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Soul of the Horde

Started by Okiba, March 26, 2013, 07:09:52 PM

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The Following posters have popped up sporradicly throughout horde settlements from Silvermoon to Thunder Bluff, The Undercity and Neutral city's such as Shattrath and even the shrine of the two moons. Each is attached to black fur pelts and written in the tongue of the local populace...

Shoulder to Shoulder

[size=18]Shoulder to Shoulder, the races of the new Horde founded a union of friendship and mutual assistance. United We stand stronger than we ever could alone, defeating all who would challenge our freedom and existance! With strength and Honour!

Orc's! Troll's! Tauren! Forsaken! Sindorei! Goblin! Houjin! This is our Horde! United and strong!

But one would see what we have built brought to ruin...


The Son of mighty Grom has taken it upon himself that the Orc, especially the Kor'kron, stand a head above all others! That those who show restraint and honour, those who keep with tradition... should be crushed under the ethos of Brutality and might.

First he killed Cairne! then cast out the Darkspear! Then he threw away the Sindorei lives chasing relics and shadowy power! and finally, he had Vol'jin murdered to crush all opposition!

This is a Fools path...

Hellscream tortures and warps the body's of the innocent in his dungeons, to create monsters and abominations! Warriors without a will of their own! To fight a war without end, without a warriors honour!

What low has the Horde been brought too, when it must follow the warped ambitions of a Warchief who murders his own and throws away the lives of its citizens like they are dust in the wind?

No More! The Horde is More than its Warchief!

Orcs! shrug away this dishonour that his been placed upon you! We are the Horde! We did not throw off our demonic shackles just to become Slave masters ourselves!

Fight the Kor'kron! Resist Hellscream!

Those who serve him and walk this fools path know who they are! Do not subjugate yourself to Orcish task masters! Do not bow to Warlocks Wielding the fel in Hellscreams name! Do not be deceived by the scapegoating of the Forsaken royal envoy! Each is the enemy, Each serves the kor'kron! And each must be fought with mind, body and soul!

The Burning Blade Sheds its blood in defiance, Battling for the Soul of the Horde! We are not monsters and murderers! We shall fight without mercy to prevent our peoples from falling back into oblivion and servitude! We shall fight to the end to make Silvermoon rise again! We shall fight with all our hearts to honour the Earthmother! We shall Fight with all our might to Avenge Vol'jin!

Rise up Sons and Daughters of the Horde! Those who rule by fear, only rule as long as they whom they lord over lack courage!

And the Horde is Courage.

-Blademaster Krogon - Lok'tar Ogar!
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Among the many letters he's received from the home front, a single poster is a piece Kozgugore casts but a brief glance upon before he sends it dismissively into a hearth of fire.

"No doubt more pompous yip of this 'resistance'. The same he threatened to attack the tribe with. Funny orc."
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade