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Old friends and good company, there's no place like home

Started by Bamm, May 31, 2015, 08:52:22 PM

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Old friends and good company, there's no place like home

Arkail disembarked from the Zepplin as it pulled into Trisfal Glades. the sky tore and cracked with flashes of lightning as the rain poured down. The rain accentuated the rotten stench of death, damp and decay. Arkail somewhat grumbled at the weather as he headed down the spiral staircase of the Zepplin tower pulling he cloak tight around himself in a vain attempt to keep dry. He headed in the direction towards Undercity though the ruined arch. He already knew his presence had been duly noted, He felt the undead eyes burying into him, If he was any place else he would have ignored this feeling of paranoia. But here in the Undercity, paranoia was a valuable ally, especially if you are one of the few living beings in the entire city.

Arkail smiled to himself, the feeling gnawing at him all the while.. He was home. He was entering the elevator down into the depts of the city, when a lone figure loomed from the shadows behind him. "Arkail, my, my a pleasure to see you my dear boy!" the voice said happily trying to hide the obvious malice in his speaking.

"I see you're home then?" the voice said hissing into Arkail's ear
"I am indeed my friend" Arkail said not meeting his gaze keeping his eyes ahead.
"So Bartleby how are you?" The voice strained, then composed itself "It's Proffessor Bartleby, Arkail. Proffessor! Grmm"

Arkail hid a smirk he knew full well how Bartleby would react.
"Of course Proffessor, So how are things in the Royal Apothercary soicety?"
"Good news dear fellow, very promising fields of research opening up daily!"

Bartleby now stood beside Arkail as the elevator reached its destination, both steped out. And Arkail did his best to hide the fact that the smell alone made his eyes water to the point where he nearly gagged. Bartleby saw this not missing a step. Grinning his near toothless maw at him.

"Something wrong dear boy?" he said
Arkail causally shook his head and shrugged nonchalantly. He removed a small bottle from his pack, opening it he dabbed the mixture under each nostril.
"Good to be home Bartleby" Arkail said as they walked together though the city
"Back for good i hope! Finished you wandering with those Orcs of yours?"
Arkail had become aware he was being guided by Bartleby and that two figures where following but he didn't let on

"No, not at all, just thought i'd check up on a few things i have some fellows to see and all" Arkail said, as  Bartleby turned again down a narrow passage nodding in acknowledgement
Hmm, yes friends, I do believe we share those particular friends Arkail my boy
I wouldnt doubt that we did Professor, You've risen quite high in the society of late.
Bartleby tried to hide his contempt and shock scratching his near bald scalp. "You've heard then how did you find that out?"

"Well you just told me Professor and those shadows you have following us, last i hear a simple researcher didnt have guards, could you please ask them to keep their distance a tad. we dont want to look important, This is a dangerous place, full of rogues, thieves and ner'do'wells."

Arkail said meeting Bartlebys gaze for the first time with a smirk and a raised brow
The Proffessor cackled loudly placing a bony hand on Arkail's shoulder. "I see your time living out in wilds sleeping in the dirt and what not, hasnt dulled your inner city senses none"

"Not at all Professor, not at all" Arkail said "now about are mutual friend..."
Yes you caused a small stir somewhat taking  what you took last you where here.
Borrowed professor i simply borrowed, i doubt it was missed.
"Indeed it wasnt, still taking from the society " the Bartleby tutted. "You play the game better than that my dear boy". That's i why i am here Professor, to return it. It was most useful in recording and cataloging while i was in Draenor.

"yes.. yes Drrrrrraaaaennnnooor" Bartleby said drawing out the syllables "Did you find yourself out there?  your long lost mammy and pappy and all your fellow orcsies".

"You wound me proffessor , you wound me. I found a great many things" Arkail said mocking being offended.

"how many years have we known each other now dear boy, time is a odd concept, i find myself struggling to keep track off the professor asked in retort.

Near ten years, hmm near ten years professor. Arkail replied
Ah yes i remember when you came here curious thing you where. Barely a man and walked in bold as brass right into the center of The city, walking though it as if you hadnt a care in the world. I do remember wondering if your where brave or foolish.

Foolishly brave perhaps Professor?

Yes indeed dear boy the professor cackled. I remember how you came here and gazed dumbfounded at the books and tomes of the library. As if you hadnt seen so many in all your young days. I hadnt ...The concept of a story 'written' down perplexed me i must admit Arkail said as they rounded yet another corner. You always did love a story the professor said i remember after a while you began looking for your clan and people. very quaint.

"Indeed professor" Arkail said now aware of where he was being led "Indeed"
Did you ever find them? the Proffessor asked.

Arkail smirked and turned to answer when suddenly and blinding flash, followed by the dull rythmic thump of a spell hit him. It all began to go dark.  Arkail last hazy vison of The proffessor, his two guards and another figure standing over him faded into black.
A shame dear boy, a shame dear boy the professor whispered

Arkail awoke with a gasp as a bucket of ice cold water flew over him, inducing a coughing fit he was in a cage than was merely bigger than him.
Rest well did you Orc?
A figured loomed from the darkness into the light, Wearing a thick leather gown, his face strapped with leather holding it in place matted hair clumped in places.

"Ah Pembroke good to see you, just the man i was looking to see" Arkail said rubbing his neck his noticed it was was now burnt and blistered, covering some of his shoulder and chest from the spells effect.

Indeed! you will see a great many things where is my device? Pembroke asked hissing and almost spitting ichor.  In my bag there, good form of you not to look before asking Arkail said playfully.

I am ever a gentlemen Arkail. Pembroke returned

Arkail winced as the pain of his wound now began to throb, but he continued by saying. It was most useful.
Pembroke riffled though his bag producing the device a small mobile laboratory, that folded out with all the equipment that you'd would expect.
Arkail watched carefully then said. I am merely a novice of course but it was most helpful in examining the flora and fauna of Draenor even managed to to get some samples of its beasts and such.

And where are they? Pembroke hissed
They are not here of course I only came to return what i had borrowed Pembroke
Borrowed? borrowed? his hissed y-y- you sweet talked my fool of a sister into taking it you know she is half mad and near mindless. It was property of the royal apothecary society not to be taken by some ogred headed orc.

Pembroke continued to rant  as he riffled though arkail's things till he produced a monocle one of arkails many spares, before smashing it underfoot. I remember giving this to you,  you fool of a orc how we all laughed as you proudly wore it around the city. A orc who thought himself stylish, ha the very thought. Arkail My old friend you are in a  dangerous position.

Now, now pembroke arkail said calmy  i've never sweet talked anyone in my life. Dont spout innocence with me Arkail you can pretend to be incompentent all you like i remember how you talked those ogres out of freeing us and saved my fool of sister. Dont lie to me arkail you'r terrible at it. pembroke said now face to face with Arkail in his cage.

Now you're going to give me the location of these samples. you going to submiit to testing and then you're going to die painfully i might add, painfully yes. You're in the Undercity now and you're mine, my plaything.

Arkail rubbed his nose casually, ignoring the pain of his neck and shoulder and producing a monocle from a fold in his robe. carefully cleaning it before placing it on his face.
Pembroke grinned broadly Well you pretentious fool what now he said glaring at arkail though the bars.

Arkail cleared his throat
You know i might just tell you old friend, i might just tell you. Awfully stuffy in here and i am parched I dont suppose i could trouble you for a nice Silvermoon red. i am you guest yours of course, and you're ever the gentlemen.

Pembroke shook his head. Bartleby said you where as brazen as ever. You know i helped him gain his new position he owes me a great deal.

I have no doubt he does Arkail said in retort, But i wonder how much higher he would like to climb?  Always was ambitious If slightly dull. Do tell him to come out of the shadows i know he's there even if i cant see him. Very rude to eavesdrop.

A clapping echoed though the room
Bravo my dear boy! bravo! Your sense of awareness hasn't dimmed at all. we all know your scared always have been, now tell us of these samples before things get messy. You're arent talking your way out.  Not without a glass of red my friends not with out a glass of red. Arkail said his eyes darting between the two.

Hmmpt i dont want to make things messy for you, perhaps a day or two in there will change your mind. No doubt it will, no doubt it will Arkail replied with a smile

*Hours pass*

Arkail was sitting as comfortably as he could in his cage, they had left his medical pouch attached to his belt, and he had began to treat the burn wounds of his neck and shoulder covering them in a waxy, nice smelling balm like substance to aid healing.  When a small bony child like figure loomed into his view bony hands grasping the bars tightly it shoved its pony tailed head into the cage.

Arkail, Arkail you bad Ork! ha Arrrrkail! it said with a sinster child like malevoence.

It was Synthia Pembroke's sister she had been barely into her teens when struck down with plague and had kept her childlike wonder and innocence only now it was backed up with years of training as a deathstalker though rot had began to eat at here mind and she wasnt soon for this world.

Arkails supriseeses to see me yes. you said pembroke said that i said... wait. She blinked her eyes what was i saying?

Arkail rose to his feet as best he could in his cramped cage and smiled. "You where saying how i talked you into giving me one of the royal apothercary mobile labs to help your mindlessness my dear, remember?"

Mindlesssnessness she  playfully mimicked now welding a dagger, which appeared as if from nowhere flicking it casually along the bar making a clacking sound of steel on steel.

"Yess lab you took it bad ork arkailllll yes?"

How are things Synthia  you're are looking well. Arkail said as earnestly as he could
Synthia  beamed a wide grin he cheeks cracked and flaking away as she did. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Do you still like to play limericks Sythina how about we play a game of limericks? I win you let me out to talk to your brother. You win you get a kiss!

A kiss with steel and spite yes. She gurgled and chortled.

They had played this game many times and arkail had always won she could barely remember her name anymore let alone anything else. She had been before her deterioration a friend of Arkail a dangerous friend but a friend none the less. He almost felt sorry for her as she looked expectantly at him

Begin begin begin Arkail!

Arkail composed himself clearing his throat and adjusting his monocle.

"There once was this rogue from Darnassus
For some reason he moved like molasses
We saw him  sprint
But, nowhere he went
Then he asked "Has anyone seen my glasses"?"

She clapped playfully, frantically shaking the bars in excitement almost rabid
She did her best to compose herself to say one of her own

"There once was a, was a ork! named Arkail
he thought he was, he was, ever so Sarkall
Sarkall Tarkall... Markall Darkall Warkall!"

Arkail nodded and smirked as she fumbled for words. Go on dear you have something there. She placed a finger upon her chin for a time then let out a laugh.

You win Arkail, you go see my brother now! one more one more! Arkail smirked, but of course Synthia jammed a key into the cage's lock and the down swung open she jumped and dropped into a in a beast like prowl.

One more Arrrkail?

Arkail gathered his possessions strewn about the room, placing them in his satchel. He cleared his throat.

"There was an orc warlock named Roth
Who loved to show off his pet moth
He joined the battle nude
The priest was like Dude!
He sighed, "My pet only eats cloth". "

With this she dropped the aggressive posture and laughed playfully clapping her clawed hands.
You take care of yourself Arkail said. She didnt hear him she was attempting to repeat what he had said.

I'll just go see your brother he said as he left.
Arkail had no intention of doing such he had played this game many many times and had returned what he had taken. He was near the exit towards the elevator when he saw both Pembroke and Bartleby. He bowed and saluted dramatically as he stepped into the elevator. Pembroke began waving his bony arms obviously shouting and hissing curses, but Bartleby simply put a hand on his associate's shoulder, doubled over  laughing he dramatically Saluted back to Arkail.

Arkail ascended to the surface level and the weather hadnt improved much, He boarded the first zeppelin back to Orgimmar muttering to himself with a broad smirk how nice it was to see his old friends, but he did belong with his family for now. Arkail happy in the knowledge that no matter how far he went Undercity would always be his home set sail for Ogrimmar