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October 18, 2024, 01:15:23 PM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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A Meeting in shadow

Started by Bamm, May 07, 2016, 12:35:24 AM

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A Meeting in Shadow Part 1

Arkail returned to the Razorhill inn it was now dark, a day spent reading and in the evening a friendly spar with the other orcs followed by cider and boar meat. Arkail let himself enjoy the moment if ever so briefly. He motioned for the bartender to bring him his usual stimulant of choice blackrock coffee and sat down for an evening of his usual work transcribing pieces, translating, writing letters to his usual network of information dealers and book traders and across Azeroth.

The innkeep with his usual charm slammed the mug down. Only much to arkail's surprise with a napkin underneath. If this was the Farstrider's inn in Silvermoon he wouldn't have noticed but finery and etiquette were somewhat different here in Razor Hill, a clean mug was considered fancy. He looked at the Innkeep raising a brow at him. The innkeep simply tapped his nose and went back to his work of spitting into a rag to wipe the counter.

Arkail smirked himself as he took out his writing set of inks and quill set, in a flourish that was down to his good mood more than anything, with a small burst of magic floated the quill from its place in his set to his hand spinning it in the air. It was then the napkin glowed faintly reacting to his  magic. Arkail dropped the quill and moved his coffee. A runed language appeared ever so faintly upon the napkin, he had seen it, he was positive he wasn't that tired and certainly hadn't drank enough to be seeing things. He inspected the napkin, there was nothing. Or so it would appear. Arkail weaved his fingers quickly in a odd pattern, muttering silently a soft spell. As he did the runed language appeared reacting to his magic. He adjusted his monocle and read it...

Cleft of Shadow...come alone... tonight at midnight.

It faded again and arkail rubbed his chin and sat back in his chair. Looking briefly at the innkeep who now was scratching himself in a intimate area. Arkail curled up his nose and shook his head. The innkeep seemed the odd sort to be passing along secret messages. But Arkail himself was considered an odd sort by most Orc's standards. He knew the game well enough not to direct any questions towards the innkeep. He was most likely being watched. Arkail scanned cautiously the inn in the dark corners, at the bar by the entrance. Some fellow tribe members were conversing a Tauren and forsaken were playing a card game a couple of Goblins drunkenly laughing at their friend drunkenly urinating into the corner. Nothing unusual.

Arkail pondered to himself who could have sent him this. It wasnt in any of his own or his associates cyphers. To hide something as simple as reacting to magic and on a cloth napkin of all places seemed crude and unheard of outside of bad espionage fiction. Arkail finished his coffee and packed away his writing set. checking his pocketwatch, it was 10:30. If this was to be a trap, he may as well spring it and see who wants to meet him he smirked to himself, nothing like a good near death experience. He set out into the night, approaching his Wolf, patting her soft fur. He mounted up into the saddle, adjusted his jacket, wrapping his cloak tightly around him and set out for the cleft of shadow in Orgrimmar.


Ooh, interesting. I like how you pictured the Inn, perfect. Moar.
-Gashuk, Son of Garrak-
"When the ashes fall and the green winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."


A Meeting in Shadow Part 2

His vision slowly came back into focus. What had happened? The room span and he bit down the urge to vomit. Arkail reached for his head to soothe the nausea only find himself restrained, a plush velvet upholstered chair arms bound to the chair's armrests feet tied together to the struts of the chair.  Arkail groaned, fragments returned to him, he remember leaving the inn. The stables of Orgrimmar, he had left his wolf there... Then descending into the cleft... Slowly it was coming back to him. He had stopped to examine the small plaque dedicated to those that had fallen at the siege then.. nothing. What had happened?  He groaned again another cage, another time he had been knocked unconscious, how many times had it been now. It couldnt be healthy. But at least the surroundings were different.

Arkail examined them a small room well furnished. No visible door, windows or.. more importantly exits. Arkail calmed his mind and checked himself for any signs of torture or damage. There was none apart from a fel damned headache he was fine, his head felt like a boar had shat in it and rolled around for a while.The thought of excrement didnt help his nausea. He shook his head clear. He smirked and thought at the very least he had been imprisoned in worse places. Arkail set about trying to remember what had led him on  this merry jaunt to the cleft step by step again. But it all became void as he read the plaque. Magic had to have been involved...shadow magics those that affect the mind. It  had to be.

Arkail calmed his racing mind, he had enacted some very basic compartmentalization techniques upon his mind in the past, wards to protect his most important thoughts memories and knowledge. Some had been broken, smashed though,  yet others remained intact. Arkail was deep in his self examination, when the wall opened, revealing a bookcase behind it, Two figures walked into his light as the wall closed shut again behind them. A goblin robed carrying a stack of books so high it nearly covered him completely and slender troll female, beautiful if one was to consider such things. Hued green skin, eyes a deep purple shadows seemed to dance upon her figure clinging to places it shouldnt and swirling away from others. She nodded at the goblin and he placed his books down and began to arange them upon a table. Arkail gaze returned to the troll and he found her looking directly at him, though him almost. The silence seemed to linger for what felt like an eternity. Arkail was about to speak when she spoke first, slinking around him as she did.

“Hello Arkail Blastblade of the Red Blade. We be apologizing for your condition any dizziness will pass in time and we apologize for the we way contacted you, me assistant was to contact you directly in person but he felt to need to be clever and contact you the way he did. I surprised you came but i glad you did ya. He reads too much espionage fiction and thinks himself smart, he been discipled. I sure you have questions i be hearing them now if ya need em”

Her voice purred and almost dripped into his ears as she slinked and walked around his chair.
“I have a few no doubt ms.. sorry my dear i dont have a name for you.”
“Ah how rude of me. I be Azhuni.” she purred running her hand along top of the back of the chair
“You're an amani arent you, why perchance have you taken an interest in me" arkail inquired calmly. Her mouth curled into a smile the briefest flash of fangs.
“Very clever observation Arkail very perceptive, yes i be an amani troll now loyal to horde and to myself. I be an...independent troll.

Arkail's minded flashed to the tablet he had been translating only to find he pained him when he did as if he had been punched. Arkail let out a panged gasp of pain, and his vision went from him, it all went dark. Arkail awoke with a cough  and gasp, to find the goblin administering smelling salts under his nose.  Arkail shook his head clear and focusing to find the Azhuni hiding a smile behind the back of her hand.
“I do apologize for that Arkail” she now giggled  “You should take it easy, do be careful, now any more questions?”

“You could have asked for the information on that tablet my dear? “Arkail said calmy fighting the urge to vomit again.
She chuckled again now stationary in front of him hands resting upon her hips
“That would have been no fun, and i needed to know you were telling the true i do apologize for the violation, but i know now its not your first.” she smirked and licked a tusk with her tongue

"I know a lot about you now Arkail Blastblade of the red blade, but do not worry i care little that tribe or any of those secrets you've warded off. I took only what i needed and maybe a  bit to sate my curiosity about you. An interesting life you've led, for one that likes the quiet of a library and what happened to you those camps my my my monstrous, you were just a child. do your tribe know what happened to you there i wonder?”

“No, they do not and i doubt they care, many a sad tale around the fire has been shared and mine is no worse nor no better”
Arkail replied calmy, but vexed inside it took all his energy to keep his voice from hissing remain its calm netural self.

"Now, now i didnt mean to offend, i perhaps delved a little too deeply, i get carried away.. i always did love a good story."

“Hence the bookshop?” arkail retorted. Azhuni laughed yes, “yes hence the bookshop”
Azhuni returned to her pacing around the chair. The goblin continued to sort and file the books now muttering something to himself

Azhuni darted a glare and without a audible word. He goblin screamed, gripping its head and the table for support.
“ I am sorry misstreessss it stuttered i only asked when your getting to your point” He screamed a soundless scream and went limp.
Azhuni let her hand run down the chair as she walked in front of arkail and undid the restraints.
"I am sorry for that, good help is so hard to find, do not worry he will awake soon and perhaps know his place. Those restraints were merely there so you wouldnt injure yourself, but my assistant is right. To business”

Arkail rubbed his wrists and stood up, wobbling slightly he re-did his sleeve buttons and adjusted his coat.
“Indeed what business do we have, if your shadow games have finished?” he inquired popping a monocle out of a pocket and into his eye.

“Oh we have much to discuss, do not worry about that tablet it is on its way to me as we speak. She hummed a song under her breath. I always did have a weakness for tales about Halazzi. This could be the start of an interesting relationship Arkail” The wall opened and she walked leading  arkail though the opening wall into the bookshop.


A meeting in shadow Part 3

They had chatted awhile in the shop, discussing things as if none of the past events had previously happened. A drunk Tauren  had wanderedinto the shop, as was staring blankly at a bookshelf, lost and seemingly looking for  food. Graciously azhuni let him browse before he figured there must be food somewhere else. Azhuni smiled to herself stopping mid conversation  as she spoke about arkail's book on the properties and uses for Hydra venom in a urban environment.

“To business yes? “She purred Her eyes seemed to sparkle like gems, pupils widening as if excited.

“Indeed if we could i really ought to get back”  Arkail calmly spoke in a monotone manner. He was not best pleased by today's events, but business is business he thought.

“Are you aware of Burning Blade? lets just say they have a tome i wish to aquire and are being most unreasonable”

“ I am indeed” arkail said now polishing his monocle in a handkerchief. “Warlocks and ner'do'wells the lot of them, but they have there uses. They keep to themselves and the local harpie and gnoll populations down”

“Ya everything has a use one simply has to find it dont ya think?” Azhuni retorted a flashing Arkail a fanged grin

What are they being unreasonable about then price, the tome itself

“The price, i have lost four assistants already to them everytime i send them to negotiate terms, i receive entrails back. This will not do, I need you and your skillset to recover this Tome. Payment will be an exact dupilcate of this tome. It will be identical and you're free to check it. I need you to either negotiate terms for it acquisition or force-ably take it.” her eyes unblinking and burned almost a
hole though Arkail as she spoke.

“I am not much of a people person, negotiation is not really my thing unless i am dealing with the simple minded. The burning blade are anything but. So it shall be by force. What is this tome that i am aqiureing, nothing to dangerous i do hope.”

“A  tome of curses and shadow. They will have it stored in there library, or what passes for a library in those caves of theres it should be in an side chamber and not to well guarded. You might want to knock the rust of those demonogical defence wards you learned long ago hmm? in your training with Duskstalker?” She smiled

Arkail remained unphased “Quite”

So  it is agreed then, I knew dealing with someone of my own equal standing and love for knowledge could be counted on. Her hands ran along the counter as she moved behind it, her gaze fixed on Arkail

“I have seen your work and it is most impressive azhuni i am far from your equal in terms of magical knowledge. I lack the creatively and but a mere ogre swinging a club when it comes to magic.” arkail followed her as she moved, so that he was standing infront of the counter

“You lie, even to yourself so often i do think you believe that Mr Blastblade, perhaps we can change that?” She picked up a book from underneath the counter flicking it open.

The tome will be yours give me some time to set up, plan and scout. An exact copy?

Azhuni smiled “An exact copy” She flicked though the book, till a single rough hewn piece of parchment slid out, she foled it and handed it to Arkail “ The map of the cave system” Save you some time ya?”

“Indeed” arkail examined the map before with a flick of his fingers and slight of hand it disappeared  into a pocket. Just as he did a forsaken walked in, browsing briefly before walking up to the counter

Without missing a beat she talked to arkail about getting a copy of a study of herbalism for him within the week, Arkail smirked and thanked her and headed back to razorhill inn to plan. He would need some help from his tribe in getting this tome.


A meeting in shadow  Part 4

Arkail bandaged his eye socket, he had taken the loss of his eye well, he felt no real sense of loss over his eye. The thought that it didn't bother him nagged at his mind more. He took it as a trade, part of his job. In the cave with Siyah'gosh, he showed anger, an emotion he rarely showed if he showed any emotion at all beyond amusement. He forgave himself this momentary lapse. Siyah'gosh had only injured him and no one else beyond some bruising of the body and more than likely ego to Nosh'marak.  Arkail had tried to talk down Siyah'gosh before striking, that was a mistake. One he swore not to make again, he grown too fond of siyah and his antics. When he became a gul'thauk he swore a slient oath to himself to forsake all possible friendships any relationships. He had seen what chaos those relationships had accomplished . Oaths broken and lives lost, Orcs distracted causing harm to the tribe and themselves. Even the Chiefitan was not above such things. following Sinami around like a pup and wagging his tail at any appearance by her. No, not for him any relationships he cultivated would be purely do his job, tribe members strengths and weaknesses, histories, friendships to be silently recorded, knowledge to used if ever needed.

He had became somewhat close to a few of his fellow gul'thauks in the tribe and each had their uses and problems. Makaroth's dealings and issues with magic and possible manipulation due to his addiction. As well Gashuk's re-immersion into fel magics and how that was though usefull a one ticket to death and betrayal. With Vanara's emotional weakness and distressed emotional states, no doubt only going to cause harm. Though he liked them all, watching them he couldnt help but seem them  more and more as objects, to be used and thrown away once spent or destroyed if they threatened the tribe. He wondered if they saw him the same?

Over the last few years he had gone from a simple scribe caring only for his books and his own writings and quest for knowledge, to a orc of some small level of responsibility in the tribe if often mocked for a lack of battle sense or use within the tribe. But his spell crafting had improved also with every battle, every conflict he had slowly became better even forcing himself to hide it at times relying on his sword, which he found to no surprise he was no swordsman.

The displacement magic came easy to him now, with each and every use, his nightly meditations in his ward magic nourished him calmed him from the rush of conflict and magic use. He could almost feel the magic now behind his eyes under his skin. He delved deeper and deeper in books and tomes now not of history and geography but purely of Arcane sciences.

He finished the bandage, rubbing it examining his face in the back of his silver pocket watch. He drew a ward upon the ground in charcoal around him and sat in its centre.  He opened the book, he was studying. A book on runic sciences and tattooing. When a shooting sensation shot into his mind like a iron spike. Arkail fell back reeling wafting his hands wildly to grab a hold of something anything as he fell. The ward faded and it all went dark...

Arkail's eyes fluttered open, he bit down he urge to vomit. A small robed goblin loomed over him.
“Sorry Bub remember me?”
The goblin smiled a large silver captoothed grin. It was the Goblin from the amani shadow user's bookshop, last he saw him he was unconscious slumped over a desk.

"Grmm i remember you, speak your business, I would prefer it if you didnt strike me again."
The goblin laughed a relived laugh.
“That wasnt from me that was from my mistress Azhuni, she grows tired of waiting for the book you promised and here you are in Gadgetzan sitting pretty meditating. Gee what happened to your face bub? “
The goblin cocked his head looking at Arkail's face.

“None of your concern. The book will be retrieved, however as was established when i took the work on the book is secondary to my role within my tribe. she will get her book. And tell her the next time to send you with a body guard”

The goblin snapped a reply

"Wait bub i dont like her either i just work here i...."

With that Arkail stood up in a single motion the ward under his feet sparking back to life, with a swift series of actions with his hands and fingers and word mumbled under his breath, Arkail let out a bolt of blue purple arcane energy striking the goblin unaware sending him flying back out of his tent and skidding across the sand of Gadgetzan. The goblin yelped and howled curses and pleas as he got up clutching his burnt chest, fleeing into the night.

Arkail snorted sat down and returned to his reading..

“Dark lady preserve me from the rudeness of Goblins” He muttered in Gutterspeak


Loving the looks of these! <3
"Dogs obey and whimper, wolves carve their own path with a roar! Let the Alliance hear your cries for battle! Rrosh'ka Valokh! For the Blood!"