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October 24, 2024, 08:22:32 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Orcish Lore

Started by Kozgugore, August 15, 2010, 07:17:13 PM

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Orcs are generally considered to be one of the more difficult races to RP. This isn’t only due to their very different cultures compared to most other races in the world of Warcraft, but because they have a very rich history in the world of Warcraft as well. If you’re interested in taking a closer look at the orcish history in the timeline of Warcraft, make sure to check out our orcish timeline topic. In this topic, a general overview will be given of the orcish race and its culture.


Orcs once cultivated a shamanistic society upon the dying world of Draenor. Then the dark magics of the Burning Legion corrupted them, transforming the orc people into a voracious, unstoppable Horde. Lured to the world of Azeroth through a dimensional gateway, the Horde was manipulated into waging war against the human nations of Stormwind and Lordaeron. These struggles went on for generations.

Under the visionary leadership of Thrall, the orcs stripped themselves of demonic influence. They now strive to recover their lost heritage and return to their ancient, shamanistic ways. Even as they rebuild their culture, the orcs do not forget recent events. They will stop at nothing to ensure that they are never used as pawns again.


Though they often appear to outsiders as a barbaric and brutal people, orcs are very proud and noble in their own way. They prize honour and skill above material wealth. Though brutal in combat, orcs fight with surprising grace and style. They do not throw their lives away recklessly, but neither do they avoid danger, trusting their honour and skill to carry them through most encounters.

They value honour above all and go to great lengths to prove themselves to those whom they respect. The easiest way to pick a fight with an orc is to insult his honour. Orcs distrust outsiders, but make strong friendships quickly when trust has been proven.

The concept of honour is seen in every level of orc society, even in their naming practices. An orc’s first name is given early in life, often derived from a family name or the name of a great hero. The clan bestows the second name after the orc reaches maturity. This name is usually either based upon some great deed or a defining trait or characteristic of the orc. Such a practice gives rise to surnames such as Doomhammer, Elfkicker, Foe-ender, Skullsplitter, Thumper and so forth. This second name may be changed if a new one seems more appropriate. Many young orcs often leave the safety of their home to seek their way in the world and bring honor to themselves and their family through great deeds. Adventuring provides a wide door to both honor and combat skills.

Because orcs value honor, challenges are commonplace. These are rarely duels; rather, they take the forms of physical challenges that tasks each orc with something other than personal combat. Some are tests of skill (climbing a particular mountain and retrieving a treasure from its peak), some are tests of endurance (lasting in a desert in the height of summer) and some are tests of ferocity (forcing a beast to withdraw from a confrontation without striking a blow). When a young orc wishes to prove himself to an established warrior, it’s expected that the orc will be put through a series of gruelling tests. Sometimes orcs apply these tests to members of other races who wish to prove themselves, even humans and dwarves.

Orcs expect trials of themselves and their compatriots, and they love to boast of their accomplishments. However, one thing they also expect of each other is humility. Just as Thrall paid homage to great predecessors like Doomhammer and Grom Hellscream, every orc is expected to revere his immediate elders. Shrines and memorials to ancestors are commonplace, and many orcs make pilgrimages to the memorials of great orcs, for example to the memorial of Grom Hellscream in Ashenvale.

The most commonly found religion among orcs is the worship of nature, the elements and the orcs' ancestors. As such, shamans used to have an important place in every clan. Some even boasted a tradition of leadership by shamans. In addition, orcs venerate their elders, especially those who accomplished great deeds in their lifetime. They express this veneration through oral tradition, passing the legends of great orcs through the generations in legend and song.


After the founding of the New Horde, most orcs followed Thrall with an almost zealous dedication. Thrall led them from a bloodthirsty existence, battling the humans time and again, to a life of spiritual awakening and (relative) peace. However, the orcs certainly do not discount the roles of warriors in their society; indeed, they consider warriors as important as ever. Their new homeland is still rife with struggles with centaurs, harpies and even stray Alliance soldiers bent on stirring up trouble. Even so, most orc warriors are no longer as blinded by bloodlust or conquest. They understand what they are fighting for and why, and accept the reasons.

The orcs are the foundation of the Horde and see it as almost an extension of their race. They are very pleased with how the Horde has grown to include the tauren, jungle trolls, goblins, the Forsaken, blood elves and even some pandaren, along with the strides their people have taken. One could say that they could no more betray the Horde than betray their own race.

Not many orcs beneath Thrall are as trusting as he is towards the Alliance, however. Orcs rarely react kindly to any Alliance members they encounter. Some of the more spiritual orcs find it amusing that the Alliance views them as barbaric and uncivilized when the Horde is fashioned of races that trust and admire each other.

Warriors occupy the highest strata of orc society. All young men and woman who pass the test of strong flesh are expected to receive some training, and training among the battle masters of Orgrimmar is considered among the highest honours that a warrior can obtain. They do not fight for the pleasure of others, or even for the joy of the kill. For orcs, skilled combat is as valued as fine blacksmithing is to dwarves.

Aside from warriors, the other honored group is the shamans, who are masters of the spirit just as warriors are masters of the body. The shaman is the explorer of the elements, which are as essential to the orc religion as the Light is to humans. Shamans are both masters and slaves of the natural world. Some of the greatest orc shamans train as far seers. Those who show great aptitude train and even live among the spirits in the Valley of Spirits, the spiritual heart of Orgrimmar. As Thrall combines both martial prowess and shamanism, he exemplifies the current orc mindset.

For orcs, life is a series of trials. In Durotar, young warriors and barbarians who graduate from the pits are sent into the Valley of Trials, a hunting ground that’s expected to prepare them for battle. Here they hunt (relatively weak) prey and hone their skills. Likewise, shamans and priests are expected to travel out into the plains and commune with spirits, learning to heed the spirits’ voices. From the tauren, orcs have adopted sweat lodges and other practices designed to test the body and bring it closer to the elements.


The orcs came to Azeroth from another world entirely. What passed for a homeland in Lordaeron was lost. Yet under the guidance of Thrall, the orcs came to Kalimdor to establish a new home. In the aftermath of the vicious struggle against the Burning Legion, they have begun to do just that with the realm of Durotar. The harsh landscape is much like the orcs’ original, blasted home world of Draenor.

The capital city of Orgrimmar, nestled within a jagged mountain valley, bustles with crude industry and trade. The orcs are fond of their tauren neighbours (whose homeland Mulgore lies west, across the Barrens) and delight in trading and hunting with them. Tauren are often found milling with their orc friends around Orgrimmar’s sport arenas and taverns.

The orcs consider their current state to be the best they have experienced in a while. They are finally free of the Burning Legion’s influence; they have a new homeland and strong allies who will guide them through their spiritual journey. While prosperity (both physical and spiritual) is their key focus these days, their spiritual lives do no put them above defending themselves.

Durotar is well defended, with all roads and main thoroughfares routinely patrolled. The orcs feel the need for defense and keep their eyes on merchants, explorers and heroes. They refuse to be caught off guard again.

Though orcs hold no lingering interest in conquest or domination, they understandably remain wary of their human neighbours to the south. Orc patrols set out regularly to ensure that the agents of the Alliance keep their distance from Durotar’s borders.


Orc relations with most other races are shaky at best. The Alliance races find it difficult to forget the invasions of years past and are hesitant to trust that the orcs now follow more peaceful ways â€" especially when many orc tribes have not left the warrior lifestyle. While affairs are less than calm with humans, dwarves, and elves, the orcs get along well with tauren and the Darkspear trolls. The three races enjoy many cultural similarities, making for a strong bond despite their disparate heritage. Goblins are looked upon with tolerance, as they often have interesting things worth trading for.


In orcish society, honor matters above everything else. To orcs, however, the word “honor” has a very broad meaning. Since orcs aren’t very much a race to abide by laws, their decisions are made upon what is honorable. Though duels to the death can be a way to solve a dispute, executions are known to have taken place as well. In the Red Blade, too, does honor play a central part in life and what dictates right from wrong. To see the Red Blade's Code of Honor, see the Red Blad Culture thread.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade