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GREAT Roleplaying addon.

Started by Thrash'Nak, November 07, 2013, 06:27:42 PM

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This addon is for talking for npcs. So, right now you're probably thinking... So? But here's why, you can use this addon for alot of potentially great and immersive roleplay!

First: Pets!
Look at the picture, here you see Lofty trying to convience Grogona for the probably millionth time, that she should dumb Rargnasha and go for abit of paper instead. Say you got a pet that you'd like to emote for, you'd normally type something like this:

/e - Mr.randompet looks around curiousely but eventually just lies down again.

Say you wanna get rid of all that nonsense behind it, like your boring name! And instead, you'd like to see it as if the pet -actually- does something on it's own, and it's not -you- controlling it.

Second: Events!

Say you've just made an event, but you're missing someone to roleplay the character in question, you found someone to roleplay your character, what no? He or she doesn't have the things that makes them look like what you'd like? Instead, you look around and you see the character you want to have them look like, except they don't talk. With the addon, you can simply go up to an existing npc, target it, click on the target button, choose from the braclet if you want it to be a say or an emote! And click send. Done!

But if not to use it, you can always download it in case you find it annoying to see a name emoting from something entirely else. :b
Besides this is an alternative to using total roleplay for things like this.
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.


Wow.. Look at that sucky plugin! I mean like.. Geezzz where did we find this person that gives us such sucky tools!?!?!? D:

just joking groggles Q.Q
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