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What is the red blades future?

Started by Thrash'Nak, April 14, 2013, 02:37:30 AM

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I'm gonna go ahead and say what i think, and i'd like to keep this as peaceful as possible.
Lately, we've been going down a steep hill, loosing memebers, loosing activity, and the overall mood in the tribe is really bad compared to our previouse state before mop. What is happening? What can we do it turn this into the right direction again?. I've been in the guild for three years soon, and i've not seen it so bad until today, i'm just a very concerned member trying to find out whats going on, and i know others are as well, i won't go ahead and mention names so they themselves can say what they wanna say from their perspective.

What i have in mind to increase activity:
Make 1 or 2 more officers, (Just to clear up, i'm not making this thread to try and rank myself up, thats not the point of this)
Reason: With more officers, comes events. With more officers more time to help out the lower ranks with their goals, aka making more activity and hopefully more events.
Make more ranks, i know when i roleplay i like to have a general idea of where i want to make my orc go, gives you a sense of progression.
Gives you a sense of progression, which will give orcs a reason to roleplay.
I'd like to see the old tutoring back, currently theres simply not enough events going to make the marks going out.
Gives tutors something to do, and could increase the overall creativity and therefor more events. Thats at least from my experince.

Any other ideas, i'd welcome whole heartly. Lets get this guild back to its former glory. Many thanks, from Grogona.
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.


I totally agree with Grogona. I too see less activity within the tribe. I can understand that it's hard work for officers and especially Koz, so crate more officers doesn't sound like a bad idea. We have a lot of trusted members. For myself i'm in the final semester (or whatever it is called) on school and i'm working hard on exams and all. I mostly have time during day but it's hard for me to join events in the evening lately. but thats all just temporary. Also, everyone is allowed to make events for rp purpose. So if any one has some great ideas just do it and it will be fun. :)


Keep your chin up folks. You're part of one of the most well known, respected and successful RP Guilds on the server. The Guild got that way through dedication of it's members. Don't lose faith ;)
I respond to Sakareth and Azuril too.


Yes, but we cannot be blinded :)

Activity IS dwindling, and we want to ressurect the activity.


It is true, however, it won't be permanent.

The guilds current story arc has us exiled from the horde, alone, in the wilds, and we only have a few active officers. so what? if you are active, make events, get involved. When the rebellion begins and the orcs can interact with other guilds again, things will pick up i guarantee :)

Koz has led this guild through ups and downs, so have faith in that. And i assure you, this isnt a first time thing, the guild has always had dips and rises. We will bounce back!
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."



Also hoping patch 5.3 puts some orciness back into the tribe.
Too little orciness in here.


Quote from: Revax on April 14, 2013, 08:42:40 PM

Also hoping patch 5.3 puts some orciness back into the tribe.
Too little orciness in here.

Yes a thousand times, I'd love to see more orcish behavior to be honest. Honour above all things.
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.


Quote from: Grogona on April 14, 2013, 10:14:14 PM
Quote from: Revax on April 14, 2013, 08:42:40 PM

Also hoping patch 5.3 puts some orciness back into the tribe.
Too little orciness in here.

Yes a thousand times, I'd love to see more orcish behavior to be honest. Honour above all things.

considering the near murder of a neutral tauren and the spying on the darkspear, some redemption and humble words will have to preceed any 'honour'  :p
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


You better have the guild still up when I come back in... 4-5 years or so, or I force feed you all Yolks in the Spirit realm
Yes, I have longtime plans sometimes

that or lets meet up in an other game because... fun

But if you really need activity, poke me and I set you on a quest from the Spirit world, talking to the dead is cool orc'bro (aka: PM)
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Quote from: Krogon on April 14, 2013, 11:32:23 PM
Quote from: Grogona on April 14, 2013, 10:14:14 PM
Quote from: Revax on April 14, 2013, 08:42:40 PM

Also hoping patch 5.3 puts some orciness back into the tribe.
Too little orciness in here.

Yes a thousand times, I'd love to see more orcish behavior to be honest. Honour above all things.

considering the near murder of a neutral tauren and the spying on the darkspear, some redemption and humble words will have to preceed any 'honour'  :p

True, true. But still!
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.


Well Im not leaving the tribe anytime soon :P


We cant forget some of our misfortunes are due to the ICly circumstance of being on the run, exiled from the Horde.


Well as for myself, i'm going to try and give in a hard attempt on my own, with events. I'll try to bring back things like weekly hunts, story telling, attempt to kick some rituals into the gosh'kars. All the kind of neat stuff.
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.


I'm not sure what exactly has happened that made you feel particularly grim in the past few days, and hopefully I'll hear of it if it's been something of ill nature either ICly or OOCly that could harm people's mood like that, but I see, in part, what you're referring to. I wouldn't say things are terrible now, as we haven't lost a tremendous amount of members. Well, they haven't left the guild anyway - they have simply grown inactive for whatever reason. That could be due to busy school periods like Gromgeth said, or a lack of general interest post-MoP. Still, that doesn't have to warrant a lack of activity, and I'm sure things can be done about it. I wonder if that would be a surplus of officers though, as we have quite a few of those but none who continuously create events. Having said that, it's not a requirement for officers either. As mentioned before, any member in the tribe is allowed to create and host events, like Tazok plans to do with a small plot of his for some dragon-hunting as well. New events are always welcomed, be it officer or otherwise, don't you worry about that!

As far as tutors are concerned, that could possibly be due to a lack of New Blood as well. We haven't had all that many new members as of late, but at the same time, we haven't had any great amount of events that could warrant a chance to earn a mark of the tribe as well, so receiving a mark through tutoring is still quite the viable option; people just need to remember to engage one another for the tutoring RP in order to get them.

Personally, I don't feel like exile or at least the current circumstances of the tribe shouldn't be much of an excuse for tremendous inactivity or worsening conditions. Sure, it makes things a little harder to organize, like keeping things interesting when you're on the run and have no Horde settlements that you can sit around and RP at with others, but it does offer other chances (like plots, unique situations, events, etc.) as well. Not to mention the usual saying, as it goes: RP is what you make of it. You shouldn't always have to wait for others to create RP, but create windows for it yourself if it's something you're actively looking for.

And there is the problem as far as I'm concerned on Koz: I feel partially responsible for the change of situation. For some time now, I haven't been feeling all too interested or motivated to log on to him, or let alone WoW itself. I used to be able to log on for the sake of RP and find joy in it (WoW itself had quite little to offer me aside from the RP for a long time now), but with some of the people/orcs gone now that I used to rely on for my personal RP, it's all sort of falling apart for my character. All I log on for is to organize events, in which he's demonized because of the whole 'leader of a worsening tribe on the run'-thing going on as well (and no, I don't believe it's a matter of 'redeeming honour', as that's merely something one orc is trying to enforce upon us). That doesn't mean I'm not interested in at least hosting events any more, but I admit they might not be as often or as inspired as they used to be. More often I find myself looking at my subscription and wondering if it's still worth spending precious moneys on, and the tribe has been the only reason to stick around in WoW.

Other options we -could- always explore go back to the topics that have been discussed prior to MoP in times like these: Realm transfer or opening the tribe up. A realm transfer is still something I get the feeling too few people would have an interest in, and opening the tribe up to other races would mean revamping quite a few things, among which our culture, and still wouldn't guarantee an influx of members. After all, the initiative we took to offer non-orcs to travel and RP with us hasn't been overly successful either. Still, I'd be open for both suggestions should there prove to be enough interest and need for it, but I'm simply not sure if this is the time for it yet.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Guilds do go through their up and downs, I've seen the red blades in worse state then this.
From what I see, much of the inactivity can be placed at the feet of alts, and real life in general. Aswell as other games.
As said, RP is what you make of it, and sometimes you need to remember that just because you don't see it. Doesn't mean the RP isn't there. And sometimes a simple "I feel like RP, anyone up for it?" can set something up.
If you only rely on officers to make events for you. The events will be fewer, best way to get a lively guild is when events come up naturally.
And quite honestly Grog, there's been several casual RP events where you've been doing other things. Perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to throw things around about RP being dead when you're sitting out, or even leaving events shortly after they begin.
Then there's always the RP that doesn't need to include everyone. Make something of it, turn it into something fun. Train someone in something, let someone teach you something. Get some people together to gather something you need.
Think, assess, act.