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Demonic blood.

Started by Greggar, January 21, 2008, 10:06:11 PM

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((Warning: This story is a wall of text! If you don't have enough resistance for it..You better start collecting it or you won't get far. ))

The night was silent..Not even a single wolf that cried in the night..
I felt uneasy..There was something about the sky..Something..Sad..And chaotic..I don’t know really..

It was time for me to go and get some food for tomorrow,as at night things are much easier to steal than at daylight..Too bad I didn’t noticed that sooner..

I took my black cape and dagger,just for in case..Left the abondened hut where I stayed for some time,hidden in a thick forest. It’s not really the best hut you can imagen..Holes in the roof and walls..A hard and cold floor..But atleast it offered some protection against the power of the weather..

I was sneaking around for half an hour now, Luckely I know how to recognize the landscape,even when I’ve only been there for a few times. I saw smoke and red light at the edge of the forest. I climbed on the hills that were located a bit more to the east,overlooking a village and couldn’t believe my eyes..The entire village was on flames! I started to run towards the burning orc village and looked around for survivors. Strangely enough there was nobody there. Not even a dead body..I kept looking around for what may have caused this fire..Untill suddenly..An axe..A huge orcish waraxe..Stuck in the statue of an orc chief,probably the chief of this village. I did heard rumours about clans starting to fight eachother somehow..But never actually believed it would happen.

I followed the track of a group of orcs that left the village..Perhaps it were the raiders..Perhaps it were the villagers. I couldn’t see it well. I followed the track for three hours..It was almost going to be light again..And I still didn’t got any food..My stomach started to make alot of noise and I tried not to think about food..How hard it was not to think about it.

Finally I saw a small light. A light of a campfire. I carefully approached the camp and hid myself between some rock near the camp. When I peered through the rocks and took a better look at the camp..I immediatly held my breath and made myself smaller so I was less recognizable.

The camp..It..It’s filled with orc corpses except for big red orc bulks that are roaring..laughing and even destroying everything that was still capable of being destroyed.
How..How could they do such thing? Those aren’t orcs anymore..But Savages..Monsters that only drink blood to feed themselfs..

There I sat..Hidden between the rocks..Not daring to move because else they might notice me and perhaps even kill me..Sweat was starting to run over my body..And soon will fill the air with my smell..I..I had to get out of there..But how..I quickly looked around and noticed they kept a sealed box safely near them. I shaked my head and slowly moved out the rocks,stood up and as I turned my head..I got the feeling I was in real danger somehow.. I nervously looked around but didn’t saw anything..As relieved as I was I tried to make my way out of there but noticed something strange..The camp was empty.. I started to get nervous and scared again as sweat dropped from my chin on the ground.  Suddenly I felt something warm in my neck..I shivered a bit and quickly looked behind me.

A...A..A huge boar of a red orc stood right behind me!! Breathing in my neck! His eyes looking at me..Dark..Red..And a green tint of light shining off his eyes. As he grinned..Drool and blood dripped from his mouth and swinged a huge axe towards me! I suddenly felt the adrenaline flowing in my veins and quickly dodged the axe and made a run for it.

The battle cry of that orc made my bones chill and my body shiver..I kept running towards the forest untill..The ground..Shaking..As an entire horde of those red orcs ran towards me!
I..I had to get out of there!! Now! I turned around and started to run towards the lonely Boar orc I faced earlier..Took some dust out of my bag and thruw it in his eyes.
The orc started to yell and make alot of noise as he was blinded. Now I was running towards the camp but fell over a corpse and landed on the sealed box they kept so safe earlier. And in a moment they already surrounded me. I started to sweat alot and saw death already reaching for me. As a swing of a waraxe came towards me..I quickly took the box and made a last desperate attempt for defence..

I closed my eyes and waited for the worse..But..Nothing happened..How?
I opened my eyes..Looked around and noticed the orcs didn’t dare to damage that box I carried.
There I saw my chance. I took my dagger and threatened the horde of red orcs that I will destroy the box if they came any closer. It worked..It seems this box was too important to them as they even don’t risk to attack me. I slowly walked back and moved the box from left to right to see if they actually kept an eye on the box.
The dark red eyes of those orcs were indeed following that box.
Perhaps..Yes that may work. I grinned and started to swing with the box. The horde started to make alot of noise and roared angrily at me. I kept on swinging and quickly thruw the box as hard as I can over the orcs and made a run for it. It worked..They rather follow that box instead of chasing me. As the sound of glasses breaking and hitting something in the distance..I managed to hide in the forest again. Finally..a moment to breathe..
Breathe..Breathe? That is the only thing I heard..My own breath..
I didn’t trust that silence..I looked around nervously and...  *crack* What was that?! There I stood..against a tree..frozen..My eyes watching the area around me. My clothes were wet..Wet of sweat..The air around me was filled with my smell..
I quickly looked behind me and noticed it was that boar of an orc I blinded. He was carrying a bottle containing some red liquid with a dark green shine.
Then suddenly he collapsed. And didn’t moved since then. I approached the red orc and noticed he died from wounds...Perhaps that horde blamed him and left him to die here.
I noticed he had some boar meat with him and eagerly took the meat from him. I ripped the boar meat of his flesh and finished it before I even knuw it.. Now my throat felt like I haven’t drunk for two days..Out of desperation I took that bottle..Hesitated and eventually drank from it.

First I felt great..Refreshed..Untill suddenly..I heard my hearth knocking..*boom.....boom.....boom..* Faster..and faster.. It was getting warmer..Argh..The heat..My clothes were soaped with sweat and I couldn’t stand the heat anymore..I took out my shirt and noticed my chest was flame red..I started to panick and examined my body for other strange effects. My arms..Hurting..The veins appearing on the surface.. My head..It feels like an hammer had hit my skull and almost cracked it. I dropped the bottle as I almost passed out and it breaks on the ground..Leaving a huge pool,big enough to see my reflection. I bended over and took a closer look at it.Since when are my eyes darker? Then..A burning sound came from the liquid on the ground..*psshhhh...* Plants and grass drying around the pool..My sight was getting..Cloudy..Unclear..I started to lose my consiousness and looked at my hands. Red..My..my hands are red..A moment later I passed out.
Because orcs are green..Doesn't mean they can do photosynthesis..Or can they?


(( Started off slow, but really caught my attention later on. ;) Nice work!

Does this mean we're rid of Greggar? ;o ))
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


(( no xD this is the time he gets in contact with the corruption that made them felorcs ;) that's quite some years ago :p ))
Because orcs are green..Doesn't mean they can do photosynthesis..Or can they?


(( Aww, too- Ah, I see. Good. He doesn't look all that hothea- I mean red to me though. ;> ))
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade