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October 06, 2024, 03:24:51 PM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Makaroth Bloodaxe

Started by Azolg, February 28, 2016, 12:41:32 PM

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Name: Makaroth Bloodaxe
Alias: "Fel-marked."
Rank: Gul'thuak

Age: 44
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Clan: Not known to him, but Bleeding Hollow.
Class: Warrior
Alignment: Chaotic Good


  • No actual "Real" family members alive.
  • Vanara Ashveil (Mate)
  • Rhonya Steelheart (Blood-Sister by Oath)
  • Kogra Windwatcher (Blood-Sister by Oath)

Known Friends: Rogkar (Irontusks), Blitz, Tamrah, Hrakk, Serguis (Deceased)
Known Enemies: Kaagran.

Time has not been kind to Makaroth over the years. Age has shown great wear and tear on his face and body with wrinkles and age lines popping up all across it; most likely a combination of age and fel-usage.  Yet despite all this he looks stronger and healthier than when he first joined the Tribe, having moved on from the Fel usage of his past. A somewhat muscled and lithe body instead of a true hulking berserker, it's evident that daily workouts are an important part of his routine.

Half of his right ear is missing, bitten off by the warlock Kaagran. Yet the most striking feature of his face is the missing left eye and clawed up empty socket that remains, a tale there to tell for sure. The claw scars travel from the top of his forehead all the down to just above his mouth; not neat nor impressive but a clawed up ugly mess. Completely bald his head shows several nicks and scrapes across it from years of fighting yet his beard still grows thickly and has yet to turn grey; although it's a shaggy mess and clear he cuts it with little care with a knife. The final important feature to note is the tattoo on his right thigh; a snaking matt black tribalish design that wraps around his entire leg. The actual meaning of said tattoo isn't really known, as none have bothered to ask to date; of course this can only be seen when naked, but Makaroth spends a lot of time naked during Tribe downtime.

Moving onto his armour and weaponry it's clear it's crafted care, skill and expertise. Not by his own hand however yet once again nobody knows just how he paid for such an expensive set of armour, or who even crafted it for him; as no orc has ever asked when he rocked up in the set. The red metal blends with the wrought iron deceoration and the blades upon his shoulderguards add yet another offensive outlet. The armour is finished off nicely with a helmet that matches the colour scheme of his entire attire, along with a bladed top. The visor is thin, but allows a good field of vision when fighting, which brings us to weaponry. The axe at his belt is another well-crafted weapon although it's difficult to identify what metal it's made of unless you got a good look at it. Orcish in design and adornments the most interesting and important thing about the weapon is whenever he holds the handle; the cutting edge of the blade heats up somewhat. An enchantment certainly; but who could have done such a thing?

At first meeting Makaroth comes across as a positive and friendly Orc, sociable and with a well versed tongue that often slips out wit and charm. Of course while a lot of this is a want to be that way, some of it certainly is a face he slaps on to ensure his position in the Tribe remains the same; held with a degree of respect. Deep down he is frustrated at a lot of things that have happened. Even after quitting Fel magic the withdrawal affects him deeply and the struggle is still real for Makaroth. A constant need and want to be useful to the Tribe lives deep within him, which also backs up this "Face" that is slapped on from time to time.

Yet it is not entirely an act, as he does hold passion within his heart for those who need help and care. Ever the pacifist and diplomat he has a strong view on peace in our time in regards to the Alliance and other conflicts. He'd rather talk a difference out than take a life if possible as he realizes all lives are worth something, all lives can be changed if given enough motivation. This however does not make him a soft heart; and it's clear he knows when the time for words has to end.

Post-Tribe History:
Separated this into Pre-Tribe and Post-Tribe History (Pre-Tribe below, because it was simply -too- big.

Things you may know about this character:

  • Practiced Fel magic for the better part of thirty years.
  • Previously had a mate called "Khalrah" whom he adored completely, until her untimely death in the Siege of Orgrimmar. They'd been together for the better part of ten years.
  • During the Siege of Ogrimmar, became close friends with a Draenei named Serguis, whom he recently had to kill after Serguis turned to Fel-magic.
  • Is an expert knitter. Seriously, he's the boss.
  • When giving up Fel magic; the Spirits granted him a boon in healing his heart and lungs that had become so damage by Fel corruption over time he was close to death. With such boons come a bargain, and in return for that act he is forbidden from using any form of magic ever again, lest the Spirits claim his life.

Things you may not know about this character:

  • Makaroth is a compulsive, yet extraordinarily good, liar.
  • He isn't actually that much in love with Vanara. Sure he likes her and knows she is caring, but he regrets taking his oath so quickly out of haste as he thinks she is utterly idiotic, stupid and has pretty much no intelligence whatsoever. He accepts his position and sticks to his word; simply acting now that he cares deeply while his only interests are the amount of porking Vanara puts out and the cub she carries.
  • He secretly wishes he'd never given up Fel magic; even going so far as to research ways to escape the bargain he made with the Spirits.
  • Skilled at tattooing; yet has only ever performed one session for the Tribe, which was the runic tattoo on Rhonyas back. The whole process took two sittings and about three hours.
  • Quietly has a secret lust for Kogra and Rhonya, ironically whom he has made his sisters by oath. Hey, he's a pervert.
  • Slept with a Blood Elf during Hallows End, while he and Vanara were courting. To this day, no other living person knows about this.
  • Doug will return.

Memorable Quotes:
"Doug keeps me safe."


Pre-Tribe History.

The Old Horde
Cheering at the success of a particularly dark ritual.

Makaroth's Childhood is described as difficult as best, horrendous at worst. Found as a lost cub he was taken in by a pair of Orcs who devoutly followed Gul'dan's dark arts; both being practitioners themselves. A deepest hatred for Draenei meant they were constantly looking for ways and opportunities to corrupt and raise the child Makaroth, ensuring he would be ready when his time came of age. All throughout his youth he watched as his "Parents" cast dark and dangerous magics and dabbled in arts even he knew then were terribly so wrong. The entire family lived as outcasts, never any sense of community nor friendship. As a result when Makaroth grew older his mind began to accept that these dark arts were a normal part of life, a life that he had been born into, or so he believed. By the time Gul'dan arrived to offer the demonblood to the various clans and Orcs; Makaroth was completely converted to such ideals. His "Parents" had done their work at preparing their son to accept this gift and at the age of thirteen winters Makaroth accepted the dark arts into his life once and for all, drinking deeply from the Cup of Unity and taking his first and complete step to becoming a warlock.

The acts he did in Gul'dans and the Old Horde's name after that were so horrific he refuses to speak of them until this day. Among the various battle's and raiding parties he took a great enjoyment in being a part of he butchered many Draenei children during that time; just like many orcs did all those years ago. The cries of the innocents haunt him until this day and his mind is never truly free of the memory. It was during these dark times he met the warlock named Kaagran; an even more psychotic, lunatic and crazed warlock than himself. She had become obsessed with Makaroth's power, guile and wit and wished nothing more than to give herself over to him completely; smitten entirely by love and lust. They shared many dark rituals together to bind their bodies both in lust and power, each giving the other what they needed magically and sexually. Kaagran was by Makaroth's side as the Horde charged through the Dark Portal to engage in the First War, and the pair fought brutally and cruelly during the conflict; both there until the Fall of Stormwind. However it was during the Fall that Makaroth finally seemed to become aware of the situation he'd found himself in and the Orc he'd become. Watching Kaagran torture and kill innocents he soon found himself horrified that the Orc he'd lusted for in such mindless insanity was a creature possible of doing that. He ran, ran as far as he could. Away from all the conflict and holed up high in the hills of Duskwood. It was there he spent many weeks reflecting and mourning on the atrocities he'd helped become a part of.

Second War
Preparing to leave "Home".

Soon however, the drums of war beat again; with the rumors of the Alliance offensive ready to strike back at the Old Horde Makaroth knew that he had to rejoin the fray, lest he be found eventually in these hills. He didn't -want- to rejoin the fray but he had a power that he couldn't deny lending to the fight and even his shame wouldn't allow him to escape the fear of dying. So he made his way and found the armies of the Horde again; lending his arm as a warlock once more. The battles were fierce and frighting with Makaroth participating in many a skirmish. Not long after rejoining he found his old flame Kaagran once more; having come to believe he was dead she was obviously overjoyed to learn of his well-being. Unable to convince her that he'd moved on and recovered from his insanity he stood side by side once more with her, much to his dismay.

The war raged and the skirmishes went back and forth. Makaroth burned and killed many Alliance soldiers and while he hated doing so, he honored their corpses any way he could without drawing attention to himself. However once the war started turning in favor of the Alliance, what with Doomhammer retreating to chase down Gul'dan the battle quickly swayed against the Horde forces. In the sense of self-preservation Makaroth fled the northern fighting point of Lordaeron where the Alliance forces were decimating the Orcs who had no clear way to fight without their leader. He abandoned Kaagran and every Orc he'd ever considered a friend and fled into the wilds, finding himself a place deep within the Highlands (Which would eventually become known as the Twilight Highlands.) Here he reflected on what he'd become and tried to think of how best to change himself to become better. He'd heard whispers the Orcs were in internment camps now, yet his life of solitude may well have been the same thing. For many years he endured this way of life, desperately trying to figure out a way to free his Orc brothers and sisters in chains.

((Saving what i've done for now as my comp is prone to RANDOMLY FREEZING. So updating this bit piece by piece! ))