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September 21, 2024, 02:38:10 PM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
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Swedish Pagans?
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Application: Rokhg the Swift

Started by Rokhg, former RanxKer, June 16, 2015, 04:58:31 PM

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Rokhg, former RanxKer

Name: Rokhg
Class: OOC: Rogue IC: Wishing to become Blademaster
Level: 24 and rising (I aim for no less than 90. I mean 100. Its Warlords now out!)

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
We already met once, altho under different name. And my name of my Defias Brotherhood main, can be probably recognisable to few who dared to step into pants of a high elf!
When I was part of this guild i was roleplaying a frostwolf shaman, named Renx'Kar.
But as blood elf... *bows head politely* Let me draw you like one of my shattrath girls. Councilor Feltrand Ravensun. ;)

For those, looking through my history of roleplay:
I am around world of warcraft drug addiction now already for seven years. Most of them, believe me or not, i spent roleplaying. Started humbly on Darkmoon Faire as a human death knight who was defending Darkshire, than moving to Argent Dawn to roleplay as a mage. There i met a human paladin telling me of wonderful comunity on Horde side, when i told him i wish to create a Blood elf. Catch was, going Defias Brotherhood.
For next three years, I was mostly around than as a Death Knight in silver armor, named Silas Shadowsun. Torturer of The Murder Row Cartel. *waves to some of orcs that could recognise him* After that - I switched to my renown Feltrand Ravensun, who was in his own artistical ways fighting against the corruption of politics in silvermoon. Now he is effictivly a councilor of silvermoon. Sometimes people climb up high. But i think it is more to sad emptyness of the city itself. Feltrand himself can also give a wave to plenty of the orcs or, people that roleplayed orcs in this guild! Sadok, Kozgugore, Rargnarasha, Rhonya and ofcourse, the most OP of them all, Krogon (i still kept true to your advice: dont do DK blademaster, its badrp. so gonna lvl rogue so shhh.)

In this time i spent on Defias, I was manything: from academical professor, over artist, to second in command, a slave, a pet (i swear i didnt wanted to...) to beign holding reigns of a guild in hands when times acted uppon to do so.
I admit i am crappy in command, and mostly what saved me when doing so was staying in good relationship if just possible with people.

On Argent Dawn, which i have came to settle now for a month already in active RP you could have stumbled uppon me as a troll mage, named Mo'Uldli. You could almost say he is a troll version of Feltrand, but they arent that similiar.

When I saw OotRB (or ORB as i love to refer to) moved AD i quickly jumped up for my little orcish rogue and to hopefully bring along a friend of my, who is a complete new to the Orcish roleplay.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

A loud banter and rucksuck distrupts the evening comfortablness - through Inn doors an orc, wearing Orgrimmar tabard and red leather and cloth clothing flies. He lands with face into the dirt. The orc is himself quite young boy. A pup. His ponytail short, and he is already starting to grow a goatee that perhaps one day he will fashion into a beard.

''And stay out! Next time you think you can insult boss by mingling with his wife, you are staying without your throat, pup!''

The doors shut. The boy looks left and right, and sits into dirt, brushing over back of his head. ''At least my head is still fine.''

A short sigh interrupts the boy. From the shadows, two eyes appear and forth steps a figure, wearing a kilt, and big wooden beads around his neck, dyed into red. ''You are still reckless with the ladies, much alike in enternament camp, arent you?''

The boy gasps. He goes on all four and pushes his face into dirt. ''Aka'magosh master! Rokhg!''

The blademaster nods and walks up to boy. He kicks him into his side. ''Stop laying in sands. You are honorless this way.''

''But sir!'' The boy proclaims back.

''Silence. You will now see that if you cannot defend your honor, I will do so in your stand.'' The blademaster walks into the inn.

The boy hurries into the inn after the blademaster. The old, whitehaired blademaster walks slowly to the orcs who raise eyebrows at the boys return. There can be even a yell heard in back. ''Get out, pipsquick.''

The old whitehaired blademaster stands still in middle of the inn.
A tall orc in cladded in remiscants of Kor'Kron armor stands up. ''Well well... If it isnt the legendary Rokhg.''

The blademaster remains serious. The pup that hides at the doors, only gulps. ''I have seen your boys have thrown out my puipil.''
The big orc laughs, soon with him, all of his. ''Yeah! so we did. Problem? He touched my soulmate.''

''You are wiser than that. You know he was always boy of words, more than only acts, ever since we got him in Hammerfall.''
''Bah. You are old. He grew! He is becoming unstable and you were spoiling him, old man.'' The big orc quickly proclaimed back.

''I wouldnt be surprised that it was actually one of your men who touched her while he was around actually.''
At this point whole group around Zagrosh stands up in anger. ''what?!? how dare you old man!'' ''Stop bantering you Burning blade scum.''

As soon as words strucked out, so too, sudenly, a bottle was broken and used to shiv the Blademaster.
''...a target. I need a target. I dont have a target. I need a target. I dont have a target...''

Rokhg, former RanxKer

((continuing the story))

The pup in the back gasps and screams
. ''Rokhg!'' All of the orcs sudenly stand still. In disbelief. they look around who used the bottle... But no one knows.

The pup runs to the blademaster who only slaps him. While still shivved, he still stood. He pulls the long thin blade from the sheat and mutters angrily. ''Now that... Was low.''

''Rokhg...'' proclaims Zagrosh while looking at him in disbelief. While others had held little or no respect to old blademaster, he held much of it. The boy managed to pick himself up.

The old blademaster slowl raises his sword, and retakes its fit in his hand. The other, free hand holds the shived wound.
''Who dared, to challenge this Blademaster of the Burning Blade, champion of the Horde, Rokhg the Swift? Your act of first strike was honorless. Come out now. and wash out your defiance, and reclaim your ho-NO-ghhkkkr...''
The old blademaster looks down. Inside middle of his chest, a blade pertrudes through. It was his own other blade.

Everyone stood in suprise there. Sudenly, they would realise: it was the woman of Zagrosh, who sneaked off away the blademasters own blade, and stabbed with him through his back. The old blademaster spits blood and staggers, catching his balance. He turns around and a blink of an eye, makes a cut. The girls eyes open wide in suprise. She gawks in her own drowning of blood, but cannot leave out a single drop of voice. A red line appears wide over her neck.

''NO!'' Yells the big orc, and charges the old blademaster.
All orcs along as well - tho some of them, charge mostly afraid from the inn. The pup stands at the doors, frozen in shock.
As he observes the quick battle of a wounded old Blade, how he manages to cut down eight of the orcs, before he finishes with an axe in his back.

The young pup jumps, and grabs the nearby sword that was on grounds and stabs the Kor Kron kladded orc into his back.

Zagrosh falls down.

The blademaster kneels, and than slowly drifts onto the floors with the body... Or so it appears due to adrenalin that pumps in young pups veins.

''Master.... I.. i...''

''It is alright, young pup. You did what you had to. you cleansed your honor. And you avanged... your old master...''
The orc leans head back onto grounds. He closes eyes and offers the blade to young pup.

''I... name you... Rokgh... The Swift... Carry this... Name... May we remain... Eternal. This... is what Grothash... Brother of the man... you have slain... says...''

The pup peers at the old blademaster, who dies there in front of him.

Pup looks to the blade and nods.

''Yes... you are right... You were always right... Rokgh... And now... I am Rokgh as well...''

Rokgh the Swift, drags fingers over old blademasters eyes to close them.

''May your ancestors smile uppon your arrival home, old man.''

Rokgh walked out of the inn, the bartender still trembling in the corner.

''I shall train to become worthy blademaster... And I shall find the one, who will teach me the ways you wanted me to.''

Rokgh than, dissapears into same shadows, where the two eyes of Old Blademaster appeared...
And the crimson dawn lits the sky onto the solitary inn.
There was murder... And honor regained... And there was venegance.

''...a target. I need a target. I dont have a target. I need a target. I dont have a target...''


Hope you didnt intend for Krogon to train Rokhg, he dead :>

Rokhg, former RanxKer

No no. shame to hear that tho. would be cool for him to poke him into eye from time to time with youngsters blade. xD
My character is Ic wise studying at blademaster in the orgrimmar barracks.
''...a target. I need a target. I dont have a target. I need a target. I dont have a target...''


Thats cool :D Sadly Im no officer but Im sure someone will come along soon!

Rokhg, former RanxKer

using my [Blade of Real Identification] to poke Kozgugore's eyes. while he is bussy.:P  ;D  ;D
''...a target. I need a target. I dont have a target. I need a target. I dont have a target...''


Having read through the application, it looks good! Nothing seems out of place and the background is interesting. The story gives a very clear view of who the character is.
One question to think on before your interview (because it will be asked) is why Rokhg would seek to join the Red Blades.

With that said, your application is accepted!
Contact someone from this list http://orcsoftheredblade.com/forum/index.php?topic=2440.0 to get  an in character interview and an invitation to the guild.
See you in game!

Think, assess, act.

Rokhg, former RanxKer

Hello Therak. seen ya around too :D o/ ^^ And no worries i have thought on it already, and will give in answer on IC interview. ^^
''...a target. I need a target. I dont have a target. I need a target. I dont have a target...''


Interview and accepted by Me Captain kaaaaargmaaan!