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July 27, 2024, 06:22:54 AM



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The Going Away / AFK Thread

Started by Kulgar, November 21, 2010, 08:12:31 PM

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Hmmm going to be taking a break for a week or two i think maybe more


Quote from: Razaron on October 05, 2016, 09:06:49 AM
I haven't been on for a week, my son hasn't been very well so I've had no time to play. Will be on more in a week or so touch wood.

He's better now but going to take a break from wow and spend more time with the family. I'll log in now and then and when I have more free time I'll be on a lot more. :)


I'll be unsubbing after a long period of absence. I don't really get my kicks from WoWRPas much as I did pre-legion, Dunno why but I guess things started to feel more and more baron as Legion drew close. I generally do DND for my RP dosage so if people are game for that kind of rabbit hole maybe a guild game would be cool.

Anyways, if people want to keep in contact, and by jove I know you'd all love to keep in contact with me, Ragethunder#2719 is the Battletag where you'll find me mostly on overwatch. Admiral Allah Ackbar my, slightly racist but equally comedic, steam name (The one from southampton Britain, ignore all the posers)

And that's about it, I might pop back on should something drive me to do it (Possibly when I fall so far behind on the PvE front that it's irrelevant to me) Hope to keep in contact with you all to some degree and god speed and all that lark


Hi so as you lot might of notice I'm not on a lot if at all, mainly due to getting into other games and mainly since I do not feel like playing Izeira much, I don't feel she's develop much as a character and most events I show up on her I tend to spend sitting in the background.

As such I'll be leaving the guild as her and rerolling her into a new character, maybe I'll show up again as another orc or maybe I'll retire full time from roleplaying don't know yet.

But even still I have enjoyed this guild and the people in it, wishing you all best and hope to see you lot another time. Goodbye.


I've had a bit of a breakdown yesterday, and after some thinking I decided I'll be stepping away from RP with my orcs for an undecided amount of time. This has nothing really personal to do with anyone here, it's just something bothering myself greatly which will either pass, or it won't. Perhaps I'll be back next week. Or not. We'll see. If anyone really really really needs one of my chars IC, let me know and I'll see what I can do. (Like for your tasks, Tagrok, I don't intend to leave you without a tutor, with you just having one task left to do.) I'll be online probably, but just wanted to give a general little explanation here, even though it's kinda vague. I'm sorry peeps.
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


You do too much for the guild Rhonya. Cornerstone on one or both of your characters in the guild for so long you deserve break. Have a relaxing time and a good xmas, Ed too.  *hugs*


Hey all! It's been a little while since I've shown my face around here, and I'd like to apologize for the lack of activity as well as notification thereof. As some of you may be aware of by now, the reason of my absence has been entirely due to real-life related reasons: There's been the long flow of holiday celebrations and the shenanigans of which kept me offline for quite a great deal of time, and then there was the no small fact that Sinami and I have been making plans to start living together for quite a little while now. Thankfully, these plans are slowly coming full circle now and we plan to make the move happen properly on the coming 20th of January. Until that time, I expect we might still be quite a bit busy making preparations and the like to make everything go smoothly (moving an entire livelihood from Sweden to the Netherlands isn't as easy as one might think, in spite of all kinds of technological advances). Once all that's taken care of though, I do hope to be a little more active again and be able to show my face in WoW every once in a while! Hopefully, Blizzard will have fixed the loading screen issues that I've been plagued with for some time by then as well, but until then, I hope you all will behave! ;)
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Thank you for the update Koz! <3 We miss you! :)
"Dogs obey and whimper, wolves carve their own path with a roar! Let the Alliance hear your cries for battle! Rrosh'ka Valokh! For the Blood!"

Kogra Windwatcher

I am momentarily unavailable, my neighbours home burned down and we have no clue what the situation is ATM. Can't enter my home tonight at least.
"Never leave an enemy to die alone in the cold. Warriors should die with hot blood on their hands, not with ice in their veins"


Quote from: Kogra Windwatcher on January 05, 2017, 05:18:35 PM
I am momentarily unavailable, my neighbours home burned down and we have no clue what the situation is ATM. Can't enter my home tonight at least.
Oh crap. Sorry to hear that, - hope everyone is ok. I still have nightmares about the fire we had in my basement a few years ago. Stay safe
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar

Kogra Windwatcher

News just in, looking at 2 months of being unable to live in my home. Managed to find some sort of bungalow park, but I am unsure how good the Internet is. Luckily I'll be moving to Austria before that time, so I hope to be able to be around a lot more during the initial weeks of February... Until then, I might be online sporadically if I manage to hijack someone's place for the time being.
"Never leave an enemy to die alone in the cold. Warriors should die with hot blood on their hands, not with ice in their veins"


Oh wow :< that really sucks. I'd offer you my couch, but Denmark is a bit away from Netherlands ;_;
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


He's gonna stay with me and Ed for a while, we'll arrange some computer setup for him, so crisis averted for a little while at least! ;)
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Gamer house! I expect zaniness and tomfoolery


Just activated my subscription again, will see how much time I get to play. :)