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Blue Sky: Argent Dawn Transfer

Started by Sadok, May 04, 2015, 07:58:07 PM

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Please describe your attitude towards an OotRB transfer from DB to AD.

In favor of a move to AD, would pay a server transfer fee;
In favor of a move to AD, if a server transfer was free or subsidised;
No strong feelings either way;
Against a move to AD even if offered a free or subsidised transfer;


I voted in favour of the move. It would be nice to be rid of the gankers, as well as encountering more random RP. I've been on DB since the start and while it has been my home for almost 10 years and it would be sad to leave it, it is mostly nostalgia and my friends who are keeping me here anyway. If all of my friends are moving, I'm moving along.

Could possibly help contribute a little bit to a shared funding pool (aside from my own transfer fee), but not overly much, since I'll be a little short of money after the summer. :)
Sinami Swifthowl
- Huntress of the Redblade Clan - Mate of Kozgugore Feraleye - Devotee of Akala and Kavara -


I voted in favour. In the former discussion, I actually voted no, but back then I had two other guilds I was also active in, and had way more friends on DB. As it stands now, most of those have either quit wow or joined the Red Blades anyway, and the other guilds I'm no longer in.
I think it might actually be refreshing, if a challenge though, but if we all put some effort in to make this work, I think we're going to be fine.
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


I voted in favour.

While it'd be sad to leave behind a server after so many years, I think it could bring about some nice changes like more random RP, more RP-PvP and genereally just more RPers.. and no gankers. :P I do have friends on AD already, people who's always been there or ex-DB players, so that's a positive thing for me too. I can consider helping out with the funding, but it would really depend on -when- this happens, and how much money I have at the time. I already have several characters I would transfer, so that will cost quite a bit, but I'm sure I can spare a little.
Vezara Wolfheart - Shaman of the Frostwolf Clan.


I voted against it, but if the guild goes so will I.
The main reasons I have are these.
I still have a few friends who are on DB and not in the guild, not many mind you. But they exist.
It'd further discourage returning old members from coming back to RPing with us, having to move server just to RP with us would be a little weird.
Then there's the fact that I spent most of cataclysm on AD, and I have several characters there already. And I have a large amounts of alts on DB, who are all tied together to work together with professions etc. Something I'd have to start anew.
Think, assess, act.


Thanks to everyone for voting and giving their feedback so far. I'd be interested to hear from more of the people that voted against a realm transfer, and their reasons for doing so, so we can make sure we've weighed up all options and possibilities.


I'm against a move, mainly because I'm a PvP'er by heart; and that's the reason I came to DB to start off with. Without RP-PvP I'd not really be interested in RP at all. No surprise there for many of you though I guess. And then there's the fact that sure there's more people on AD but half of them are either terrible or just trolls and lollers. So in the end, is there really more people there? I'm doubtful.

EDIT: Sure you can do wpvp on AD too but not the way I like it. *grumbles* Also, it'd probably leave me with quitting wow since I'm not doing much other than pvp and RP lately (even if a bit inactive).
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


Quote from: Rashka on May 05, 2015, 10:10:50 AM
I'm against a move, mainly because I'm a PvP'er by heart; and that's the reason I came to DB to start off with. Without RP-PvP I'd not really be interested in RP at all. No surprise there for many of you though I guess. And then there's the fact that sure there's more people on AD but half of them are either terrible or just trolls and lollers. So in the end, is there really more people there? I'm doubtful.

I'd argue that a move would actually enable us to do more RP-PvP rather than less. Our viable opponents on the Alliance side for RP-PvP are Cogshield, who have made it clear they will not follow any rules and have no interest in the RP side of the equation, and a swiftly dwindling rest of the community, which is now just Band of the Brave (which is falling apart) and Skarain's Azure Flame, which is small.

On AD, you have a wider range of RP guilds to interact with on the Alliance side, including old enemies like the Three Hammers. While "RP-PvP" on AD generally means something with quite restrictive terms, we'd be quite free to organise our own proper RP-PvP with all gear and abilities permitted, without the risk of it being gatecrashed by griefers. This is, after all, why RP-PvP itself has gradually slid to a halt in the past few years -- I think the last RP-PvP event we even had was more than a year ago.

As for the population, AD's reputation for housing some terrible RPers does precede itself, but if you look around, there's a vast pool of good RP too. Certainly, at the very least, there's as much good RP on AD than there is in the increasingly-shrinking DB remnant, and half of my friends-list nowadays call AD their home -- none of whom I would call terrible RPers. What we need never fear at least is any sacrifice in OotRB's own quality, since we would be retaining our application/interview system to strain the cream from the crop.


I voted to stay on DB it would be a shame to see the guild go. especially after so many years Red Blade is a DB institution in my opinion :3


Quote from: Arkail on May 05, 2015, 11:02:21 AM
I voted to stay on DB it would be a shame to see the guild go. especially after so many years Red Blade is a DB institution in my opinion :3

While I admire the sentiment, sticking to DB for sticking to Db's sake would likely come at the cost of losing the guild as a whole. Alliance is Dead, which means we physically can't get any RP-pvp, furthermore Horde continues to Shrink... so we have nobody on our own faction to interact with on the horizon.

And I sure as hell don't want to stay just so every night, Griefers like cogshield can interupt what RP we can muster.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


I'm going to go ahead and vote in favour of this. While we've nearly been on DB for ten years now, I think it's time to make a (positive) change sooner or later, and to expand our horizons. Granted, I have been open for discussion on this topic and a possible move for quite some time now, subjecting myself to the majority of the votes either way (as shown in the thread linked in the OP), but I think now more than ever is the right time to make that switch. I'll list only a few of the reasons here, to me personally, as to why:

- As Sadok said in the above post, RP-PvP on DB is no longer a viable option. Granted, there may always be renewed attempts to try and get something going, but the days of massive RP-PvP battles between RP guilds only are far and well gone here on DB. There's less RP guilds than ever on Alliance side, and the majority of those that are left is, let's be honest, a circlejerk consisting of forum clowns and self-proclaimed RPers who care very little for the good of the server and the rest of its RP that happens outside of their little bubble. DB has had its chance in my eyes, and although I might feel just the slightest bit of remorse for those few guilds that are still here fighting for DB's survival (thinking the Horde community mostly, since there -are- still a few decent guilds left out there) we have to keep our own interests at heart in the end. Moving to AD will open up far more opportunities to us, both for RP as well as RP-PvP, than staying on DB ever will. DB has been standing on its last legs for some time now in my eyes, even if there were rejuvenated periods like the Rebellion and the beginning of WoD when it's logical for activity to pick back up. We would still be able to organize our own RP-PvP campaigns and set out own rules there. I daresay we might still be known for our taste for good RP-PvP campaigns with some of the people on AD, quite a few of which may very well have been active on DB in the past and know of our name and reputation, so finding people that are interested in similar, open-ended RP-PvP campaigns with as few restrictions as possible (at least in regards to gear, rules, etc.) can't be too hard to find.

- ORB has always been a guild that's been able to stand on its own. There were many, many periods throughout DB's history that activity had sunk to an all-time low, and still the guild managed to stay on top due to a committed community. To this very end, I think it's safe to say that even if AD has a bit of a toxic environment here and there as some of you might fear, we'd still be perfectly capable of looking after ourselves and doing our own share of quality control within the guild as Sadok said. One way or another though, I can say with absolute certainty that we'd find more inter-guild interactions on AD than we will at the present day and any day in the coming future on DB, certainly not all of it of poor quality.

- We have a handful of very committed core members right now, which means we would have a good foothold if we were to switch servers. Making that change has turned out to be a very risky business for a lot of RP guilds in the past, but as we have seen with some other guilds (both on our own server as well as AD), having a committed core group of members can really help keep things alive and kicking, and incite other people on the server to come and check us out. I'm 100% certain that ORB will survive the realm change, and may very well in turn out for the better considering the reputation it has built over the years as well as the vast lore that lies behind it. Not to mention that we have a stable structure overall right now, because of weekly events set on regular times due to the committed officer team that we have right now as well as remaining "luxuries" that we can rely upon like this very website, which has been improving and even growing more active as of late due to Sadok's enthusiasm. While there -are- a few orc guilds active on AD already, I'm convinced that none of them will offer the same experience as ORB will, and that alone is something that can give this guild a big chance for survival.

- For those who would be afraid of leaving friends or fellow RPers behind, they would still be able to RP with them and even bring to the guild itself through the magic of RealID nowadays. We know that there are still some of our members who are RPing with some people or guilds outside of ORB and I can very much understand their concerns and dilemma, but if they do want to join the guild on AD but still be able to maintain their contact with outsiders from the guild, RealID can easily help overcome these hurdles. After all, DB is hardly suited for random RP as it is, so we don't exactly stumble into these "outsiders" without some advance knowledge of their location (of their knowledge of ours) anyway. So a simple party invite is hardly that big of a step.

- Though it remains to be seen, Blizzard seems to have made a habit of doing a services discount every summer. Though this could range from June all the way to September, these months aren't -too- far apart from the time of this discussion right now, so if we're able to come to a satisfactory conclusion in all this, we might even be able to afford the realm transfers with less costs, leaving all the more funds for remaining members.

Which brings me to the subject of discouraging returning people from ORB. We've already discussed the possibility of giving returning players who would still be on the guild on DB a notification through the Guild Message of the Day as well as the guild info tab, explaining the move that took place and redirecting them to a thread on these forums where they might be viable to ask for backing of the funds, say 50% of the realm change, in case they would still be interested in following us to AD but lack the resources to do so. We have a few lovely members who already said they'd be willing to put some additional money on the table for people with less financial possibilities (I'd be willing to donate a little sum myself, even though I'm not so lovely myself), so we could leave a little pool of funds available for those that would like to follow after us in the months to follow the realm change. The less people we can leave behind, the better. Which is why we'd only be considering this very move if we know a great majority would be interested and willing in making it. This is all still very much in the "speculation" phase of things. We will only be making it a reality once we know a majority of the (core) members are ready to make that jump with us.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Quote from: Krogon on May 05, 2015, 12:24:18 PM
Quote from: Arkail on May 05, 2015, 11:02:21 AM
I voted to stay on DB it would be a shame to see the guild go. especially after so many years Red Blade is a DB institution in my opinion :3

While I admire the sentiment, sticking to DB for sticking to Db's sake would likely come at the cost of losing the guild as a whole. Alliance is Dead, which means we physically can't get any RP-pvp, furthermore Horde continues to Shrink... so we have nobody on our own faction to interact with on the horizon.

And I sure as hell don't want to stay just so every night, Griefers like cogshield can interupt what RP we can muster.

Agreed, Defias has been slowly dying for a while already, and atm it dosen't really seem like it'll recover imo, so staying seems kinda pointless to me. I love defias, I've had a lot of fun here, but I feel like it's time to move on.

As for what Therak said, I still have friends on DB too, but like Koz said, I can still play with them through real id. The only things that don't work with cross realm/real id stuff, is that you can't trade, be in the same guild, or see each other in Orgrimmar.. and that's pretty much it. You can do everything else. :3 BGs, raids, Arenas, questing, RP etc
Vezara Wolfheart - Shaman of the Frostwolf Clan.


1) My feelings? Well, I'm sad to leave Defias, ofc. For various reasons. One being that I left AD to DB, and now moving back, if it comes to that.

2) -

3) I'm voting for the move, but I don't have any money for it. Why for? The gankers, it's only that. Yes more guilds on both Horde and Alliance is nice. But it's the gankers in foremost that makes me vote for the move. I've tried to not care and let me be affected by them, but it sure isn't easy.


In response to Rashka's comment in the shoutbox, no, the grass isn't always greener but change can sometimes be good. For me, it leaves a sour taste in my mouth to consider leaving the only realm I have ever felt at home on but your home is made by the people in it and moving with the guild would be a different experience to moving solo and remember, sometimes it's more prevalent not to ask why should we do something, but why shouldn't we?

Everyone gets a little bit riled regarding change, it's natural, but it's not going to be the end of the world either way so I'll happily go with the majority. AD has alot of plus', DB has mostly nostalgia and negatives, I think it'd be exciting to explore that world even if we end up coming back.
-Gashuk, Son of Garrak-
"When the ashes fall and the green winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."


I voted in favor.

I've always thought the Red Blade should move to AD, simply because I would rather see it grow than slowly crumble, which I sadly think it will staying on DB.
Being an AD player for several years I think OrB would do good with a fresh start and new Rp opportunities.


100% in favor. Though, unfortunately, I lack â,¬ to do such change.
But don't worry. I have reached my character limit on Argent Dawn and I would not delete anyone to give room to Rokra to move. So, if you ended up transferring to AD (which I fully support), we would only meet with me not being an Orc   :D

I've said several times and people know my opinion thus far. But I guess it wouldn't hurt if I said it once again:
QuoteRP-PvP realms never made sense.. ever. No, I'm not talking about RP-PvP events, those are fine. I mean Role-Play servers with the PvP tag on it all the time. I know people like PvP and that's fine and dandy.
I like Ice Cream and Ketchup.. but you don't see me mixing both together, right?
In a perfect world, RP-PvP server would make sense IF all players on that server were RP'ers and PvP'ers. But alas, that's not the case. When PvP'ers (who don't RP) mix together with RP'ers, it ends in torture for the RP'ers who just want to have fun with their characters and, dare I say, RP and not go after that one bastard that killed you for no reason but to annoy you for a few (LONG) hours.
If you went to a RP-PvP realm and expected for there to be no grief.. then you were naive or don't know how the internet works. Nor is Blizzard going to protect you because you died on a PvP server (unless the people were really harassing but that's murky grounds).

You want PvP? Turn your "PvP on" on a non-PvP RP server. Or keep a character in a PvP realm and bring your RP characters to a non-PvP Server.

As for the whole "AD is shit compared to DB" talk.. do I really need to comment on that when others have (finally) concluded that's not the case? Yeah, not going to "waste my latin" on that mud flinging pride against "the community next door". I've heard that song plenty of times on a lot of things. From Post-by-Post RP'ers mud flinging to MMO RP'ers, from tabletop mud flinging to the tabletop next door, from MMO RP'ers mud flinging the guild next door and so on..

NOW, as for the "I have friends in DB" talk, I'm sure people have suggested Battle tag. It works fine last time I checked. They are your friends, right? So I'm sure you have their battle tag already.

*Phew* Anyway, I hope you Orcs make the right decision. I'll be pleased if you end up in AD. If not, well.. hope it goes well either way!