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I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
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Such shouty people in here, gosh.
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Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
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Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
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Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
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Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
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Ice cream for all
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2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
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Application: Kaidar

Started by Kaidar, June 05, 2015, 06:05:53 PM

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Name: Kaidar
Class: Mage
Level: 1 (currently)

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
I have played WoW on and off since the launch of it.
I've got little to none experience of roleplaying, but I'm eager to learn and try it out...
My story below might lack a bit of detail due to my inexperience...

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:
Kaidar has seen many battles, small skirmishes aswell as the first, second and third war, mostly from afar, as an advisor to clanleaders.
During his time as an advisor he was never known to act hastily, but rather patient and calculating. Always waiting, searching for a flaw in the attack or defense strategy of the enemy.
He was valued as an advisor and was during the third war proven usefull when rescuing 47 orcs and a couple of alliance soldiers from a burning legion ambush with a well timed portal, assisted by hunters and shamans shooting arrows and throwing fire and lightning at the enemies.
Kaidar do not want to be idle, he wishes to be of use to his clan and it's leaders.

Thank you for reading, hope for some guidance... I probably need it!  :-[


Aight, no officer but lore fiend!

I see no problem with the story, other than maybe the profession? Individuals are individuals but generally orcs wielding other arcane but fel is rather new thing. Especially at the time of the third war when all magic/fel were mostly in the hands of humans/elves. Orcs had just found their spirit again in shamanism. So I am just weary of an actual orc mage existing at that time.

However things that come up to me mind real quick is that he for example was a shaman, or just a warrior at that time. Later having seen mages in action during the war, pursued that path.

But keep in mind! My personal preference is to keep within the lore and times, but that's not how all do it or see it.

And hey, lets wait for an officer input! :)
And they call me insane? I am the most sane person around!


Hello there and thanks for the application!

Being a new roleplayer isn't a problem, we've had plenty of those. And we're quite willing to help you find a place among us.

I have a few pointers and concerns (nothing major) on your application.
Orc mages haven't been possible to play until cataclysm. Orcs have little tradition of the arcane, only becoming Warlocks after their corruption, before that they were followers of Shamanism. While it's possible that you'd have trained as a mage early on. It's not really until the formation of the current Horde after the third war that the orcs have had friendly contact with those races who regularely use magic. Was he perhaps something different before he became a mage? A warlock who since then has tried to redeem himself and use a different way to cast his spells?

The first war was around 35 years ago, so I'm guessing your character would be in his fifties at least? Or is he even older?

Having been advisor to clan leaders is a fairly major role. Meaning you'd have regularely interacted with orcs like Grom Hellscream and other great orcs. As a new roleplayer, I've found it's usually better to keep it small. Especially with interactions with major lore characters. If you're looking to have been an advisor for battles, I would probably suggest having had smaller roles. Advising commanders on lower levels. It would still give you the general flavor you're looking for without the major lore characters.

Lastly, could you expand on what he did between the second and third war? Did he escape capture? if so, how? Or did he spend his time in the internment camps?
And what about after the third war? What has he been doing since? Where was he during the cataclysm? The war in Northrend?

None of this is major things, but I'm looking forward to seeing your reply to this. And then I can hopefully accept this application!
Think, assess, act.


First of all, I appreciate your input, this is after all my first time writing a story for a RP character!
I'm a bit intimidated by the task but find it interesting at the same time.
So I'm making a new attempt with some changes based on your input, hope I get it better this time.
Else please do keep enlighten me what works and not.

Kaidar has seen many battles, small skirmishes aswell as the first, second and third war, mostly from afar, as an advisor to commanders in lesser army bands.
During his time as an advisor he was never known to act hastily, but rather patient and calculating. Always waiting, searching for a flaw in the attack or defense strategy of the enemy. Sometimes these flaws occured to Kaidar just in the nick of time.

At the end of the second war Kaidar was captured and held in an internment camp. Despite capture Kaidar grew stronger in mind during this time, he would not be broken. Though at the same time he closed his mind, keeping to himself, as best possible in an internment camp...

Kaidar was a shaman at the time of the third war, he was not very strong with the restorative powers, and was only so good with an axe. When Kaidar had to he used fire which was the element he had the best connection with.
One of the events Kaidar remembers best was during the third war when he convinced an otherwise stubborn battlefield commander to make a tactical retreat with his band. Kaidar had seen a roaming burning legion force, large enough to not face head on and it didn't move as expected. Just as the band got to highground the burning legion forces showed up where they had just been, down in the valley. Kaidar adviced the commander to split his force in three, hiding two parts of it, taunting the burning legion forces by seemingly flee with the last third of the band. It didn't take more than a few moments till the enemy came charging up the hill. On the very top of the hill, hidden by only a bit of underbrush the third "fleeing" piece of the band had stopped and stood ready. As the burning legion forces was about to reach the top, The commander issued the order... the two other groups of the band came storming from the flanks, effectively crushing the enemy.

After the third war Kaidar remained in Durotar, becoming somewhat of a hermit staying away from the cities and towns.
It is said he was seen on the frozen plains of Northrend but Kaidar never speaks of it.
Kaidar resurfaced for sure as the world was broken by the Cataclysm, Kaidar had learned to master the destructive magic he had seen other races use, he was a mage, with experience of both small and largescale battles, not the worst advisor and orc to have on the battlefield.

Kaidar is somewhat restless, he do not want to be idle, he wishes to be of use, he wishes to learn.

Please pretty with cheese, not alterac swiss, hate that!


Howdy, Kaidar! Thanks for updating your application. I reckon it looks much better now, and gives us much more of a sense of Kaidar's history and personality. Everything lorewise and timeline-wise seems fine and dandy, so consider this application approved.

Since I assume you're on Argent Dawn (please correct me otherwise), you have two options when it comes to grabbing your IC introduction to the tribe:
1- Wait it out until we come to Argent Dawn on the 9th of June, then poke an officer or senior member in-game to arrange your intro;
2- Provide us with your Battletag, so we can do your introduction via the magic of cross-realm RP, and provide you with any other cross-realm RP up until our transfer date. You won't be able to get the OOC guild-invite until we're on AD, of course.

Let us know what is most convenient! Best of luck and... for the Blood of the Tribe~!


Thank you!

Yes that is correct I'm on Argent Dawn.
Since I'm quite busy this weekend I might aswell wait with the IC introduction till you are on Argent Dawn.

See you soon.


Hi there!

Just wanted to let you know I am and have been quite busy this week and as such I haven't yet got online for that introduction.
If not earlier I will be online on monday.

See you soon!


Interviewed and accepted by me!