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A morning jog

Started by Gridish, March 15, 2014, 01:46:48 AM

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The first shine of morning light appears in the horizon as Gridish steps out of the main hall in Garadar. He stretches his arms, then stretches his legs as a preperation for his morning jog. It's a seemingly quiet morning in Garadar as Gridish makes his way through the town in a low pase. He sees a small group of Garadar guards as they have just finished the night watch and are headed to their beds, but doesn't see any other orcs. As Gridish makes it to the east gate of Garadar, he comes across Lofty. For once Lofty was waiting for Gridish " It's about time you got here! I've been waiting for hours! Now chop-chop, let's go pick up Celoa, Gridish!" As always, Lofty has something to bicker about. Gridish snickers and nods. He gets ready and starts his jog towards Shattrath city.

Gridish makes his way to the tunnel connecting Nagrand and Shattrath together. He greets the Aldor guards and heads in. Gridish makes his way to the library where Celoa's keepers are usually found, but as he gets there, he would be greeted by a familiar voice. "  Mok'ra Gridish. That's what you orcs say, am I right?" A faint laughter can be heard after saying that as Gridish old arcanist teacher is talking to Celoa's keepers. Gridish greets his teacher with a firm handshake and a nod. " Gridish, why don't you leave Lofty here for a short while. There are some things we need to discuss and I've given these people some new information to put in Lofty while we do so." Gridish's teacher smiles and gestures Lofty over to the bookkeepers. After that, Gridish and his teacher step outside and take a seat on a bench to where they can look over the entire city of Shattrath.

Gridish's teacher looks over at Gridish with a joyful glance. "We've had part of this conversation quite a lot during the years Gridish. However I can't express enough how much you and your abilities have grown over that period of time. Not only your abilities have grown, but also your ways of adapting these abilities have been nothing but inspiring." His teacher pauses for a brief moment and looks down at Shattrath, then continues. " after that Horde tournament that you participated in-" Gridish stares at his teacher in a suprised way. " - ah yes, I know about the tournament. However after the tournament, a switch or something flipped in your mind. The insecure, doubtful about his own capabilities as an arcanist orc seemed to have had light shed onto exactly that what he was unsure about. That day changed you.. in a good way. You were able to show everyone there that magi had as much respect to receive as the standard blade wielders that your kind knows and adores." His teacher looks back at him and smiles again, " that is what you needed, and that is what you should hold onto for - the - rest of your life. It always gives you something to fight for, as does one other thi-... person, and you know who I'm talking about. You did exactly what I asked you to do with that dagger... you made sure you protected your loved ones with it." His teacher pats Gridish on the shoulder and gives him an approving nod.

Gridish's teacher looks up at a group of birds flying by, then focusses his gaze on Gridish once again. " With all that said, there's one more thing. The council of Dalaran wants me to head over to Pandaria with a group to investigate this island that appeared out of nowhere.. The Timeles Isle. I can't say much about it, but it's going to be a while. Which also means that this is goodbye, for now." Gridish's teacher gets up from the bench, inspects the city of Shattrath one more time and takes a deep breath." It's an absolute shame this beautiful place has suffered so much. I just wish there was a way to see thisplace again in it's glorious days, besides paintings. Strenght Gridish Rimeweaver. Do me proud." Gridish gets up from the bench and salutes his teacher as his teacher walks off waving Gridish goodbye.
Gridish heads back over to the bookkeepers. As he gets there Lofty and Celoa are waiting for him. " Gridish, did your teacher already leave?!? He didn't even say goodbye! Gawsh... either way, we need to get you back to training! Loads of new spells have been added to my pages. You'll be able to do awesome tricks!" Gridish smiles. He puts Celoa in one of the two bookpouches on his belt and puts Lofty in the other bookpouch and makes his way back to Garadar.

Gridish Rimeweaver