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Such shouty people in here, gosh.
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Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
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THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
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Blue Sky: Argent Dawn Transfer

Started by Sadok, May 04, 2015, 07:58:07 PM

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Please describe your attitude towards an OotRB transfer from DB to AD.

In favor of a move to AD, would pay a server transfer fee;
In favor of a move to AD, if a server transfer was free or subsidised;
No strong feelings either way;
Against a move to AD even if offered a free or subsidised transfer;


To be fair. AD forums have all ways been a cesspool. There are plenty of loudmouths and smearing campaigns, so I would not take them all too seriously. The people I imagine we want to interact with, are lead by people who usually don't spend hugely much time on the forums, nor take part in the "LORE SMASH" acts. Also the nice randoms we want to interact with, are unlikely to take too big part on the forums. And even the smearers on the forums, act more cordially in the game itself, usually...some of them.

Another point, regarding to the history of this guild, will it be accepted? Yes. We would not be the only RP guild with their own terms and habits. As long as we don't try to claim such to be actual lore. But more of the clans/tribes own habit and alike, I would say 80-90% of AD peeps will be fine with it. That depending hugely on how we present it.
As an example, Blackjaw Clan on AD has their own history, words, traditions and they even claim some of them to be actual lore...yet still they are the biggest orc guild on the server and more or less respected. Addmittedly also avoided to a degree as they are very unapologetic on what they do(Like child killing, control on mated pairs, severe punishments for everything, etc).

That to elaborate on few points.

Also as an afterthought, AD has stronger alliance then Horde, and good orc guilds like this are a rarity. So I would not be too concerned of being scorned or running dry on new members.
And they call me insane? I am the most sane person around!


As a tangent on the AD forum.
Back during wrath when I was somewhat active on the realm forum  I used to lurk AD for shits and giggles. Because that place is crazy. Not reflective on the server other than the random RP of stormwind/silvermoon and other stuff like that.
Muzjhath got Iced by Sadok, after Marogg got Stabbed.

-The orc formerly known as Muzjhath formerly known as Marogg


Quote from: Umaua on May 07, 2015, 04:41:50 PM
To be fair. AD forums have all ways been a cesspool. There are plenty of loudmouths and smearing campaigns, so I would not take them all too seriously. The people I imagine we want to interact with, are lead by people who usually don't spend hugely much time on the forums, nor take part in the "LORE SMASH" acts. Also the nice randoms we want to interact with, are unlikely to take too big part on the forums. And even the smearers on the forums, act more cordially in the game itself, usually...some of them.

Another point, regarding to the history of this guild, will it be accepted? Yes. We would not be the only RP guild with their own terms and habits. As long as we don't try to claim such to be actual lore. But more of the clans/tribes own habit and alike, I would say 80-90% of AD peeps will be fine with it. That depending hugely on how we present it.
As an example, Blackjaw Clan on AD has their own history, words, traditions and they even claim some of them to be actual lore...yet still they are the biggest orc guild on the server and more or less respected. Addmittedly also avoided to a degree as they are very unapologetic on what they do(Like child killing, control on mated pairs, severe punishments for everything, etc).

That to elaborate on few points.

Also as an afterthought, AD has stronger alliance then Horde, and good orc guilds like this are a rarity. So I would not be too concerned of being scorned or running dry on new members.

Good to know!
-Gashuk, Son of Garrak-
"When the ashes fall and the green winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."


The officer team will be properly discussing this thread on Monday, and coming to a formal decision about the long-term future of OotRB, be it remaining on Defias Brotherhood or transferring to Argent Dawn.

At that point, this thread will have been open a week, so I reckon everyone who is going to see it will have seen it by then. If you've yet to vote in the poll, please do so. And if you've voted but haven't commented yet, that's very important too -- it's not just a matter of numbers, we're looking for feedback about why you wish to stay or transfer.

Feedback so far has been disproportionately weighted towards "Yes", so if you've voted "No", we'd especially appreciate your views.



Just a note, I felt i ought to post this image...

Spoiler: show



Anyhow, i'm the big tauren on the Garn.

As you can see, 40+ RP'ers, mostly horde outside ratchet for a tournament at hours well before peak time on Argent Dawn. Meanwhile, silvermoon was packed, Thudnerbluff had a wedding starting up, Orgrimmar had RP in every valley and lots of RP'ers were idle in warspear and garissons.

The population difference on Horde alone is Staggering!

Anyhow, hope that illuminates a few things.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


And to say it...AD's horde population is drastically smaller than Alliance.

So if we need enemies...we got em.
And they call me insane? I am the most sane person around!


I thought id try AD out a bit on my warrior that has been residing there for awhile. I planted my but in the valley of heroes in Orgrimmar, put my MRP status to looking for contact. In the hour that I sat there I had at least 10 different people approach me for random RP. That has never happened to me on DB with strangers.


May I say that I find it cute that some of you only found out about AD and have come to certain conclusions just now?
Better late than never~

But yes, that screenshot is just an example of what awaits you.. and I've seen more numbers in the past on other events (mainly in all sorts of campaigns that last for weeks). Then again, quality over quantity but let's not get on our high horses, shall we?
Bad apples appear on every garden. Just bigger gardens have more apples, thus more variety and more room for bad seeds.

Again, why does a lot of people point fingers at the big country on the other side of the Atlantic and the large number of foul folk with their delusional thoughts that reside there? Because the country has a large population, which leaves more room for more fools. Though, if we look at things from a statistical point of view, it's about the same as any other country in the world. 10% of a thousand is always bigger than a 10% of a hundred.. but the point is that it's still 10% of a total number. But the Thousand will always be blamed as the one with a loud minority for having a "bigger" 10% compared to the 10%'s of small groups of hundreds.

What I'm saying is, expect a large spectrum of colors if you decide to go there.

Or short, DB's a village. AD is a city. I'm sure you can draw the parallels with these comparisons for one side has advantages over the other and vice versa.

More stuff for you to think about.. though I'm sure some of the minds on this guild have come to the same conclusion years ago, right?
QuoteAnd then there's the fact that sure there's more people on AD but half of them are either terrible or just trolls and lollers.
Goldshire, the main spots of Stormwind and the area around Silvermoon's Bazaar should not count for that statistic since most "decent" (ugh, hate using that word) RP'ers on AD know where not to go. Good thing there's a large world out there and a million of opportunities to RP outside of those places, right?


The fact that people didn't want to go to AD before, was never truly only the fact that 'they thought it was so horrible' on that side. It was just one of many reasons when the last discussion rose all those years ago, because DB was still much more a healthy community back then, compared to now.
It's for many always been a bit of a last resource to keep in mind, because the guild started almost 10 years ago on this server and it also has a bit of sentimental value for a lot of people, not to mention the connections we had with other large guilds back then that now don't excist anymore.
So it's not that we 'just find out' about AD for most of us I suppose (Can't really speak for anyone else but myself ofc), but more that we don't really have another choice now anymore, if you look at the state of DB. And seeing how the poll goes, a lot of people agree with that.
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Quote from: Hellbrew on May 10, 2015, 11:58:31 PM
I thought id try AD out a bit on my warrior that has been residing there for awhile. I planted my but in the valley of heroes in Orgrimmar, put my MRP status to looking for contact. In the hour that I sat there I had at least 10 different people approach me for random RP. That has never happened to me on DB with strangers.

That's pretty cool!


Quote from: Rhonya on May 11, 2015, 09:07:05 AM
It's for many always been a bit of a last resource to keep in mind, because the guild started almost 10 years ago on this server and it also has a bit of sentimental value for a lot of people, not to mention the connections we had with other large guilds back then that now don't exist anymore.
And that is something that I know that's truly going on at the end of the road. Ten years on the same place with little change. Everything else off this community that you are familiar with seems strange and bizarre, so they must be bad since they are different. Yeah, those weirdos.
*ahem* *coff*

So yes, sentimental value, which is understandable. Never denied that such is true and, without a doubt, the main reason.

What bugs me is the absurd amount of excuses to hide the actual feelings some of you have for DB rather than say:
"Oh, I don't want change since I'm so used to this way for years. Therefore, my love and dedication to a particular aspect and the same people that I've been dealing with for years as made me feel weary about any change." ... Which some of you did something among those lines when you posted here and, to those, I applaud because they didn't use the cliche of "X smells and sucks" without any evidence or explanation, only thrown around in hope it will stick to the wall instead of saying straight out that they have feelings for something they have been working and having fun with for years. You know, obvious facades that serve no purpose instead to lose everyone's time to strip those thin paper/transparent facades and straight to the root of the issue.

No. To those that straight out said they would rather not have any sort of change because of their feelings for this specific server.. those deserve a hug and respect for being honest.
But for those, I'm sure most people have responded kindly that the DB you were once familiar with has been filled with non-RP'ers and gankers. The good memories you have.. they are memories and no one is going to take those away from you. Cherish them and try to replicate what you miss so dearly on new grounds. Even if the majority of the world around you may not understand your vision, there's always some that will. And to those, create a connection.
Everything comes to an end sooner or later, but it doesn't mean there won't be any more good times in the future on other places. It all depends on you and to those that you made connections with.
So cheer up, will you lovelies? The guild will be together even after this change (I'm assuming, for the sake of this post I'm writing, that you will indeed decide to go ahead with the transfer. It may never happen though!). Sure, those not within the guild and are on DB will.. stay behind. But it's their choice and they are free to follow your footsteps. Even if they decide not to, it's not the end of the world and you will always have way to communicate and do things with them. Sure, it is a little more limiting but, as many have said, it's a price.. and nothing comes for free. If the connection is strong, you will find ways to stick together with the people that you like.

I may seem highly supercilious when I type these kind of posts but know that I do not mean harm. My objective with these posts is to mentally prepare you for what may happen and to allow yourselves to broaden your horizons given that some of you have been on this server for years and nothing else. It's no wonder that you feel the way you are feeling now. Trust me when I say that I'm not "missing the point" when I type these things. I'm reaching out for those that may still think the things that I have mention thus far that I find absurd, even though they might not say it out loud (at least some of them).
To tell the truth, most of the time when these kind of things happen, I just stay back and watch the show unveil, taking mental notes and already using my intuition to determine what's going to truly happen and what's going to happen to that or other person. Curious when something unexpected happens and amused (or annoyed, depends) when it exactly happens just the way I predicted. Not that I take pleasure from drama, I do not. But I like to learn from afar.. study peculiar interactions and grow from the experience at the cost of people that are not willing to grow.


I'm starting to feel this discussion is beginning to drag a little off-course. As far as I can tell, people have simply set out to test the waters ahead of what might be a bigger plunge and are sharing their experiences here. I'm quite certain there's been no premature conclusions attached to those few hours of running around just yet, just as much so that I'm quite certain all of us are aware that every server has its good and bad apples. Even so, I'm sure those that would rather not go will have their good reasons as well, apart from feeling a particular place is worse or feels less like home than another. After all, people place sentimental value on the strangest things sometimes. The rest of us can do little but shrug our shoulders and accept that, and respect those people for wishing to stick to what's important to them. Our intention is by no means to create any manner of rift between the guild, if we were to go through with this decision. People are always able to change their mind in hindsight still, as I'm sure we will be able to come up with a satisfactory means for people to come join us after any big switches are made, if they happen at all. We intend to make sure all of these things will be arranged by that time.

Having said that, I don't believe anyone is trying to bash any particular community here as far as I can tell, so I don't think there's really any need to have this discussion escalate any further than need be anyway! As mentioned before, there will be a final announcement on this matter after the officers have properly discussed and reviewed this matter and topic, so stay tuned for that!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Just looking back on the DefiasRP forums there. A year yesterday was the start of the Redridge campaign. Sad to think it's been so long since we had that kind of RP-PVP. The prisoner exchanges and interrogation was great fun.