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September 19, 2024, 04:57:31 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
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Started by Ragaresh, February 22, 2010, 06:31:08 PM

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((Tried a new style of writing and i haven't really written anything about Dawiwo, not for the faint hearted! Hope it's not too emo, but whatever. :) ))

I scream. I scream untill my voice is nothing but a hoarse whisper. She screams too, begging me to help her, but i cannot. They are raping her and laughing at me. I want to die but i want to kill them first. I want this all to end. She looks at me with those teary eyes as they have their way with her, my beautiful daughter. I'm so sorry the world is so cruel i say with my eyes. They cut her throat as she looks at me and i look back, i whisper her name...

"Kiisha." I wake up in my bed in my bed in Orgrimmar, her name still slipping through my lips. Another nightmare. I feel my eyes are wet. I try not to feel anything. I push it out of my mind.

I look at the wolfmask next to my bed and wonder why i try, after twenty years they could be dead already, those men of evil. If they had not died by my hand, then there is no justice in this world. I have to forget this...

As i walk down the streets in Orgrimmar i notice a familiar sight, the auction house. Filled with orcs, tauren, troll, blood elves and.. undead. These forsaken ones, do they feel the pain of loss? They say they feel nothing, somehow this bothers me. I need to buy some water.

I walk to the inn, the innkeeper barely awknowlodges me as i say "water". She quietly accepts the coin i give her as she gives me the water flask. She never notices me, i wonder if i should bring some flowers one day. But then again, i am getting old for these sorts of things. What's that? a smile? first of the day for me. I wonder if i am the only one who counts my smiles.

I feel reliefed as the walls of Orgrimmar are left behind me, i see some of the orphanage children playing by farm near by. One of them looks at me and smiles as i walk past them. She looks like her...

I think of ways to fill my day before the tribe meeting tonight. I need more coin. That's what i'll do, try to get some coin. The leathershop would pay a little silver for some hides. Yes, i'll hunt some animals. I begin my hunt down south at the Thunder Ridge.

As i arrive i notice the thunder lizards. All peaceful and chewing the little grass there is on the ground. I look up and see the clouds. I am close enough. I look at the closest thunder lizard as it walks around slowly. I feel nothing as i reach out and ask the earth for a favor. I am not sure if i command it or ask it. But it happens, and then i feel it. It is a feeling of anger, perhaps loss as the rocks from the cliff fall down on to the thunder lizard, breaking it's neck. I sight and thank the elements in my mind.

I take out my dagger as i come close to the thunder lizard. It lays still, not moving. It's dead. I start to skin it slowly, i say out loud "Thank you". I thank the spirit of the animal, perhaps it can hear me, perhaps not. It takes me ahwile to skin it because the it's leathery skin is quite thick. I feel a slight tickle in my chest as my breathing gets heavy from all the work. I start to cough. Damn sickness, it will be the end of me. As i grab the hides they feel a bit heavy. It's not going to be an easy task getting these back, but i need the coin.

As i walk back with the hides on my pack, i feel something is not right. I feel excited as i turn around. A raptor, mere feets away from me ready to jump at me. My hands are holding the hides on my back, i try to think quickly. But i am too slow, the raptor charges at me, i drop the hides and get pushed on the ground by the raptors strong legs. However i manager to get my foot up for a kick on the raptors chest. It staggers slightly to the side as i gather myself. I take the knife from my belt. I look at the raptor in the eye. Now i am ready.

I let myself stay still untill the very last moment. I thrust my knife through it's head as it charges, but it manages to knock me over. I fall on my back as everything goes black.

The sun shy shines in Nagrand, the grass is green. I watch as she runs towards me laughing i cannot help but grin at her. She is so beautiful. She has her mother's eyes. As i open my arms to grabs her in the most tightest of hugs, she disappears. Something is licking my face...

"Gerrof!" The little boar runs off. It was licking the Raptors blood off my face. My head is aching, the raptors lifeless body is laying on top of my feet. I push it away and rip the knife out of it's head. My chest has some scratches, but nothing serious. I look at the raptor and give it a nod. I dont really know why, but i feel i must show him some respect. I look up, the sun has moved a lot. It must be night soon.. my lips feel dry as i take a sip from my water flask.

I don't think much as i carry the hides back to the leathershop. He gives me a gold coin for the thick hides. I say nothing and accept the coin.

I don't know the time. But i walk to the ring of valour. I notice the tribe is already there. I see them all gathered around the chieftain and his mate.

I bow at them, i don't think anyone notices. So i step back amongst the small crowd. I say nothing. They are all so very quiet untill the chieftain speaks. I don't hear much of what he says as i am thinking of the raptor. I must be going out of my mind as i think to myself the raptor was winking at me before it charged at me. I snap out of my thoughts as the chieftain calls all the new bloods to the front.

He asks me what i have been doing all this time. I say "A lot of things." what else is there to say. Truth is, i have done nothing but drink all my coin. Ale keeps the pain away. There is no good left in this world. I'm sorry the world is so cruel Kiisha.


((Gawd, that was really touching. I love the story, and it's beautifully written indeed. Sometimes first-person perspective can screw things up, but this time it just made it all even better. Captures the reader from the very start, and keeps you interested to the end of it. Thank you, for sharing it!))
I want to be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights.


(( Thank you! I usually feel very sceptical about emotional stories but i thought i'd give it another try. I'm so glad someone enjoyed it at least!

Edit: Also there is a mysterious "the" at one of the parts that does not belong there, yet i cannot find it when i modify the text, in other words, mind the typos... >_<))



(( Love this story man, although it made me a bit sad, ofcourse =/ , keep up those stories. ))