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Broken Heritage

Started by Drevan, February 28, 2008, 04:25:25 AM

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Cold beads of sweat dripped down Azurils face.

“Drevan! How... why... this can’t be happening!” Azuril rubbed his eyes.

The figure before him smiled. “So many questions my son... “

“Argh! You’re my father?! How could you not say anything? How could you let me...” Azuril was interrupted.

“...Release me?”

“Release you?” Azuril’s eyes widened. “I thought you were dead! Now I find that it was I who killed you...”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way...”

“You’re mad!” Azuril retorted. “Why must you continue to plague my life; why am I paying for your mistakes...  Did Grandfather know?”

“No...” The figure replied. “He could never understand, he never had the capacity of thought that you posses” The figure sighed. “Father...”

“What is it you want...”

“To give you what you rightfully deserve; The truth, about me.”

“Go on...” Azuril nodded slightly.

“You may think me a traitor, a wretched pawn of the legion, and you wouldn’t be wrong, but you wouldn’t be completely right either. After the legion arrived, I, like many others fell for their lure of power. Except, unlike many, I didn’t settle for what they offered. I explored the path they opened beyond what they saw fit. I saw the legion for what they truly were and did all I could to steer others away from it. However, it didn’t go unnoticed. A powerful Warlock named Kharamn ‘allied’ himself with me. However he only sought to abuse my knowledge into empowering himself. Still, it gave me a shadow to hide behind.

“Why tell me that this power hungry Warlock was my father?!”

“Simple, if you believe him dead, you can’t go looking for him. I had to find you.”

“But grandfather...”

“I spread the word that the once wise and honourable Drevan, now calling himself Kharamn, had declared open war on the Legion. With those words, I succeeded in removing Kharamn, one of the few who knew my true identity and removing all trace of my doings, in the hope others would not follow. I followed the Orcs into Azeroth where I watched over my family, from the darkness. Unfortunately, I picked the wrong company, and once again, I found myself indirectly aiding the legion. It was then that I decided my very being was a plague upon the people near me... and so, I tracked down and forced my only son to kill me.”

“This changes nothing, you still a traitor, and a liar.”

“I know that, and I only wish you could see the change I wish I could have made, however, I was too far down a path to madness. One you very nearly followed.”

Azuril turned away.

“Do you even know your family name?”


“I was Drevan Stormfist, son of Arakash Stormfist, and it is my greatest wish that you see me as your father, as who I was, not who I became and to bring honour to your Grandfather in ways I could not, to bring honour to me in ways I could not, to bring honour to my name in ways I could not.

Azuril shot up from his bed. The same cold beads of sweat lined his face. Next to him he picked up a small hand carved totem.

“Grandfather, I’ll do my best to be the son you were so cruelly denied.”

((OOC-Just a heads up that I changed my name to Drevan earlier, so for the wall of text.))
I respond to Sakareth and Azuril too.


(( nice story :o i barely knuw a thing about..azuril/Drevan but now I do :D Keep up the good work i say ^^ ))
Because orcs are green..Doesn't mean they can do photosynthesis..Or can they?


(( Luke, I am your father! Sorry, someone had to say it. A good story nevertheless! ))
00:18:13 [Y] [Carlohater]: im not a moster.... IM AN ORC!


(( Interesting reason for a name change. And other than that, nice story. ;) ))
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Nice story Az or is it Drevan now, dam sure you did this just to confuse me even more.
My poor little brain.

((My apologies now if I keep calling you Az.))
True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.

Tirnak Lynxclaw

(( I always like the stuff you write, tbh.. And I will, indeed, always just call you Az, I hopes you has no probs withs thats! ))