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I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
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Such shouty people in here, gosh.
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Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
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Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
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Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
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Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
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Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
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Challenge Modes

Started by Revax, November 27, 2012, 06:55:26 AM

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Hi guys! Revax here. I have been pondering the thought of getting some of you interested in doing dungeon challenge modes with me, for a few days now and I decided I would write something up that could perhaps sway you to interest! This post will be a big read but I urge you to read all of it so that you wouldn't miss out just because I'm a bore!

Challenge Modes

Before I go into the details on how I intend to go about this, I would like to show off the rewards of said challenge modes! Basically theres three different rewards depending how well we do: Bronze, Silver and Gold rewards.

Bronze: <Name> the Undaunted.

Silver: A choice between 4 pretty damn awesome Phoenix mounts, as shown in the link above!

Gold: Vanity, class specific, 8 piece set that is meant to be used for transmog. I imagine they will be pretty rare for quite some time, I know I have yet to see anyone on DB wear them.
All of these rewards and a little bit more basic info regarding challenge modes can be found here:


I should also add that during a challenge mode, there will be no loot whatsoever, and your gear will not take any durability damage.

Also, challenge modes starts similarly to arenas, ANY kinds of buffs we want to use inside, will have to be put up inside and before the timer starts, which is plenty of time, but you need to keep it in mind!

I'm taking it upon me personally to read all the guides, watch all the videos and talk to friends and other people who have successfully reached Gold on all dungeons (there is 9 dungeons and it is required to reach bronze, silver and gold on all of them in order to get the respective rewards) in order to get things going as smoothly as possible.

Furthermore, Im also an alchemist, which means I intend to make all the necessary potions, flasks and elixirs necessary to get all the buffs allowed within these challenge modes, which strangely enough is a lot, we will even be using invisibility potions and such!

What I require from you

What do I require from you?

First of all, these dungeons are done in regular five man groups and here's the deal breaker if you ask me: Any item/gear you have that is above iLvL 463, will be downscaled to just that! Meaning: You do not need to gear up anything at all above that iLvL! How good is that?!

This downscaling means that all stats on your gear will be downscaled to whatever the game thinks an iLvL 463 item should have EXCEPT for hit and expertise ratings, they will stay exactly the same and if all your items are at iLvL 463, you should be both hit and expertise capped already, at least with reforging/gems. This is brilliant.

So I am therefor asking you to go do heroics and/or get valor gear and fully equip yourself with a full set of iLvL 463 gear! (one exeption that I will allow is if you have the alchemist trinket, it is pretty neat.

And yeah, items will naturally NOT upscale to iLvL 463, thats why Im asking you get them.
A blue post regarding this can be seen here:


The Party

I will be designated TANK in my brewmaster specc.

Then we obiously need a HEALER.

For the remaining three spots I would prefer 1 MELEE DPS and 2 RANGED DPS.

One thing we don't need a lot of is CC. CCing during challenge modes is moot since we want things to go down fast.

If for some reason there will be loads of people interested in this we will obviously make additional groups and if I at some point should have succeded in reaching Gold on all dungeons, Id be happy to lead again just to make you guys happy.

Challenge Mode Group 1:

Tank: Revax - Monk

Healer: Rhonya - Shaman

DPS1: Krogon - Rogue


DPS3: Vashnarz - Hunter

Potential members of additional party: Revax, Mozrogg, Trogasho, Shargla

Final Word

I hope you're at least considering to join me in this endevour. Most of all I want us to have fun doing this, If you're thinking that you are not a skilled enough player to pull something like this off, I want you to consider this a chance to greatly improve your skills. We will learn a lot about our classes and how to manage their abilites.

I will reserve two posts below in which I will post guides and other preps I'd like the group to go through/perform once I know how many is interested. Thank you for your time and I hope I can get a few of you on board with this idea!

Now let's see, who is interested? :D


Scarlet Halls

Scarlet Halls seems to be considered one of the easiest challenge modes. It is relatively short, dogs can be turned on other mobs and the use of invisibility potions allows sneaking past mobs in one area of the instance (after the houndmaster boss).

At the part where archers shoot at ya, we will have only one of us pick up a shield, the fastest one, and have that person run headlong with it to get aggro while the rest rush in after.

In this dungeon, it is the trash mobs that pose the most danger, as we will pretty much suicide mission these suckers, and we are likely to blow a few cd:s on them. The bosses can only serve to slow us down.

More specificly, we want to kill Guardians, Treasurers and kill/interrupt Scholars first in any pack.

Here's a video of a group doing Scarlet Halls, I suggest you watch it. Naturally, there's other videos too I dont mind if you watch more to help with strategy building.


Rhonya: Your main job will mainly be healing us, of course, and it is important you voice when you're going oom or if you think you'll be alright for the next pack. Bring lots of drinks because you will drink between almost every fight, if for a split second, a bit more after boss fights.

DPSers: Your job is to burst your asses off, and to chain stun the packs together. I will try to communicate chain stuns.

Ranged DPS: You will have to pop a few offensive cooldowns at Harlam, WHEN he does the spinning thing, because you'll be the only dps:ing at that time.

Maps and Plans

I have skillfully drawn our movement/kill-plan for Scarlet Halls on these two maps. If we follow this, we will reach the challenge mode kill target and if we dps good enough, we will reach the gold timer which is 13 min (22 min for silver, 45 min for bronze).


Gate of the Setting Sun

This will be our second challenge mode we attempt.

Watch this guide:



Haven't really had the time to focus on PvE this expansion, but I wish you and anyone interested best of luck! The mounts and the sets rewarded are very sexy indeed.


Well i'm very definatly for this, been giving pve more of a go and i'd love to try.

and theres mounts!? Link!
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Thats a shame Sadok, a mage woulda been nice!

Here's one of the mounts!



Prot warrior or Arms depending on what you would need, would be up for these!


Signed Krogon up!

Hmmm, would prefer a ranged Moz but your burst is kinda neat, lets see what happens


I could heal, on Rhonya. Been doing some Raidfinder already, willing to give it a try if I can come on those evenings. I'm not saying I'm the best healer though, but.. xD Might be fun!
And I don't know much tactics :P haha
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Ill sign you up rhonya!

And Im mostly just looking for interest right now, before we decide how to go about it.

But Im thinking well start with Scarlet Halls, so if you guys ever do HC Scarlet Halls, pay attention to the layout.

We will do a few practice rounds and then have a real go at it.

No rush to get gold on all, well take it at the pace we set.



Perfect :D That means we have a first team set!


My item lvl now is 463, though a part of it is pvp gear. I've been running LFR though, but not much luck yet on it!
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


I checked you out in the armoury and its looking alright!

I have a few pieces to collect myself so there's still time to get more actual PvE gear


I can heal or melee dps just give me a call ingame ^^
