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Morgoth -Deathknight application-

Started by Morgoth, September 10, 2014, 01:42:15 PM

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Name: Morgoth
Class: Death knight
Level: 59

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience: Been a part of various RP communities in a few different games. But have not been as active in any role-play recently, would like to change that!

And finally, please write a short story and/or IC introduction about your character:

Born into the Frostwolf, Morgoth always strove to continue the great legacy of his noble clan. As a proud youth, wielding a large axe, strength, victory in battle and honour in all things were his highest goals. After joining Thrall and his people in their efforts to carve a home for them selves in Kalimdor, Morgoth entered into countless adventures across both great continents in support of this new "Horde"

Following his lust for conquest and adventure Morgoth found himself combating the scourge in the northern plaguelands in support of the new so called Forsaken allies, He cared little for them but revelled in the chance to prove himself on new battlegrounds.

While he had grown greatly in skill as a warrior over the past few years he had also developed somewhat of an arrogant headstrong side, believing himself unkillable in battle. While attempting to penetrate the scourge bastion of Strathlome he was overwhelmed by the vast numbers of ghouls and abominations in a sudden ambush attack.

Awaking inside the Ebonhold he entered into a new life in service to Lich King unaware of his proud past.
Mindlessly slaughtering innocents and his former allies, Morgoth once again continued to grow in strength and power, until one day his world unravelled again.
Finally breaking loose of the will of the scourge Morgoth returns to Orgrimmar seeking to regain his honour and position within the horde and seeking companionship with his Orcish brethren.


Hello there Morgoth!

I've taken a look at your application and I see nothing wrong with it so far!
We don't have many deathknights, so that could be an interesting thing. I'll give you one fair warning though, seeing most deathknights are rather emotionless and undead, some Orcs might ICly already from the start have a great dislike for your character, but that is purely because of him being a Deathknight then, not because of you OOCly. ;)

I'll accept this application and invite you to an IC interview with one of our officers! Just poke any of them ingame. The officers being:
Grogona, Therak, Rhonya, Sadok and Rargnasha.

Hope to see you soon ingame!
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."