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The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
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2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
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Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
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Ice cream for all
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Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
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Northrend: Call of the North

Started by Morgeth, November 13, 2011, 11:17:07 PM

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Updated the main post with a short summary of the blessing hunt! Tonight we set out!
I want to be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights.


Updated the post with notes in regards to our departure!
I want to be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights.


Oh, right! Our ACTUAL in-game location is currently Galerek's Remorse in Vash'jir. It's a boat that's on the sea (for immersion purposes). You can usually take a flight path to one of the other boats and then fly over to Galerek's Remorse, or ask guildies for a summon!
I want to be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights.


Another scribbled note....


I knew the Tribe would not fail me, my sire's blade is returned! A small mercy it is true, but a mercy nonetheless. Vashnarz Talonslayer, a wonderful she-orc, returned it. Devilstep has also agreed to fix it. Should I tell him what I last used it for? No, he would disapprove and as much as it grieves me to admit it I do still seek the old fool's approval and guidance at times. There was an inscription on the blade too I had not seen before. "You Can't Have Slaughter Without Laughter!" - my sire had a revolting sense of humour, one I miss. You should have seen Krogon's face when I told him what it said!

Did I mention Devilstep brought me back a gift? I do not think I did. A green gem of unusual properties - it allows the user to read the texts of fel without fear of being tainted. I wonder how it works and if, like all things, it's abilities come at a price. No matter, I find it to be quite the useful tool, for no longer must I think of my sanity when dealing with Warlockish script. I shall keep it with me even though the spirits do not like it and I cannot seem to place it's origin with my incantations or rituals. Disturbing.

The latest hunt for the spirits was a failure. The entrails I read gave me more questions than answers. They hinted at troubled times, a head removed but unity too. What, for the love of the spirits, does that mean?! "Oh sorry orc, you're going to be decapitated, others are going to be upset but the Tribe will be fine without you" - what kind of a message is that?! Honestly, as time goes on the more I realise I must be the worst Shaman ever. Others seem to give so little and gain so much. Am I perhaps doing things wrong? I admit I am still new to the path but, I thought I had struck a balance with the elements and spirits that seemed acceptable. From observation I am starting to think that is not the case. Bah, and now I have depressed myself once again. Northrend seems to be sucking away my inner strength before I can even land on it's shores.

I send this letter minutes before leaving for Northrend. I had hoped to hear word of you, yet I have not. When we reach our destination I will write to you telling you where we are - I still hope I will wake in the night to find you there. Hope is all any orc has.


P.S. If someone is reading these and not passing them on to Rargnasha: I will personally find you, tie you down and place hot coals on your stomach. Your screams as they slowly burn through you will fill me with joy.
There be more than four elements, there be five! Folk always ferget the element o' SURPRISE!!!


QuoteP.S. If someone is reading these and not passing them on to Rargnasha: I will personally find you, tie you down and place hot coals on your stomach. Your screams as they slowly burn through you will fill me with joy.

Run forum users! Run!!

I feel like I'm the only sane one in this Tribe. And I have four elementals living in my skull!


Updated the main post with the recent events, namly the Crash!

Some notes:

1. We're currently at the cave located near Daggercap bay, opposite to the Alliance base. Please ignore any Alliance ships that cruise through said cave (they do it frequently).

2. Don't forget the /G isn't working yet. (Damned mists)

3. Since the officer base is IC msising, Gosh'kar and Nag'Ogar are now allowed to do interviews. If you're uncertain how to do an interview, just poke an officer and we can help you.

The missing orcs so far are:
Kozgugore Feraleye
Mazguul Sharpeye
Groshnakk Swiftstrike
Morgeth Feralheart
I want to be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights.


((I have to say, this event was most awesome, eventhough we had to use our imagination on the crash, i was impressed at how everyone played along, made me proud to be in this guild. Also showed me how the officers/planners of of the event put so much effort in giving this guild the experience they deserve (finding such a great location and all the other things, obviously not a moments thought to come up with the event!). The setting now for my personal part, is very interesting, eventhough i may have come up for my own character's drama at a bad time for such an awesome event. But then again this makes it even more interesting, seeing that the key character for my story is missing. I literally cannot wait to see how he is treated by the Gosh'kar and Nag'Ogar, whom he has taunted for the past days on the ship, testing their nerves. Thank you so much! I /bow in honest respect at you officers, and im sure im not the only one who feels in such ways. Thank you. :)  ))


Upon a tattered scrap of paper:

I cannot settle my mind. Worries. Doubts. Fears. I have not slept. I have not eaten. And so I do what comes naturally to me... I write.

We made landfall this evening. Our ship has run aground, a wreck relentlessly ravaged by the cruel winds of the North. Yet this heavy blow to the tribe is rendered insignificant by the loss of its entire senior hierarchy - Chieftain, High Blade and Varog’gor alike. The power vacuum left by their absence has crippled a tribe already on the verge of collapse; Karak and I have done our best to organise the provision of our remaining supplies and marshal those who have survived the wreck. Our short-term priorities are clear. Despite the freezing seas and nearby human presence, searching for our missing orcs is of utmost importance, as is finding a safe path out of this harsh bay, surrounded on all sides by steep cliff-faces.

My head throbs intolerably. I need rest. I cannot rest. My hands are shaking. Why are my hands shaking?

Dirgesong claims that he will leave in the morning; that he will set out eastwards to seek the Hand of Vengeance’s aid. Should he depart, I become sole Alpha of this fractured pack. Already I feel a sense of unease; I will become responsible for the lives of each of the tribe’s orcs, yet I feel that I do not command the necessary respect to lead alone. I could have swore I heard a New Blood speak of coups. I see the glint of ambition in Devilstep’s eyes. He has experience, expertise and charisma... a leader of orcs and a veteran of the North. I dare not relinquish power to him, however; I have heard of the events surrounding his fall from Varog’gor, and I do not wish the tribe to be lead to their deaths for the sake of one Blademaster’s vain pride.

Oh, to have traded places with any of them! My life for Sharpeye, for Feralheart. Any of them would be better than I.

Another key consideration on my troubled mind is the New Blood, Ragaresh. Driven mad by dark magics, he might prove an active danger to the tribe even when bound and gagged. His words are poison. Worse yet, I fear that should he break free, he would murder me in my sleep... if I could sleep. I have heard an orc suggest we dispose of him rather than allow the traitor to encumber the tribe, yet I stand by High Blade Sharpeye’s command that he be kept alive and unharmed, in the hope of some ‘cure’. Would she have intended the command be upheld in such exceptional circumstances? I do not know. I must exercise my judgment.

My eyes are heavy, so heavy. The future looks bleak. I fear for my tribe.

((Curses! The orcs before me took all the good colours!  :D))


Muzjhath got Iced by Sadok, after Marogg got Stabbed.

-The orc formerly known as Muzjhath formerly known as Marogg


((pretty sure that I had green first though Sadok))

I feel like I'm the only sane one in this Tribe. And I have four elementals living in my skull!


Sitting by the mouth of the cave, her older form shivering in the slight chill of the morning, Saeroe watches through the mist. Aside from the shiver she does not move. Here is a small insight into Saeroe's inner dialogue....

... have to devise a way of making my supplies float next time I sail with this Tribe.

Yes, Tribe suits them. They are interesting. Still clinging to their last shreds of order in an effort to create comfort. They have resources and it is best to stay. I offer them much and they do not take it. Seeds of doubt do nothing. They are whole. Boring. Still stay, want to see if their way gets them all killed. Mildly informative.

Stay. A curious term. The mage orc asked "you would watch my back". When said 'yes', was mocked by one of those other Blademaster students. No longer join them, pursuing an impossible goal is a waste of time and resources. To be self righteous is to assume perfection. To assume perfection is to never change. to never change is to fail to adapt. To fail to adapt is to die.

As is keeping the mad one alive:a waste of time and resource. He will die, like all life, it is inevitable. Do not understand prolonging the pain. It serves no purpose. He is not withholding information.

These orcs talk much of spirits. Elements. Fate. No. It does not sit well: my blade is guided by my hand, my hand is guided by myself, I am guided by my contract. I see no room for spirits. Survival is important too. Without it there is only the end: death.

Death. Do not wish that fate yet. Time is running out, so much to do, but cannot compete. Need new edge. Assimilate into tribe, open avenues. The mind is sacred, as is the body. Must change, must atone, must learn. Only way to continue living is to not die.

Not possible.

Must accept possible spiritual path to keep mind living: undeath not viable, alters the mind and rots the body.

So cold... getting too old...


(( It's wonderful to see so many people adding their own things to this! =D

It's also wonderful that such an event has created such a stir!!! thank you to all who organised it! \o/ ))
There be more than four elements, there be five! Folk always ferget the element o' SURPRISE!!!


First of, you forgot one missing orc :( i planed with mazzy that orok would dissapere aswell to give me a reason.
And second stupid stupid cristmas, i miss to play my orchie and to play with you guys *grumble*


A page from a new journal bought at Vengeance Landing

Grom damn it....this is like the journey to Kalimdor all over again... Except this time around the dead are already here..waiting for us.

Whatever that damned mist was, it's put up some kind of barrier between the Shaman of the Tribe and the Spirits...

So, recap of the situation thus far. Me and Vezara have got a broken leg each, the High Blades, Varog'gor and Chieftain are all missing, Sharptongue and Dirgesong are in charge for the moment, we've got the traitor Ragaresh to deal with as we drag his ass around Northrend with us since Mazguul's last orders were not to harm the orc so that she could cure him, none of the shaman can get in touch with the Spirits, and the Link that allows the Tribe to communicate with one another over vast distances is not working properly either. Oh, and all the worgs and my kodo are all either missing or dead.

Least we're out of that fecking cave at least. I dread to think how the missing orcs are holding up out there in the wilds...but at least they've been here before so they should know how to cope... assuming their alive...

I feel like I'm the only sane one in this Tribe. And I have four elementals living in my skull!


Front page updated with an introduction to the Northrend campaign.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade