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Letting go.

Started by Thrash'Nak, December 03, 2013, 11:36:40 AM

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Letting Go

The tabard still carried her scent, after so many months, it was still strong. She smiled slightly, she never was the clean kind of orc, she thought to herself. The scent was a mix of forest and blood. For her, it was two things that walked hand in hand. She sighed slightly, She always was a wildorc, she snickered at the name she was given. Wildeye, always a wild one. She let her fingers slide over a stitched area on the top of the tabard, it was herself that had made it that long ago.
It was the first fight her and the wild she-orc had fought, one in many. They were both young and fierce, neither any intention of giving up. Wildeye wielding a bow and a beast besides her side, what was it? A spider, she nodded at herself. Wildeye with her loyal spider companion. She smirked as she remembered herself thinking: "Wha' kin' o' orc uses a bloody spider, eh? Grow it tergether, damnit", she soon came to change that opinion. The fight was quick paced and full of aggresion from the two young, arrows fired with such speed and precision, and herself speeding across the fighting area like a wolf, claws first. She made a strike, and cut her shoulder open, at that time, she did not even think much about the fact she had ruined the orcs tabard. Right after she was punished by the spider leaping on her, and so the fight went on. To this day, she still didn't know if she could really call herself the victor, however she knew she had won something that day. The two she-orcs shared smiles, acknowlegding eachothers strengths.
She let her fingers go down over the tabard again, feeling all the stitches. She gave it another sniff, smiling. The smell of mud was mixed in too. And she remembered back, to her second festival. She had heard of Swiftblade and Wildeye going at it, and the temptation was too much. After a long fight in the mud and eventually Swiftblade thinking the two she-orcs mad, she couldn't help but to look at Wildeye and smirk, considering all the scars and her figure, the she orc wasn't bad looking either, and her wildeyes helped with this alot.
She shaked her head, snickering. She let her fingers go over the tabard again, until reaching the middle of the tabard, the midsection. A bloodied hole, torn into it. She clenched her fingers around the tabard, holding it tightly. She took a deep determinded breath, and thought back to Moonglade. The memory wasn't a pleasent one like the others. She remembered it to be the first time in years, that she had run so fast that she could feel the restraining limits of her body, sprinting through the branches and thorns to reach the druids sacred place. She had heard her sisters scream in her head, the desperation and fear. When she finally arrived, it was too late. She could already feel it in her stomach, that it was too late, but she didn't want to believe it. As she went up the stairs, they seemed like they would never end, but as she finally reached the top. She wanted to sprint back home and forget all about it. But she was there, no turning back.
The Kor'kron was lying face down into a pool of his own blood, letting out his last breath. Her brother was leaned over her sister, she let herself fill with false hope, he had saved her. Rokarna was crying loudly, but why? Everything was alright, The Kor'kron was dead, Trakmar had saved her sister.. so why was she crying? She took the first few steps reluctantly before all the false hope was ripped from her, like taking candy from a child. It hit her, that Trakmar had not been able to save her, her sister. She was bloodied, clinging to her child, but it was too late. She took first a few gasping breaths, trying to steal back all the false hope. But it didn't help. The warm tears started falling down her cheeks and it took her a moment to realise. She slowly walked up to her sister, and started yelling. She yelled at her sister to come back alive, she commanded and insulted. But she just looked at her before her eyes went blank and cold, however.. something was off? She started talking, Trakmar frozen in the memory. Revax stood behind them, frozen too. Rokarna stopped crying, and freezed in place. Keishara reached out a hand to touch her cheek and smiled, it warmed out through her entire body. The words was spoken with love. She wasn't bloodied anymore, and they weren't in moonglade anymore. They stood now, in conquests hold, where Keishara embraced her. She spoke and the world, and the memory turned. Changing everything and she suddenly opened her eyes. And repeated her sisters words..

"Pain will leave us both, when we let go. I love you"

Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.


im so jealous of your mad writing skillz >_____< Very emotional and really well written. Thumbs up!


Very good read Groggles :3. Very good.
Gridish Rimeweaver


A stella story Groggles. Thank you <3