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22/4 Dueling tournament

Started by Morgeth, April 10, 2012, 03:35:23 PM

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Dueling tournament
22/4, 20:30

This is a tournament intended for the fun of all, and for everyone to get the possibility to test their mettle in our very own self made arena environment. The tournament will be held between two guilds: Orcs of the Red blade and the Shatterskull Marauders. The fights will be 1v1 and held as a /duel-contest.

There will be prizes beyond the honour of winning. The winner will recieve 1k gold, whilst second place will recieve 500 gold and third place will recieve a prize of 250 gold. IC'ly these prizes will merely be mentioned as a "gold prize" as the value of IC coin no doubt differs from what players carry.


The rules are fairly simple.
a) No healing specs.
b) No CD's over 9 minutes. Bloodlust/Time Warp/Ancient hysteria are not allowed.
c) Professions are allowed.
d) Potions or bandages are not allowed, nor is standard food or drink during the actual fight.
e) Stealthing for more than 30 seconds means you give up.

These rules may be changed upon the convenience of those arranging the tournament.

How do I sign up?

You simply talk to me (Morgeth) and add your name here in this thread. Reason I am taking sign ups for this event is to make the match-making easier. I'll allow any level. If your gear is very poor in regards to PvP (for example no PvP gear at all) feel free to state so, and I'll try to make the match making fair to you, but I can't promise that you won't immediately face off with that Garrosh wannabe that's been grinding cataclysmic gear since the last patch hit.

In short: Write your name here if you wish to compete in the tournament. If you don't, then show up for the event itself and cheer/boo on your favourites!
I want to be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights.



I'll sign up for this! Sadok, frost mage.


Signing up!
Rargnasha Bloodmark - Prot warrior
Appendix means... What?!


I guess I'll sign up aswell

Orok- Prot warrior. Let the beatings begin xD


Sure, why not, Grogona sub rogue. :)
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.


Count me in, need to embarass myself!
Muzjhath got Iced by Sadok, after Marogg got Stabbed.

-The orc formerly known as Muzjhath formerly known as Marogg



Krogon - Sub Rogue.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Ill give it a go *Cowers*

Keishara - MM Hunter.


While I wanted to be in this I'mnot sure that I'll be home.
So I'll take a step back and if I'm home I'll show up as a spectaor.
Muzjhath got Iced by Sadok, after Marogg got Stabbed.

-The orc formerly known as Muzjhath formerly known as Marogg


So that was nice. If grog was in the final though she would've won against me.


BAH! I blame ADHD!.. xD I was really tired at the last bit, weren't even remotely focused.. >.<
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.


I appreciate any and all feedback in regards to this event. I am currently pondering if I should run this as something monthly or so together with the Marauders and possibly some tauren/troll, but with a limited amount of spots for participants (so we don't end up doing it ALL night).
I want to be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights.


I loved the layout and Rolling system involved. A great event in all, perhaps in future just a more refined set of ruls and it'l be an 11/10! ;D
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."