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Started by Sadok, April 24, 2015, 08:31:12 PM

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Name: Hukraz
Alias: N/A
Rank: Chieftain & Wolfking

Age: Deceased
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Clan: Clan Redblade
Class: Warrior
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Family: Kraag the Wolfking (grandfather) Kraagash (father), Skagluk the Giantkiller (brother), Grugna Longhand (daughter).
Known Friends: N/A
Known Enemies: Thunderlord Clan, Ogres, other warbands.

A lean orc, Hukraz wore various Clan heirlooms, including the Warmask of Magoth atop his head and Kraag's golden spiked pauldrons and iron leggings. The rest of his regalia seemed built for skirmishing, as he favored a lighter leather tunic and gauntlets. His weapon of choice was a long greataxe that he often wielded from upon wolfback.

A naturally bloodthirsty and reckless warleader, Hukraz's skirmishes were many and often costly. He pursued costly vendettas to the detriment of his Clan, seeming to take particular offence to the Thunderlord Clan. He was warm and respectful towards his warrior-brother Skagluk, yet had little affection for his daughter Grugna, seeming to treat her with neglect.

Hukraz was the eldest grandson of the fabled Kraag the Wolfking. During his period as Chieftain, Clan Redblade was taken in a long period of war, as Hukraz's provocations and pillaging made him many enemies and no allies. With the body count rising, the clan's numbers were dwindling rapidly by the years. Too few children were being born to the clan to replace those who died, since having begun as a mercenary army, the Clan contained very few orc women.

Even after Skagluk the Giantkiller's southern expedition secured new wives for the Clan's warriors, Hukraz's constant warfare continued. During another strike against the Thunderlords, Hukraz was mortally wounded and died on the field of battle. When he died, he had no male heirs, which resulted in his eldest daughter Grugna Longhand becoming the first Matriarch recorded in history.

Things you may know about this character:
His brother Skagluk and daughter Grugna seem better known to most Red Blades nowadays than Hukraz himself.

Things you may not know about this character:
Hukraz and Skagluk's memorial stones sit side by side in Kraag'gol's graveyard. Grugna is not with them, her remains being within Nagrand's Ancestral Grounds.

Memorable Quotes:
“With tooth and claw, with axe and sword, bring the fight to the Thunderlord! Beat the war-drums and sound the horn!”

Other Information:
Hukraz's death and pyre is recounted in the Song of Hukraz, also known as "In Old Kraag'gol".