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Dragga's Cataclysm banter!

Started by Dragga, October 13, 2010, 03:27:37 PM

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First of all, hello to all the orcs i dont know due to my inactivity!

My focus shiftet from wow in the end of wrath, onto other stuff in the land of afk.
Allthough a beta invite from blizzard caught my atention, and had some fun with it.
After some nagging from Rarg, i've decided to give some information or perhaps even guides to how the new guild system will work and so on, so we'll be ready as a guild. In cataclysm guilds plays a much more critical role in the game then before, since it brings a pve and pvp aspect to join the social part.

But to make it short, i'd like to see if its something you lot would like to hear more about, and allso if anyone would consider it a spoiler if i posted screens or what not.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Now you just need to post the information!

Cookie points for:
Insight in how Guild levelling is going to work. (What things will bring experience points to the guild? How many people can contribute with these experience points etc.)

Rated Battlegrounds - How many from a guild will need to be in said battleground in order for it to be a guild group?

Notes on PvP enviroment etc.


Those are the ones I can pull out my sleeve.

Out from quests and the like, how is 'the new hordes' view upon elements and shamans? Some places it seems that the Horde have deployed shamans to corrupt the elements? Is this more who disobeys or misunderstands Warchiefs Garroshs' commands? Or is it a play from the Twillight Hammer?
Appendix means... What?!


PLease tell us more about the changes in Cata!