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Monk Orc!

Started by Ragaresh, November 30, 2011, 10:57:53 PM

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So, i've been struggling with the roleplay reason for orc monks. I would rather not be "trained by a panda monk". Not at first anyway. I want it to be a slow process I'm planning on making Ragaresh a monk when MoP comes.

Someone suggested Orc Monks would be blademasters in training. But then again when you think about it, Blademaster kind of cancels the idead of a monk since they are mostly a melee class, with fists, yes? Although they use 1 handed weapons and staves.

What suggestions do you have about the IC part of being an orc monk? Just go with being a Monk, being all spiritual with that Sha thing? Or go with something else? x_x


As I am still a Lore nerd, I have been keeping up with new lore in WoW
Basicly, "Pandarian Monk" and common "Monk" is no the same thing

-A Monk, is simply a religus follower (scarlet monk) and they are normaly displayed with doing weaponless figthing
-A Pandarian monk harness the inner Chi energy and use it as a power (as well to be trained in Physical combat)

So no, there is no other lore reason to be a monk expect to be trained from a Panarian Monk, this is being that no one expect the Pandarian knows about the Chi energy. (that is the part they are teaching out to Horde/Alliance).

So far however, I have not seen any Lore beind a Monk goal (were Shaman teach, Druid protect nature and Paladin being holy nut-jobs), All we know is they use something called Chi, if you need to follow a code like Sham/Dui/Paly is unknown as we don't got any lore about them yet

So currenly, yes you must be trained by a Pandarian Monk to be a Monk
We don't know if you need to follow some ideals or code of Honor
We don't know if you will be limited in things (like Paladin can't be dishonest etc. etc.)

so... basicly wait untill we get more lore (AKA: Wait untill beta and read the Quest text and potential books in WoW)
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Quote from: Regorn on November 30, 2011, 11:40:19 PM
So far however, I have not seen any Lore beind a Monk goal (were Shaman teach, Druid protect nature and Paladin being holy nut-jobs), All we know is they use something called Chi, if you need to follow a code like Sham/Dui/Paly is unknown as we don't got any lore about them yet

So currenly, yes you must be trained by a Pandarian Monk to be a Monk
We don't know if you need to follow some ideals or code of Honor
We don't know if you will be limited in things (like Paladin can't be dishonest etc. etc.)

After literally minutes of research, I have surmised that a monk's ethos/code has to do with the concept of balancing light and dark Chi (life-force) within themselves through training, discipline and meditation, thus attaining inner-peace and thus the ability to attempt to bring balance to the world Chi and Chi of others.

Though taught by Pandaren, there's no reason why someone couldn't come to that conclusion of inner balance and focus independently. Not to mention that the Windwalker (DPS) spec could be used in RP as a generic martial-artist or fist fighter without necessarily incorporating Chi ICly.

To back up the notion of Chi, I used infallible online resource Wikipedia:
Quote from: WikipediaThe ancient Chinese described it as "life-force". They believed chi permeated everything and linked their surroundings together. They likened it to the flow of energy around and through the body, forming a cohesive and functioning unit.

I also consulted Chi specialist Dr Ben Kenobi, who stated:
Quote from: Dr Ben KenobiThe Chi is what gives a Monk his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.


QuoteAfter literally minutes of research, I have surmised that a monk's ethos/code has to do with the concept of balancing light and dark Chi (life-force) within themselves through training, discipline and meditation, thus attaining inner-peace and thus the ability to attempt to bring balance to the world Chi and Chi of others.
I knew that, but I only focus on what it was needed to become a Monk, the training needed and the reason/source of it

QuoteThough taught by Pandaren, there's no reason why someone couldn't come to that conclusion of inner balance and focus independently.
This I however do not agree with you, with that logic, there is 0 reason why there whould not be orcish paladins (Real paladins, not Blood Knight or Sunwalkers), meaning, they fight and they learn the holy light themself (like the old priest did of the Humans, but they don't have the relgion themself)

QuoteNot to mention that the Windwalker (DPS) spec could be used in RP as a generic martial-artist or fist fighter without necessarily incorporating Chi ICly.
That I agree with you, it whould be odd, but it whould work
I mean, why use your fists when you can use a weapons?, odd yes, but possible yes (+ you can't use any of those light/dark powers + Chi IC)

Don't use Wikipidea for WoW source :P the real life Chi is not the Chi in WoW
good however you contacted that Speciallist, I heard he was a college of Dr. Y. Oda
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Well, some orcs were more than good enough to only use fists. Marogg crushed an ogre spine with his!
Still, weapons give range and game mechanics screw roleplayers over nine times out of ten.
Muzjhath got Iced by Sadok, after Marogg got Stabbed.

-The orc formerly known as Muzjhath formerly known as Marogg


Quote from: Regorn on December 02, 2011, 11:03:11 AM
QuoteThough taught by Pandaren, there's no reason why someone couldn't come to that conclusion of inner balance and focus independently.
This I however do not agree with you, with that logic, there is 0 reason why there whould not be orcish paladins (Real paladins, not Blood Knight or Sunwalkers), meaning, they fight and they learn the holy light themself (like the old priest did of the Humans, but they don't have the relgion themself)

And where did the humans learn to use the Holy Light? They didn't have a close encounter of the Naaru kind a la Draenei. I choose to believe that given its status as a nontheistic philosophy rather than a deistic religion, the humans developed usage of the Light independently or derived it from Titanic worship of Tyr (see Tyr's Hand in the Plaguelands) which eventually evolved further.

I see no reason why Chi -has- to be taught by the pandaren, nor do I see any reason why (with the exception of stigmatisation, and a culture coloured by thousands of years of primal shamanism upon Draenor) one couldn't have orcish adherents of the Light.


Now we are basicly in to the argument of "nothing say against it"
and there is nothing I can argu against it, becouse no one can

Sure, they might be a Tauren who belives painting themself Pink and put a sword on thier forhead will make them more powerfull, there is nothing that says against it

basicly, I won't try to argu against the arguemnt that nothing say against it, becouse then you can make whatever claims you want and nothing can be put on the other side
*wave goodbye*

I do however still say that Figthing with Fist: rare, but possible, Chi + Dark/light dulism: Origin lies in the Pandarian way, a Viking won't turn in to a samurai just becouse he switch his Axe for a very long sword

that is my Yolk on the mater
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury