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September 20, 2024, 12:29:36 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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The Battle for Warsong Gulch

Started by Raghnall, August 31, 2011, 10:14:28 AM

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Like a curtain before his eyes the magicks released him into the flag room.
He had travelled far with little effort other than the promise to the Horde to particapate in this battle.
Instantly wisked away from Ogrimmar he found himself in Elven lands in a heart beat.
Allies sharpened blades and joked, tactics where discussed. Raghnall listened to all but did not say a word. The barriers of thick log nailed to the doorway stood strong, awaiting the Horn of battle from the elves, a counter offensive tactic to lure them into the belief that they controlled the battle.
His first time truely seeing the walks of life of the horde.
By the front gate, standing tall and proud, the massive unmistakable frame of a Tauren. A warrior like I, decked from head to toe in in battleworn mail armour, one horn broken, likely from a close encounter A giant sledge his right hand, resting on the logs of the barrier, a hand moved to his shoulder, a female tauren whispering in his ear, a shaman with mace and sheild. Magickal totems slung over her back.
Scanning the room I saw a smelly wretched undead, poisoning the blades of his daggers, he caught my gaze and returned a foul toothy grin. Disgusting things...
A fellow Orc and a Troll exchanged casually information about each others pets, the ragged unkempt Worg of the Orc was playfully snapping at the claws of the trolls young raptor.
Booming steps approached from behind, as I turned I saw a giant figure, species I did not recognise, deep blue skin, horned helm and a great axe, it smelled of magick. behind its legs i saw its master, a Goblin with the widest Grin, from pointy ear to pointy ear, Laughing at his Deamon for its resentment of its master with another magick master, a female troll, a mage contesting the need for a deamon.
My Horde, these are my allies, the alliance fools stand little chance he thought, gazing to the roof.
"Its almost time, I can feel it, get ready," a beautiful but cold female spoke, it was directed to the Tauren at the gate who grasped his sledge with both giant hands, his focus and eyes on the great weapon resting on the largest of the logs.
Following the gaze of the others he found he had missed someone, paying no attention to those below her, an Elf stood on the upper level, her hand sheilding any rays of light from her vision.
Satisfied, she lept to the lower levels with ease, the weight of a warrios mail held no difference to her landing on the stone floor, light and graceful, platinum hair falling around her like a veil. As she rose her hands whipped around her head and in a second the hair was controlled and away from her face in a odd style of a warriors knot.
Clean sharp delicate features and figure did not shed any doubt to Raghnall that she was a fighter, her movements and pratcaillty  suggested as sure as any scars would, that she was a veteran.
As she strode purposfully towards the barrriers her face was void of emotion, her cloak swept around her. As she passed Raghnall he felt the air tingle around him, she stopped two paces past him, in one motion turned and stared directly into his eyes. Cold emotionless eyes pierced Raghnalls and he felt his soul turn to a book, pages turning cycled through in seconds.
She stepped closer to him removed an armoured glove and laid a small hand on his face.
"We all had our first time Raghnall, remember your training and takes this gift," without realising every muscle in his body had become tense and his mind unresponsive, her warm hand tingled and his mind cleared, muscles relaxed, for a breif moment the elves face was warm, loving, the next it was again emotionless. Her body turned and walked towards the barricade once more, it was as if it never happened.
In all this time he had forgotten his simple rules, he checked his armour quickly, secured straps and tightened belts. lifted his sharpening stone and began working on the BattleAxe he had created.
Since the elf had spoke the mood in the flag room and changed. Gone the storytelling, arguing and whispering, all moved behind the giant tauren at the gate. Straight faces, serious expressions, unwavering stares through the gapes in the barricade and what lies beyond.
Raghnall moved into position behind the Elf, she glanced over her shoulder at the others. Raising her arm she grasped the Hilt of the weapon on her back, as she lifted it, a beautiful ornate, well crafted sword blade caught the light around it and shone in the afternoon air, a Magnificent blade.
"AT THE READY!" she yelled, her left hand punched into the air, an outsandinbg bright light erupted from her palm and engulfed the room.
A second later it was gone, All allies began to smirk, Raghanll felt it too, a confidence washed over him. Anything was possible now...
A great Horn blew in the distance. AS soon as it did the giant turen warrior lifted his sledge above his head and brought it crashing into the barricade, splintering logs and collasping it.
"CHARGE!!!!" Screamed the elf, all ran. Timbers of the lumber camp shook as the group charged forward through hall,
Following the group Raghnall tightened his grip on his axe as he ran, Jumping down the hill with the others into the grass and forest land of the elves, so many sights and smells to be ignored, this was not the time.
Directly in front of him was the elf, at the front the Tauren warrior making ground with great strides.
Through the grass, rocks and shrubs he could see the stronghold of the night elves rising from the forest. Not to be distracted by the magnifcence of the structure his intrest was in the figures moving in front of it.
The enemy, The Alliance. He had seen most only in pictures and had been taught of there lore and battles with his people, there fighting styles, he new what to expect, it did not matter what they looked like, he only had to move through them.
The Tauren lead them around the rocks and giant tree stumps en-route to the enemy, and in a single second, he was in combat.
Arrows whistled through the air, the elf in front caught one in the shoulder and fell in front of him, Raghnall leapt over her, glancing down her face was a grimace of pain, but she was staring back at him. More arrows whistled past him, a gun shot cracked the air, arrows again whipped through the air around him, this time travelling towards the enemy, a shadow in the distance falls, now following the lead of the Tauren, travelling around another giant tree stump for cover he noticed the arrowhead protuding through his back.
As the great Tauren passed the stump his great form was flattened by a charge, an armoured Dreani warrior with sword and sheild towered over the Tauren as he began to get back on his feet, Raghnall leapt at the dreani bring his axe down towards his head, his sheild raised expertly to deflect the blow, a quick thrust of the sword catching Raghnall off guard, barely parried in time but leaving him open to attack. lightning cracked the air, arcing and consuming the Dreani, he cried out in pain, Raghnall, seazing the oppertunity swung his axe into the dreani's leg, he cried out again, staring directly into Raghnalls eyes, the sledge cracked into the dreani's skull silencing him. the Tauren warrior glanced at Raghnall and then past him, Raghnall turned to see the female tauren shaman, her hands still crackling with lighting, she smiled softly back.
Turning back to the battle he saw the Tauren wasted no time, charging ahead and tackling a dwarf, the gun firing one last time has its master was thrown to the ground.
Making his own charge he eyed a Night elf, bow ready, aimed at Raghnall, braced himself and began to run towards the hunter. The arrow drove itself into the shaft of his axe, a lucky pass, without time to truely appreciate the situation, the Hunter, raising the bow again, Raghnall was still to far away, the world suddenly span, he collided with the dirt, something knocked into him.
Roaring, snarling and clawing at him, the giant cat was ontop of him, defiantly raghanll kept his axe in front of his face, parrying the blows of the purple monster, kneeing the creature in the gut and striking the beasts face with the axe shaft as it raised a paw again in an attempt to snuff out Raghnalls life, off balance the cat stumbled and fell away from Raghnall, rolling to his knees he sliced the belly of the cat as it again pounced, turning to where its master was standing he could not see the elven hunter on the hill, in her place was the form of the undead rogue, sheathing his blades and disappearing with a cackle.
The penny dropped, Raghnall turned on his heel and raised his axe for the strike, where the giant cat had been was now occupied night elf, cluching her belly and wincing in pain, her eyes opened and she looked at Raghnall,
Helpless, sadness, beautiful, natural. a dream to gaze upon in the moonlight, her hand outstreched in a plea for forgivness,
"LOOK OUT!" yelled a famliar female tone, Raghnall was knocked sprwling to the grass again, A beam of silver light burned the ground where he had stood, The Blood elf warrior, spinning from where she had knocked into Raghnall brought the magnificent claymore twirling around her through the neck of the Night elf druid, severing her head from her body.
The Blood elf expertly stopped all momentum inches after the blow, she looked at Raghnall, her face, cold and emotionless twisted into anger, she strode over grabbing his armour with her left  and cracking the hilt of the claymore into Raghnalls skull.
"You dumb Orc!" she spat, shaking him, "Pay attention! No mercy! Kill or be killed and you better not get anyone else killed!"
She turned towards the elven stronghold and began to leave, she stopped and looked back at Raghnall, Her face again twisted with rage, "COME ON!!!"
Snapping to his senses Raghnall gripped his axe tight and began to run towards the elven keep, The blood elf  began to run towards an opening like a giant mouth. As Raghnall went to enter he shot a quick look over his shoulder.
in the center of the battlefeild the troll mage cast ice wves of attacks towards incoming foes, the two hunters were laying down a supressive barrage of arrows, The goblin warlock hurled dark Nagicks at his foes, the great deamonic warrior crushed a gnome priest and moved to its next target.
Raghnall began to chase after the blood elf up the passage, towards the top she stopped and motioned her hand for Raghanll to do the same. Seconds past slowly, his heart beat loudly in his chest. her hand motioned towards the right. Raghnall obeyed and began to follow the path round which lead to the roof.
Looking down from the roof he could see into the alliance flag room, he was about to announce an 'all clear' when he saw the blood elf confidently stride towards the alliance flag, as her hands reached out for the flag Raghnalls eye caught a glimpse of metal shine, she was unaware of the rogue!!!
Leaping from the roof Raghnalls battle shout terrified the human, turning from his potential victim the sky was eclipsed by the orc, the axe came down as the orc landed heavily on the floor, the rogue lay on his back, the axe lodged into the stone behind what was once his head.
Raghnall rocked the axe until it came free. The blood elf, now with the flag of the alliance strapped firmly to her back passed Raghnall without recognition or thanks.
"Okay Orc, time to go," she stated as she reached the doorway to exit the stronghold, "Every man elf and there worgan will be after me now and with this i stick out like, well a flag... you better have my back orc," with a brief smile she turned and began to run.
Raghnall ran after her, his eyes met daylight again as they reached the battlefeild, spells arc through the air, gunshots rang out, arrows sang in the breeze, metal clashed, mortals cried out in pain.
The elf suddenly froze the ground, she snapped her head towards the culpriat, a gnome mage on the hill, casting another spell, streching out her arm the golden hammer materialised above his head and shattered on his skull, disoriantated for a sec to disrupt the cast was enough, Raghnalls axe from behind decapitated the head, still mumbling words as it landed close to the blood elf, gripping her boots she pulled herself free as the ice around her feet weakened.
She continued to run towards the horde stronghold.
As she looked over her shoulder a great nightsabre began to bear down on her, its master moving to flank, the arrow caught her pauldron, pentrating the flesh but the wound could have been worse, the nightsabre was swatted aside by Raghnall, The hunter changed target to the tauren warrior in front of her, releasing an arrow into the his gut before leaping backwards to a safe distance only to feel deaths icy grip as a dagger plunged into her back and a second dagger rose past her head and buried itself above her breast, both daggers meeting in her heart.
The entrance was now insight, Raghnall was chasing her as best he could. He heard the hollow cry of the undead rogue, frozen by magic and then smashing blow from the Dreani warrior that sent the jawbone hurtling towards Raghnall, the Tauren moved into position to assualt but took a across his skull, disorienting him enough for the Dreani to slip past, The tauren warrior continued to pursue as best he could but was brought down by arrows and bullets to his back. The gun cracked again, the blood elf went down.
The Shaman attempting to catch up in time to help was then to meet the same fate, making a stand she threw her magicks at the hunters, stopping them from interfering.
Raghnall rushed to the blood elves aid, scooping her to her feet and attempted to help her walk, the bullet had hit her in the side of the head, she was bleeding and confused.
The Dreani warrior charged, slaming into the two, Raghnall had attempted to counter and swung his axe but the Dreani charged with his sheild high deflecting the assualt, seeing only the back legs of his opponent he swept his blade across them, the blood elf cried out as it sliced her hamstrings on her left leg, Raghanll swung again, a quick chop towards the dreani's head, the dreani moved towards Raghnall and smashed his sheild into him, knocking him down, turning back to the elf he reacted well and parried a blow from her claymore. maintaining her balance on one leg swung again, it was wild, without a grounded stance it lacked power and was easily deflected, catching the blade the Dreani warrior manuvered the blade round, its weight and point driving into the ground, the elf gritted her teeth, unable to pull out the sword she was open, the sheild rose and smashed against her face, she stumbled backwards, as she slipped the dreani threw his weight forward and stabbed the elf with his sword, thrusting it through her gut and beyond.
Smiling he turned again to Raghnall, again making a charge, he took a defensive stance, raised his sheild and was ready to counter-kill with his sword.
Raghnall did not 'swing' his axe this time however, the stationary Dreani was overconfident, Raghanll thrust the axe forward between the sheild guarding the face and the sword arm, The axe already in his guard it was simple to dispatch his opponent, twisting his bodyweight to his side, the axe slid behind the dreani's head, the weight pulling him down, as he hit the ground the force of the impact allowed the axe to crush his skull.
Returning to the elf he lifted her up, blood flowed where she sat, her nose broken and face gushing blood.
"what are you doing dumb Orc?" she grasped his hand and stared into his eyes, " take the flag, get it to our base, fly it from the roof so they can see, miltary humilation *cough* we win *cough*"
Raghnall obediantly rolled her over and removed the flag, the elf had gone limp and released his hand. She was gone.
Raghnall began running to the entance, gunshot anf arrows began to dash his feet, as he approached the entance 4 figures emerged, the mage, warlock and hunters, a volley of arrown, fire and frost raced to there opponents, the deamon warrior charged and knocked down a someone in pursuit behind him, he dare not look back.
"Go go Go!!!" screamed the goblin as his hands again began to weild fire, they allowed a gap for Raghnall to slip through and closed it as soon as he passed.
Racing up the tunnel he thought home free, The goblin cried out behind him, he had to hurry, some thing smacked his head, Raghnall slowed, and kneeled, the world spun around him, tiny laughter echoed in the tunnel, Raghnall growled under his breath,
The gnome dropped frm the roof where she had been hiding, confidently walked behing Raghnall.
"that doesn't belong to yooooou" she giggled,
"and ye nay be'ong ere lil wan" spoke the troll mage, the Gnome jumped and turned, shocked. Ice surrounded her feet,
"NooooooOOoo" cried the gnome, " I was gonna be a heroooooo," wave after wave of Ice magick crashed into her.
Raghnall managed to stand up, using the wall to assit, holding his head he turned to eye the troll,
"thanks," he said, his vision was still blurred but he could notice the blood patch growing on her robe, she cluched at her stomach and moved to the adjacent wall.
"no' roies man be of whc'cha now man I b oldin 'ere," she muttered sliding down the wall.
Raghnall, began up to the top of the roof, Reaching the wall he gazed down at the battlefeild, the living and the dead, the bright brillance of the spells, the accuray of the arrows and bullets, the precsion and bravery between all sword clashes.
He had allies, and they where strong, his enemy, they where tough, but today we win, the horde owns today! Moving to a nearby braizer he dipped the alliance flag into it, then with all of his strength, he howled as loud as he could, piercing the air, long and loud, every eye on the battle feild looked towards to the roof of the Horde lumber camp, they could see the distinctive flag of the Alliance burning for all to see, they flag they know had been taking from within their own stronghold, a demoralsing blow, a victory for the Horde, others joinind his battle cry, the alliance, all but disheartened, began to leave the battlefeild.
Clap clap clap came from behing, Raghnall turned, the blood elf was approaching.
"congratulations Orc, this victory is yours,"
"You? But i saw you die?" the Blood elf cocked a long eyebrow,
"I'm a Blood Knight young Orc, I do not... die, i just nap for a little while."
Raghnall glanced at sounds on the battlefeild, the sound of portals opening. One opened for the Blood Knight,
"Strength and honour Orc, we will meet again,"
"Wait whats your name!?" She paused before the portal and considered, then with a laugh she inclined her head at him,
"Ayla," with quick wink, she blew a kiss and laughed, then she was gone.
Raghnall's Portal opened, he learnt alot today, alot to mull over, alot of experience. i will not have trouble sleeping tonight...


That's an... interesting take on a random battleground. Still, nice to read something new! Thanks for sharing, was quite the interesting read. ;)
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


My imagination has a habit of spiralling out of control, I had the scenario playing out in my mind whilst having a smoke. After reading a few of other peoples stories I thoiugh what the hell have a crack at it.
I am accepting of any honest and constructive critisim so anyone feel free to have a shot.

Otherwise expect to find an Arathi Basin version, this time its more about Raghnall himself, now with more experience and a few victories under his belt.

This story was more of a holding his hand version, and from my noob perspective my own experience with my imagnations twist.

I was also considering a "Journal" approach, lemme know what you think of that idea, tho I would need to give each story some serious thought, so its not,

"Journal, Day 4, killed 7 alliance scouts for Gro Tak. Walked back to Duortar, Gro tak thanked me and gave me new axe, better than other one, good times".

But I guess this is where true RP comes into its own, like    -----------
                                                                                     :            :
                                                                                     :            :

Its not a square but my brain can easily make up the rest to allow it to apear so in my mind.

Oops... I've gone of on one... rambling again... I'll Log out now XD