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Morrkos Application Nr 2

Started by Marrkos, September 06, 2014, 03:59:36 PM

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Please can I join the guild ?

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Hail fellow Orcs.

I am Morrkos born of Draenor.  My Father was a great shaman ,  he lead an army of like minded Orks into Azeroth to participate in the First war when I was very young,  I can hardly remember it.   Before he left I remember a great ritual was held and I was made to drink the blood of a powerful demon slayed by my father and it is said I will live a long life,  longer than other Orcs some say I may outlive a padarian,  but I do not know how long this is and allas I don't think I care.   A month after my father left,  what was thought to be impossible ,  happened.  A group of humans appeared in our camp , shrouded by a team of night elf rogues .  The camp was primarily women and children but all were slayed.  My grandmother and mother were slayed before my very eyes I was frozen with fear looking into the eyes of the human stood at the helm of a team of 20 night elves stood in our home .  He seemed to stare right at me for what seemed a life time and then unsheathed his sword once again for what I thought was the end of my days his stare of hate seemed vacant as if he was looking right through me and then with a skill and obvious power I had never witnessed before I could hear his sword cutting its way through the air as if powered by a thousand siege engines before it just missed my head and smashed a picture of my father on the fire place on a shelf right next to me,  upon impact the Humans eyes gave a glimmer of satisfaction further confirmed as he looked around the room at the dead Orcs before turning around and leaving with even giving me acknowledgement . I thought I was dead at first ,  I had alway been told I would follow in my fathers footsteps as a great shamen and longed to make him proud but on that day I realise wasn't dead , and the reason for that was because the Human or Nghtelves could not see me,  in the mist of my fear and anger my true calling was stowed upon me as a rogue,  a true Orc Combat rogue.  I travelled alone through the portal and lived on the land honing my skills as a rogue for more years than I can remember,  driven by a pure hate for humans ,  and in turn for the Alliance.   I have travelled alone through the eastern kingdoms for wha seems an eternity,  I have survived alone on the mysterious island they call Timeless on a realm called Outland to finley tune my skills to enable swift deliverance of death to my foes.   I have travelled across many lads and realms in search Of my fellow Orcs who have a true lust for Alliance blood.  


Hello there, Morrkos, thanks for applying! I don't get a sense of your level of roleplay experience, given that you haven't supplied this information, but your character's backstory has several issues. These include:

- Timeline and lore inconsistencies: humans weren't on Draenor in any form during the First War; the Horde of the First War had no shamans, as the spirits had stopped answering the orcs; night elves were not allied with humans until years after the Third War; demonsblood is presented as a malign force, certainly not one that would extend lifespans with no issue;

- Concern about the importance of your character's father -- we stay away from being related to overly powerful or important characters -- leading an army of orcs to Azeroth is probably too much;

- Confusing gameplay mechanics with roleplay: having the properties of a 'combat rogue' bestowed upon your character as opposed to training; stealth allowing your character to hide in plain sight; taking your realm-change from the Outland server as in-character.

I'm sorry to say, but I'm going to have to decline this application on these grounds.

You are of course welcome to re-apply, taking these issues into account. When doing so, please use this template:


Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

Before re-applying, I'd encourage you to read more about orc and Warcraft lore, along with the mechanics of roleplay. You may find the following links helpful:

- WoWpedia's Guide to RP: http://wowpedia.org/Guide_to_roleplaying

- Our orcish timeline: http://orcsoftheredblade.com/forum/index.php/topic,2438.0.html

- WoWpedia's Orc History section: http://wowpedia.org/Orc#History



I have no experience in role play. Thanks for this advice I will take it into account and then RE apply.




Class:Combat Rogue


Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:  I have no RP experience at the moment. And as you can prob tell from my last application I am very keen but my knowledge is very limited.  I have read the basics but I promise I will improve very quickly.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

I am a gentleman Orc,  I believe a more sophisticated version of my predecessors .  I like to style my ginger beard and hair and go about my daily business in Durotor,  which is developing my fighting skills for the sole purpose of killing Ally.  I make gold by mining .  I mainly mine in Four winds because the area also provides me with plenty of Ally to kill along the way,  and if I fancy a break I can stop off at tavern in the mists where given the opportunity I like to find a group of ally there where I can stealth into the middle of them pop a smoke bomb then kill one in and get out of there in a matter of seconds so I can watch them running around in circles trying to find me whilst I roar at them,  wait for CDs and do it all over again, man I never get board of that and you can only burst with that kind of style with Combat :D

I have been solo for the past 5 years honing my rogue skills,  and since I heard about your guild I wanted to join with other Orcs who ALS thirst for Ally blood.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Strength and Honour


Hey there, Morrkos! I appreciate you re-applying and using the template -- I'm glad you're so keen. While we accept people of all levels of experience in RP, I still feel like you misunderstand some of the basics. Unfortunately, at this juncture I still can't approve your application.

For the most part on an RP server, we alternate between periods of being in-character and out-of-character -- we don't roleplay 24/7. When you're in-character, you take on your character's personality and backstory, and try to play more immersively within the Warcraft setting -- this is what we do while we roleplay. We typically go out-of-character when not roleplaying -- that is to say, we stop playing our character while doing most other things in WoW, such as questing, battlegrounds, raids and profession farming.

It seems like in your second application in particular, you're taking everything you do in-game as an in-character action. While certain elements of your playstyle may make sense ICly, terms like 'burst', 'popping' abilities and 'CDs' are all out-of-character phrases that generally don't have any kind of place in roleplay. Your mining and fighting in the Valley of the Four Winds is something you're likely doing out-of-character, whereas your typical orc may not have been to such exotic places without good reason and a lot of travel.

For more of what we'd be looking for, I'd encourage you to take a look at some of the other applications in this section, or find us in-game (we're currently at Garadar in Nagrand, as it's Kosh'harg season) and watch some of us RP, or even get involved a little if you feel confident enough.

Some of the things that could put you on the right track towards shaping an RP character would be thinking about questions like the following:
- How old is your character? Where was he born?
- Who are his friends and family? Where are they? What do they do?
- Is your character happy, sad or angry? Why?
- What are his morals? What are his ideas on honor and respect, or on stealing and lying?
- What does he think of the Horde and Alliance, and of the races within each faction?

If you can get a sense of some of this, you'll be getting closer to shaping a roleplay character. Remember that not everything you do in-game should be taken in-character. If you're still interested, I'd like you to think about some of these things and possibly observe us roleplay before you apply again.

Thanks and best of luck!  :)



Thanks for the reply I think you are correct.   I will spend some more time on the character details,  decide who I want Morrkos to be and RE approach this.  I will visit Garadar in the meantime and say hello.

Thanks again ...



Class: Rogue


Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
I have been to Nagrand over the last few days to mainly see how it's done .  I had a few small conversations but I didn't feel confident to take the conversation too far because at that point I was still researching my character.

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:


I was born somewhere in the Black Morass in to our clan called "Bladewind" 30 years ago.  Shortly after my birth my father "Nekros Doomhammer", (named so because of his brutal skill with the Mace) and Mother Fren,  joined the other soldiers from our clad who received word that a great Orc Army was coming through the ever growing dark tunnel to fight the humans, they left to join them and participate in the wars.

After 7 years of war my father returned but unfortunately my mother was missing, my father said her group was going to go down in history because they captured a major Alliance figure called Garona but my mother was killed by a warlock during the battle.

For the next 18 years I was trained by my father in the art of battle, he taught me how to hunt and move swiftly throughout the shadows without being seen .  He taught me that the Doomhammer name was more that just a name for "Death by hammer". It is a way of life,  total respect for leadership, strength and honour but also wisdom.  My father would say respect and wisdom is what separates us from the weak ones and he would say our ancestors of the "Bladewind Clan" were among the first to resist kil'jeaden in the old days by sticking with this belief .  He taught me that respect and wisdom can be interpreted by the small minded as a weakness but this lesson I would learn in due course.

Around year 25 me and my father went into battle in the third war although we were in different posts in Dalaran we made it to Kalimdor but unfortunately many did not. He was over 50 years old but I was told it took 8 demons to take him down,  he truly was a brutal adversary and died a respectful death of true honour.

For the las 4-5 years I have lived in Durotor alone,  I mine minerals to sell for gold and learnt engineering to assist me in my travels.   I have traveled through Azeroth for sometimes months at a time to find portals to other worlds and lands to satisfy my curiosity as to what else is out there,  I have grown tired of Durotors ways ,  it is all just too civilised.  Whilst I respect the new ways of civilisation and enjoy treating my fellow Orcs with the respect they deserve and conducting myself in a gentlemanly manner,  I long for the taste of battle,  and find myself travelling alone in unknown land searching in the shadows for my next victim be it Alliance or Demon they meet there rightful swift but gloriously brutal end when there last sight is the green in my eye and they know they have crossed paths with an Orc.


I hope the above is a good enough improvement to all me acceptance into the guild.



Howdy there, Morrkos! Thanks for re-applying again, and yes, this character background is a big improvement over the other two -- thanks for also observing RP in Nagrand to get an idea about what it is and isn't.

That said, there are a couple of small issues with this application. The first is that your father's name should probably be changed, as Nekros Doomhammer is an amalgam of two important orc lore figures (Nekros Skullcrusher and Orgrim Doomhammer). The second is that your character can't have been born in the Black Morass (the modern day Blasted Lands) if it was prior to your character's parents venturing through the Dark Portal with the Horde -- after all, the Black Morass is on Azeroth rather than Draenor.

Nonetheless, if you can sort those two issues out (you don't have to amend your application -- just keep them in mind), I reckon you've demonstrated enough improvement to the point where I can accept this application. To join the tribe, simply poke an officer in-game (that's Rargnasha, Kozgugore, Rhonya, Grogona, Therak, Gridish or myself) to arrange your in-character interview -- it'll give us a chance to see Morrkos in action, as it were, along with giving you an opportunity to introduce yourself to our orcs.

Bear in mind that the interview is also a check to ensure you're capable of RPing to a sufficiently competent level to join the guild -- so make sure you remain in-character for its duration, along with any future RP you do.


Hello again Sadok

Iv decided I will wait a while before requesting another interview because I need mre practice and there is also some fine tuning I would like to do with my character.  I want to push his personality in a different direction so I will be changing his name and appearance slightly in due course,  but you will still see me around the camp.  I want to give him a more traditional Orc name and also the same with his father.  I will also be removing the gentlemanly part out of his background because this isn't completely fitting with his intended development. But obviously I still want him to be likeable .

Speak soon..