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The Price of good advice....

Started by Rórir, March 30, 2013, 07:12:50 PM

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So, yesterday i was like " give me feedback and ill wrote more!" Well, seeing as i was in a writey mood, but yet without any feedback, i went all like "to hell with it, i'll write anyways."
So there. :)

Part 1: http://orcsoftheredblade.com/forum/index.php?topic=3223.0
Part 2: http://orcsoftheredblade.com/forum/index.php?topic=3227.0

I think this might be a like 4-5 part long story about how Ã"qhara started to do shaman stuff and how she joined the red blade, so dont worry about me spamming the campfire for too long :)

"Ã"qhara was beginning to feel that her gift was starting to get bad for her health. Sure, she could become a spirit wolf, make spirits appear randomly and even talk to them, but since she really had no power over them they used her more or less like a pawn, sending her back and forth doing their  bidding and  making her solve their petty problems. Now she was stuck picking a flower from a angry tree mans forest to get some advice on reaching civilization, which could have been avoided if Ã"qhara wasn't so naturally talented at making up swear words.
Clock is ticking
The voice of Angu echoed trough the forest like the wind rustling trough the branches, carrying a slightly amused hint.
óqhara cocked her head and stood up.
"What do you mean it's ticking?"
Girl, you are going to get out of this forest as either a dead person or with a flower in your hand, but i am NOT patient to see the result.
The voice seemed to cackle menacingly.
Oh, you are going to have to run for it, girl.
Some stupid instinct urged her to challenge him.
"Like when?"
Like now.
óqhara had a feeling he wasn't joking and surged forward. An ear deafening groaning was heard as a tree wrenched itself up from the roots1 and slammed itself into the ground exactly where she had been the moment before. A shock wave sent her tumbling over the ground as the tree exploded into splinters that soared trough the air.
I am the forest, Angu's voice boomed from everywhere.
I can assume any shape
Immediately a roaring chattering began, as the splinters changed course and soared at Ã"qhara instead. The splinters had suddenly twisted themselves into the shapes of a thousand different hummingbirds, each with razor-sharp beaks and beady black eyes that thirsted for revenge.
Her eyes grew huge with fear as she shrank away from the assault, and some primordial instinct caused her to throw up her hand as a shield.
"spirits aid me" she thought.
A crackling sound like a ginormous cookie crumbling erupted as a circular disk of earth three feet across shot up from the earth in front of her. Ã"qhara's eyebrows knitted themselves into a frown as she couldn't yet absorb what had just happened, when her arm started to tremble as the hummingbirds each embedded themselves into her shield before crumbling into fine piles of dust.
"What.The hell." Was all she had time to say before the piles of dust started moving at her feet.
Any shape, Angu echoed.
Ã"qhara got up to her feet and bolted like a deer escaping the hunter when a  huge hiss was heard behind her. She turned around, which was a huge mistake.
Two snakes 20 feet long made out of ash surged towards her from the piles, jaws extended.
The first one she managed to dodge, which resulted in the snake emitting a surprised snarl as it tumbled into a tree and dissolved, but the other hit the mark. The snake slithered around her leg in less than a second and embedded it's teeth into her shin before it too dissolved, it's powdery structure not enough to maintain solidity.
But the damage was already done.
Ã"qhara gasped and only barely managed to look down at her feet, which where quickly turning a sickly grey from the the two oozing holes that the snake had made in her shin.
Blood that had turned black started cutting a single dark path down her leg.
Ã"qhara sniffled and held her leg in agony, knowing that this might be it. Spirits be praised if she hadn't managed to get blood poisoning, but after being effectively injected with like a pound of ash, that was probably not the case.
She knew she had no way of healing thta herself, so once again she closed her eyes and mumbled.
"Spirits be with me"
Nothing was heard for a while, and she thought she had failed before the merry sound of a little stream reached her ears. She thought nothing about it for a while before she realized one thing. There hadn't been any stream here. She opened one eye and peered around curiously. Nope, no stream.
A cheery voice broke the silence.
"Ya called me, lass."
Ã"qhara opened her eyes and peered around at eye level, searching for some big humanoid spirit in shinning robes, but instead she got a slap in the face. The second one today.
"Over here, dummy!"
She looked down to see a blue furred otter with ridicculously long bright red whiskers looking at her.
She just stared at it for a while in unbelief, before it opened it's mouth.
"Go'mornin, lass. I'm Khurri, spirit of the little pond you might find a few hundred feet further along the-" Kurri made a vague gesture at the little trail that could barely even be called that. "-road. thing. But anyways!" He clapped" I reckon it's that leg you need help with, no? Well otherwise i'd help a lass such as you for free, but you already called on the spirits once like 5 minutes ago, so now you need to pay something for it. Anything edible will do, really."
óqhara stared in disbelief and rummaged trough her back pack, found an apple and tossed it to the creatre, who greedily caught it.
"That's it?"
Kurri the blue otter dissappeared in a cloud of foam and smell of fish, which was strange, but sure enough, the grey was receding from her leg and she was already feeling better.
"Well, that was weir-"
Her chest convulsed as she spat up a gallon of ash water, but when her stomach was completely empty it stopped.
Well ofcourse it was too good to be true that the ash just dissapeared, but she was gratefull for it, because it sure was better than actually dying.
On the bright side she could actually see a glade with flowers in it a bit further along, and sure enough there was a pond just in front of it.
She wiped her mouth and started walking towards it, watching her surroundings, but blissfully enough nothing more of interest happened than two birds chriping in a tree, which was good.
Then she reached the edge of the pond, which was clear and bright, apparently hiding no secrets.
She cast a glance around the edges of the pond, which was lined with big, messy bushed that sprouted nasty thorns in every direction, so she decided to go straight over.
She took a big breath and took a step onto the water. Onto, not into. That was another part of her gift, if she wanted to, she could walk on water, but she needed to concentrate for it. She slowly took a step, then another, then another, and until about halfway it went fine, before something seemed to grab her leg. Her concentration broke for a second, ans she sunk down to her waist, leaving her in a state where she didn't know whether to swim or walk.
"Don't worry, Ã"qhi" For some reason she used her childhood name. "It's just seaweed."
Suddenly a hand shot out of the water and grabbed her by the shoulder and wrenched her untill she was soaked from the chest down. She looked down at the greyish-green scaly hand that had just grabbed her, and swallowed.
Yeah, definently not seaweed.
She desperately began to empty her bag into the water and began to scream frantically.
"Eh, Kurri, a little help here? PLEASE!?" Another hand shot out of the water and forced itself into her mouth, making the "please" sound more like "PLLSHFF!?"
Then she was completely underwater. It was dark, and shaped darted past her on every side. Small faces with fin-collars around them hissed at her, revealing sharp, VERY dirty teeth. Their eyes where like bright lanterns, with vertical slits like on a goat.
Suddenly a thousand voices swarmed her mind, screeching, chanting the same thing.
Drown, orc
She looked in panic around her, searching for any help, when she saw the contents of her back pack where rapidly dissapearing into bubbles, which started bubbling more fiercely untill she had a steaming wall around her, shutting the water demons out. A stream started pushing her forward and forward underwater, accompanied with what seemd to be the luaghter of a little blue otter, and just as she thought her lungs where going to burst she was shot out of the water, making her flip around in mid-air and land on her stomach.
"Ouch....." She moaned. Her back was gonna be sore for ages after this.
She looked up, only to see the stern face of Angu looking down at her. His skin was like bark, and his tunic was woven out of vines that ended up in snake-heads. His eyes that seemed to be made out of pure amber stared judginly down at her from under his raven hair, his looks piercing her like arrows.
"You made it this far, it seems." He sneered. "With the help of the spirits,though."
She swallowed as his face turned into a cruel grin.
"But wether you make it further along, my girl, is completely up to yourself"

AAAAAAARGH!!!!! SO long (that's what she said) So sorry for wasting you time, do feel free to send me a virtual slap if you are tired of this, but im so addicted to Orc RP/stories :) Please bear with me, just 2, or max 3 parts left, and then this is gonna be OVER. Pwomise.