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Council of the Dead

Started by Grekthar, August 24, 2012, 08:31:38 PM

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Grek'thar sighs as he looks over Rhonya and her cub Skorm. Their cub, he thought to himself as a reminder. The two looked so peaceful as they slept together. As a mother and her child should be, he quietly thought as he slowly got up and wandered to the outskirts of the Cenarion outpost the Tribe had made camp in. He gazed out over the deserts and the crystals erupting from the sands beneath, the droning noise of the swarms of insects from the hive nearby a dull tone to accompany the faint winds.

He sighs as he unwraps the faint black strip of cloth from his staff and looks at it in his hand.

"And here I thought you'd gotten over the whole death thing big brother. You did do the whole vengeance crap and all out here after all." a feminine voice whispered at his side. Grek rolls his eyes and sighs, looking over to the wall next to him where he saw a familiar spirit sitting there, kicking her legs in the air, grinning at him.

"I'll never get over you being dead entirely Shas. Not with you constantly haunting me anyways." he replied, turning his gaze back over the desert. The spirit of the dead female giggles as she leaps off the wall and strides over to plonk herself down next to him.

"So... got your own little family now eh? Good on you. Seriously, you've been in a funk waaay too long." Shas said with a genuine smile on her face. Grek simply shrugs. "Oh come on, I thought you'd be happy starting up a family again... or is this cus the cub ain't really yours?"

"It's not that... well partially that."

"Ahhh... not the cub... the blood father..." Shas said with a more somber tone. "Now I see why you're all moody."

"Aye." he replied as he turned his gaze back to the sleeping forms of his family. "From what Rhonya's mentioned and from what little I've been able to gather from the rest of the Tribe, this Morchok character... he doesn't seem the type to let go of anything easily."

"So pop a couple of elementals at him and fry him with some lightning bolts. Easy." Shas suggested with a shrug as if there was nothing else to it.

"It's not that simple..." he started.

"Oh yeah that whole "He might use me against you" kodo-crap Rhonny mentioned back in the cat-lands." Shas said with a sigh, placing her hands behind her head frowning. "Then there's the fact that you haven't a clue, as usual, about what kinda power this guys actually got..."

"All I know for certain is that he uses demonic magic... but that's about it." Grek'thar said as he crosses his arms, staring out into the desert.

The ghost of his dead sister looked at him curiously before smacking him across the back of his head. Seeing and feeling a ghostly hand go through his head sent a chill through the orc. "Do you mind not doing that?" the orc growled at the spirit.

"Stop being such a dumbass then. Look, this tribe of yours has warlocks in it right? Like that Morgeth Feralheart right?"

"Oh no, I see where this is going..."

"And why the fel not eh? Look, she knows about this whole crap right? You're gonna have to do a task from her eventually right? Soooo, ask her to help prep you or something if Morchok ever shows his red eyed, green backside here."

"Morgeth's as liable to eat me as help me." Grek joked chuckling slightly before sighing and looking at her. "I'll think about it... Thanks Shas. I'd hug you but..." he said gesturing at the whole fact that she was a ghost.

Shas'rosan simply shrugs and giggles. "I get the idea. And hey, don't worry. If Morchy Porchy ever does show up and you manage to screw things royally and she gets taken... I'll keep an eye on her and the kid. Promise." She said with a little mocking salute before fading into the wind. Grek'thar nodded at the spot where she had been standing and turned his gaze back out over the desert.

I feel like I'm the only sane one in this Tribe. And I have four elementals living in my skull!


((You keep mispelling the name of Rhonya's cultist BFF! I doubt she was seduced and impregnated by this chap:

Otherwise a fine read, as ever!))


(Haha yes, but Grek has been doing that from the beginning, making poor Morkosh a raidboss. xD But, nice story! :D )
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


(The names just sound too damn similar! *hangs head in shame* Aaand maybe for sheer giggles if they ever meet I'll have Grek call him Morchok just to annoy him :) )

I feel like I'm the only sane one in this Tribe. And I have four elementals living in my skull!


Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.