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Lofty's chapters

Started by Gridish, October 27, 2013, 11:01:07 PM

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This remedy is taken for bruising and soreness, to ease pain, and to speed recovery, for example, after an injury or operation. It can also help prevent infection and is used to treat abscesses. Peacebloom is very useful after accidents that cause the lymph glands to swell up or the limbs to become swollen and cold. Complaints are generally worse for becoming suddenly chilled when overheated. In women, Peacebloom is excellent for uterine pain during pregnancy.
It can be brewed in a tea, or the leaves can be grinded and used in salve to ease pain of wounds.

- Rhonya
Gridish Rimeweaver


Kind words with a warning.

Best book in the entire world.
From Grogona to Lofty.
If  ever touch my butt â€" OR â€" boobs again, or I’ll personally rip every page out of you, and make you watch as I burn them.
Many lovely regards,

-   Rrosh’tul Grogona Wolfheart.

(( This entire page has been crossed out by Grogona))
Gridish Rimeweaver


If you are down, read this
Hello dear Lofty.
You're reading this because you're sad, and then if ye' were besides me.
I'd tell ye' ter Book up! But if it's rough. Always kno', tha' Grogona will at least always laugh wit' ye, an' not -at- ye'.
So many lovely regards.
an' i don't really draw, so here's a stick figure o' me, ter remind ye'self.
A little stick figure of a red haired orc with a smile*

- Rrosh'tul Grogona Wolfheart
Gridish Rimeweaver


Forever bonded

Grogona Wolfheart,

A - FIERCE - and - STRONG - warrior on the outside, yet it's just plated armor that protects the soft, and loving soul on the inside.
We may never be together, united as mates but I will always be carrying a part of your loving weight.
This is my way of saying that you are never alone.
If you need me... for you, I will always be around.

- Lofty

Gridish Rimeweaver


Y maez karkun ul rethul daz soran ashj.
Modas alar zenn il ruk buras il amanare zar zenn ril Y te.
Y maez Y daz x zekul ul zenn zenn zar x rakkan.
Lok revola...


I wish mother or father was still here.
These orcs give me the looks of disgust and
mock who I am. I wish I had a place to call home and a friend.
I'm lonely...

- Krala
Gridish Rimeweaver


The war of the Blades.

Many years ago, a vicious war broke out. A war between the Orcs of the Red Blades and the Blades of Frost, a Night Elf regiment. The war started by the Night Elves, lauching an assault on an orcish settlement. This would usually not be anything new, had it not been for that the unarmed had not only been killed, but brutally  slaughtered. None were spared. I still remember to this day the sight of the children, hung from the trees, cut open  for the carrions. From there, the war escalated. Our tribe struck a swift and fierce retaliation, holding true to our morals of never killing children however -- we sacked an elven town and put their sacred shrines ablaze. This called for elven retribution and a long cycle of vicious hit and runs ensued. The Blades of Frost however were an elusive foe, and we rarely anaged to catch them out in the field.

As the battles went on, it was those inhabiting the villages who were the ones to pay the price.
It was during one of these battles, a newblood defied his Mok'nathal tutor, and spared an enemy civillian. This act infuriated the Tutor, who demanded from his unruly Newblood why he'd spare the life of a hated enemy, to which the Newblood answered: "If these elves know no honour, they will not learn of it unless shown to them." The answer hardly amused the tutor, Who's kill was stolen, however it was neither the time nor the place to disciplne the unruly newblood.

Later that night after the Newblood's punishment, he was sought out by a peculiar visitor. The Night Elf from the battle earlier had sought him out, and they spent hours on speaking of the war. Eventually they came to the same conclusion, that this war needed to end and it was doing no good for neither the Orcs nor the Elves.

So it came to pass that one day, the Newblood went to his chieftain and the Night Elf to her leader, and they laid forth their plan both were rightly suspicious, but the young Newblood offered to his chieftain: "Then I shall go alone and meet and speak with them. If they are as honourless as we think, the only life lost to this plan shall be my own. I shall offer them that we shall do no harm to either their children or their shrines as long as they leave ours alone."The chieftain dissagreed with this: "We have never touched their children; this trade will make us look weak." Then the Newblood continued his arguement: " It may be so, but this will be our chance to take away the elves' one advantage - To shield ourselves where they know they can hurt us." The wise Chieftain saw the prospect in this, saving the lives of many innocent while needing to give little in return. So he allowed the newblood to go into the darnkness of Ashenvale, the forest that lays in eternal twilight to meet with the Elves from the Blades of Frost.

It was to many orc's suprise when the Newblood returned later that night, unscathed and whole, with the tidings that the Elves had accepted the terms that had been laid forth. The war continued for a few weeks. The Elves, honouring the agreement, struck only out in the open now. The Elves's advantage of stealth and suprise were gone. The Red Blades no longer needed to strike at the Elven cities to retaliate, instead the Orcs fought them where ever they tried to strike, and hunted down their assault parties.

The Elven warriors suffered much, for they were no match for our Wolf Riders and eventually, their losses became so great that they stopped their attacks entirely. We have never had trouble with the Blades of  Frost since.

And that concludes the tale: War of the Blades.

- Chieftain Rargnasha Bloodmark.
Gridish Rimeweaver