the list would be too long, and honestly I am having a hard time remembering any more spesific moments. :P

Favourite/Memorable Characters:

As much as I'd like to make massive wall of texts to each of the characters mentioned below, it would make the list way too long. That said, I'd like to point out that everyone in the tribe are awesome people, I just wanted to mention the people I consider the most special/memorable. :)


I probably forgot someone, because I am terrible at remembering names. :|
Vezara Wolfheart - Shaman of the Frostwolf Clan.


So, i got a mail in the spam section, and was surprised to see a message from.. who else? Orcs of the red blade! Obviousely my intrest peaked since it has been well over... 2 years? Since i stopped playing, 1 and a half since i stopped roleplaying. (Correct me if i'm wrong, i may be exxagerating!) Anyway, naturally i had to look in and after a few posts i couldn't stop reading. And Akesha, even though you've not the slightest idea of whom i am, i want you to know i have a deep respect for you, being the founder of this wonderful guild. So the kudoest of the kudos to you.

And i'm sorry, this will also be a wall of text!

Anyway, to get to it:

Your favourite OotRB characters, and the people behind them!

Boy, this list is damned long. Everyone on this list i've had ups and downs with, fortunately i can personally say i remember the best and fondests momments better than the worsts, but i won't dwell into that. I won't go alphabeaticly into it, as i'm writing the memorries down as i remember them:

Nadine is a wonderful, lovely, and simply one of the kindests individuals I've ever encountered in this game. I've always enjoyed your (if not sometimes frustating but.. ) super creative plots, drawings (Especially stick-man Grogona "Rarrw"), stories and costumes. In-game, Rhonya became Grogonas sister, something that I've enjoyed tons. Even though i quit in a brutal fashion, i'll always remember the times we've had together. Thank you. :)

Rargnasha, i doubt you're reading the forums, but if you do. I'll always love bacon way more than you do, it's not a contest, it's just down to earth a fact. You're a bud.  ;)

Oh, bud.. where do i begin? There were times that we were so busy laughing our asses off over south park STAAAAANNN, S-STAAANN. That we forgot to do our event plots. Gridish and Grogona shared a friendship that was strong. Our laughs i miss, i won't deny it. Thank you bud. ;)

Lots of arena and "h-how.. and.. w-where did you blast him off too?". I can say your character was one of the more interesting ones for Grogona. Thank you for the roleplay. :)

You trained Grogona, and while she ended up being a dick to Krogon, there always was a respect behind the rebel. Thank you for your time in planning the training, while i may not have said it enough. Thank you.

Kogra/your troll, i'm so sorry i don't remember his name. :<
Kogra and me go back to before Oorb, same as Rhonya. We were both relatively new in SGE and we both hit it off pretty quickly. Many moments later and i think you're one of the best friends i've gotten out of WoW. Thank you so much. :)

You're pretty much on everyones list. So i won't say much other than Therak is -the- most interesting character I've ever seen and you should be proud. Thank you.

I agree, we got along well from the start, even though you stink at Pvp. ;) The hours and hours of Roleplay that we had, was amazing. And i'll let myself get girly here, the emotional rollercoaster it was. I was surprised at how hard it was the loose someone fictional, someone in-game, created out of imagination, and i think we both share that. Grogona and Trakmar were brother and sister through fire and water. I'll never forget the moments, even though in the end, there were disagreements. Thank you.

Buddy.. Get ready. :)
The most important person, and character of my -entire- story with Oorb, is without doubt Keishara. The slight contest constantly going on who was the strongests, and who would reach Nag'ogar first, and once they both reached it, the aim just got higher, who's the first Rrosh'tul. Mud-wrestling, dueling, and just countless hours of RP. I'll not lie that i often looked at the roster and I couldn't wait until that damned name popped up so i could shout in the orc chat. "ROWLPLAH NAOW!". I'll never never forget how it all started.. and how it ended. I won't go into detail cause damnit, it's rough.. So thank you, buddy. :)

Your favourite events, plots, storylines or even spontaneous encounters!:
Boy, it's been a while, it's abit hazy. Every Kosh'harg.
And obviousely every war that made us feel like the green brutes that we were. Axe and totem in hand storming towards our enemy, and obviousely crushing them with our strength. It has been a few "Holy- summer pudding, did we make this? LOOK AT HOW MANY PLAYERS THERE ARE." I felt proud so many times, just to be a member of this guild.

Guilds and individuals outside of Oorb.

Moneyfix! I doubt he reads the forums, so i won't write much. Much laugh, much gold, much wauw. Thank you. :)

What OotRB meant to you over the years, and if you're no longer with us, what you're up to now:

Oorb, has done both amazing, and horrible things for me. Whilst in this guild, I isolated myself pretty much 100% from a social life, wow had become my life, i did basicly nothing else, despite how much my loved ones tried to rip myself from it. It's only now that i realise that playing this game, you have to set boundaries, and whatever you do, you -cannot- let it be your life. But on the bright side, this game has done so much good for me. In the life before Wow, i had no friends, i could barely talk to anyone, and when i did i would lie about everything to make myself appear cooler than i was. Oorb fixed that right up. So while it took away years of my life (Not in a negative way) it also fixed something i didn't know was broken. So yeah, this post has gotten abit emotional. But all in all i wanna thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. And I also want to say sorry for the way i parted. And if i come back, I hope you'll accept me back, i sure as hell miss the hell out of this guild. :)

I'll just briefly describe what i'm doing at the moment. I'm currently at the very end of my very long education as a web-integrator. Currently dwelling into asp, sql and C#. I FINALLY god damnit, moved out, living by myself in a small appartment. And to top it all off, employment the moment i'm completely educated. So life is pretty damned good right now.

Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.