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September 29, 2024, 02:06:51 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Bad Gugu

Started by Gridish, April 28, 2014, 11:23:42 PM

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A bright flash can be seen in the woods during the late afternoon.
" Gridish, Why are you tiring yourself out when you have a tournament to attend to in a couple of hours?"
Gridish freezes the last standing trainingdummy, then shatters it to pieces with a frostbolt.
" Lofty, I'm not tirin myself out... This is warmup. Ye can't enter a tournament without a proper warmin up."
Gridish reaches for his flask and takes a drink of water while he looks at the once called dummies.
Gridish puts his flask away and grins at the sight of the destroyed training dummies.
He mutters lowly to himself "This tournament should be mine." He grabs to the cart, and drags out a couple more training dummies.
He sets them up in a standard pattern and unsheathes his sword. " Alright Gridish, these are the last set of training dummies we have brought with us.. Make this round count."
Gridish grins to Lofty's comment and executes a sequence of spells, obliderating the training dummies one by one.
Gridish sheathes his sword again and turns to the position he started in. By that time he notices he has visitors.

A small group of trolls have gathered, however they don't seem to be paying any attention to Gridish. Instead they are fully focussed on Lofty.
One of the trolls stands ahead of the others in the group, poking with a stick in Lofty's direction.
" OI! DON'T POKE THAT STICK AT ME YOU BARBARIANS!" As Lofty shouts the trolls jump back. Lofty giggles as they jump back.
" I thought so... Don't poke me with a stick you stupid beings." Gridish slowly approaches the group with his hand resting on the hilt of his blade.
" Somethin ye trolls need...?" The trolls quickly shift their gaze towards Gridish. The troll armed with the stick takes a couple steps foward.
He stares at Gridish, slowly turns his gaze towards Lofty while pointing with his entire hand towards the floating tome. The troll then returns his gaze towards Gridish while slowly retracting his arm to himself.
Gridish raises an eyebrow while staring the troll down " Ye want the book..?" The troll nods, quickly followed by the rest of the group behind him, all nodding.
Gridish shakes his head " No.. Ye can't have the book.. He's mine." The leading troll points once again towards Lofty and hisses towards Gridish " Evil... Mon."
Lofty quickly floats towards Gridish and hops into his pouch on Gridish's belt. The troll tilts his head, staring at the orc with a demanding gaze. " Book... Mon."
Gridish shakes his head once again " Ye aren't gettin the book. Now back off. We're do-"  A hard object hits Gridish in the back of his head with high speed and his sight goes dark.
A few moments after the impact, Gridish blinks slowly. His gaze is blury. After the first blink he can see the trolls tieing Lofty to a stick.
After the second time he blinks, the trolls have found his bag and are searching through it.
After another blink one of the trolls peers at Gridish, walks up towards him and kicks him in the face. Once again everything goes dark.

A feint female voice can be heard in a echoing manner "~Rimeweeaaveer~..... ~Mr... Rimmeeeeeeeeweeaveerrr.~" a soft pounding can be felt, but it is hard to make out how, what and where.
The feint voice becomes more clear, and the pounding does too. It's a constant pounding to the chest " Mr. Rimeweaveerrr! WAKE UP!" Gridish opens his eyes and can see Celoa bumping into his chest constantly yelling " Wake up! Don't die Mr. Rimeweaver!!"
Gridish puts his hand between Celoa and his chest to stop her from bouncing against his chest. " Oh! Mr. Rimeweaver! You are alive!!!! Oh! that wound on your head looks like it hurts! Does it hurt? Do I need to get help?"
While Celoa asks questions constantly, Gridish seems to be in his own state of mind, looking around, inspecting his surroundings.
The afternoon sunlight has changed into the late sunset of the night. His bag lays empty on the ground by a tree, and eventhough there is a yelling female voice.. something else is missing.
" DO I need to get help Mr Rimeweaver? Can you still talk?! Do you w-" Gridish points a finger towards Celoa in a motion for her to be quiet.
" Where's Lofty..?" Gridish stares at Celoa for a brief moment as both of them are silent. " Celoa... Where... Is... Lofty?" Celoa silently floats in front of Gridish's face.
Gridish raises his voice now to a state where he's yelling. "ANSWER ME. WHERE. IS. LOFTY?"
Celoa starts to shiver of fear as Gridish raises his voice. " I-I... I don't know... You were gone for a long time.. so I came looking for-... you were on the grou-... I thought you were dead!"
Gridish grunts and slowly sits upright. " Gridish! You should lay down! you might be seriously injured!" Gridish points his finger again towards Celoa in a motion for her to be quiet.
" Ye've explored these grounds while we've been here this week... right?" Celoa makes a nodding motion. " I've been attacked by a group of trolls. They took Lofty, everythin from my bag-.." Gridish looks around. " And my sword. Show me where their camp is."
Celoa silently floats in front of Gridish's face. " Celoa.. NOW!" Celoa shivers again as Gridish raises his voice and starts floating in a random direction " T-This way.."

" It's quite a ways away. The ones you are talking about are quite the bunch. They've been stealing magical artifacts from Silvermoon City -all- the time! It's a small group though.. Very small camp."
Gridish silently nods while feeling his face. There is an open wound under his left eye. The back of his head also has a wound on it, however it is already clautered.
" We almost there Celoa..?" Celoa stops for a moment and peers around " Here... No... There? Maybe...." Gridish peers at Celoa and sighs. " AH! This way Mr Rimeweaver!"
another hour goes by as the two search through the woods when all of a sudden they hear a feint annoying, high-pitched voice "Let go of me you bunch of barbarians! I'll cut you all up! I'M NOT BAD GUGU! YOU ARE!"
Gridish grabs ahold of Celoa and puts her in her book pouch on his belt " Thanks Celoa.. I'll take it from here." Gridish approaches the annoying screaming voice as it gets louder and louder. " STOP POKING MEEEEEE!!!!!"
As Gridish gets closer to the camp, he can see the light of a campfire going. Gridish looks around, then notices a small hill and decides to take the vantage point to inspect the camp.
As he inspects the camp, he can see Lofty tied to a pole, yapping and splashing around like a fish caught by a fishingrod with trolls standing around him, poking him with sticks.
Further in the camp is a pile with Gridish's items from his bag. By the campfire are 3 trolls sitting in a small circle, staring at a purple stone, hitting at it with sticks. Further there are tents made of leaves, branches and leather spread around the site.
Gridish stares at the troll camp for quite a while, trying to plot an extraction plan. After a while, Gridish is satisfied with the plan he's thought up of, and moves down towards the camp. On his way to the camp, he frosts up a layer of trees closest to the camp.
After the frosting process, Gridish approaches the camp on the side of the tents, and approaches the tent near the pile of items. Gridish slowly puts his stuff into his bag, then creeps back out towards the other side of the tent.
He then makes his way to the tent closest to Lofty and gets close to the ground. He turns his gaze to the group of tents he just passed, and sends a small fireball flying towards that way. The fire hits one of the tents.
The fire slowly starts to spread on the one tent, then slowly continues to spread thru ought the group of tents. The fire starts raging through the camp. The trolls all look up towards the tents and start running in panic.
The trolls guarding Lofty drop their sticks and head towards the flaming tents. While They drop their guard, Gridish runs towards Lofty and cuts the rope with one of his daggers, grabs a hold of Lofty and puts him in his pouch.
Gridish looks towards the campfire of the trolls, where three of them were gathered with the purple stone. Now, only a purple stone can be found. Gridish runs towards it, grabs a hold of it and leaves the camp.

As Gridish runs from the camp, absolute panic can be heard, as well as the flickering of the light of fire can be seen, coming from the camp. Gridish lets out a deep sigh, then lets Lofty out from his pouch.
Lofty pops out and floats in front of Gridish's face. " About time you came to rescue me! Jeez! It's almost morning! Just look at the sky! I CAN SEE DAYLIGHT STARTING TO FILL THE SKY! By the way.. you look horrible!"
Gridish lets out a humored snort and walks on " I could've also let them burn ye... yet I didn't!" Lofty makes a sighing noise. " I guess.. Thanks Gridish..."
Gridish lets out another humored snort " Well, we have quite a way to go Lofty. So shut up or get in yer pouch.. My head is killin me."
Gridish continues navigating through the woods while Lofty silently floats after him as the sunlight can be seen coming from the horizon.
Gridish Rimeweaver


Gridish should be arrested for Celoa abuse.

Good story!